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This request is from  Not_My_Divison1391 i hope you like it!

Your Pov

Killing is such a lovely feeling. Just watching the life leaving someones eyes. Watching them gurgle on their own blood. Pleading to live. Ugh such a lovely feeling!

Mummy dearest would roll in her grave if she saw me do what i do. Oh well, I never liked her anyway.

Daddy dearest. Well, I look forward for the day I watch his damned soul leave his body.

My brother on the other hand?  Well, I haven't spoken to him for years. Jim Moriarty is too obsessed with Sherlock Holmes these days.

At this moment I was in a factory standing in front of someone that I tied to a chair. We was on a high platform and underneath the platform was harmful chemicals bound to ruin his life if he fell. If I don't kill him first. (Kinda like the Joker and Harley Quinn)

"Now, are you going to tell me the truth? Or do I have to hurt you some more." I said to the guy I needed information on.

"M-my men are on their way, A-and they'll kill y-you when t-they arrive."

"We will see about that."

As I said that the main doors flew open.

Men in black uniform carrying guns come in. They then surrounded me. I smirked.

"You want to play? Well then. Lets play."

One man walked towards me. Once he got closer I kicked his gun out of his hands and followed it with an elbow to his face knocking him out. With the gun in my hands I started shooting the remainder of men left. They started shooting me as well, I just about managed to dodge them. As I shot the last man, the first one I knocked out woke up and shot me in the leg. I fell in pain. I retaliated my stabbing him in the head with my combat knife I always kept in my boot.

I looked at the man i had tied to the chair. I pulled the knife out the mans head.

"Any last words?"

"I'll see you in hell."

"Oh, honey I'm already in Hell."

I threw the knife and it landed in his throat. He started to choke. I looked around me and I seen the bodies of all the men i killed.

I laughed. "how pathetic."

Suddenly, the doors burst open yet again.

But this time the police burst in. Probably from all the gunshots.

"Well, as much as I'd live to stay and chat, but I've got important things to do."

"Stop or i'll shoot." A deep voice said.

"Go ahead, its not like I haven't been shot before."

"Drop your weapons."

"Fine. I ain't going to stay long in custody anyway"

I placed my weapons down.

Pain shot through my legs. Oh that's right i got shot. Got to hate when adrenaline wears off. I fell to the floor in pain.

The police didn't know what to do.


One of the police talked into his walkie talkie requesting an ambulance.

That's when my vision fades to black.


Ugh. I go to rub my eyes. When I felt a tug at my arms. My eyes shot open.

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