When you are stressed.

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Sherlock Holmes...

You go on a shopping spree. It helps you calm down from what had made you stressed. When you come home with loads of shopping Sherlock immediately knows something us wrong because you don't like shopping alone

John Watson...

You speak fast so no one can understand what your saying. John knows something is wrong when you speak fast so he makes you some lemon tea because he knows it always helps.

Mycroft Holmes...

You stress bake. You bake so much that you have a counter full of baked goods so you usually give some to your neighbours cause you bake so much. It also does not help his diet but he knows something is wrong and he wraps his arms around you and holds you against his chest and kisses your head.

Greg Lestrade.

You go on more dangerous cases and Greg hates it because he worries you'll get hurt. When you get home he cuddles you until you feel fine.

James Moriarty.

You isolate yourself from everyone you lock yourself in your flat and wont let anyone in. Luckily James has his own key so he lets himself in and makes you a lovely dinner and takes you on a long midnight walk.

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