Greg Lestrade.

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This is a request for The_Lonely_Blue hope you like it!!
This isn't going to be as long as my imagines usually are. But I hope you like it nonetheless.
Requests are open!


You sat there in front of the three positive tests, in happiness and yet horror. What were you supposed to do? You hadn't even told anyone you was in a relationship, let alone pregnant.
How was your boyfriend going to react? Would he leave you and the baby? Are you even going to keep the baby? You quickly brushed that thought off. Of course you were going to keep it. You were going to love them and care for them forever, as a single mother or not. Nothing was going to stop you from having this baby. Tears left your eyes in panic. What were you going to do?

You hid the test in a box underneath your bathroom sink and quickly changed into some clothes and left your flat. Your years didn't stop. You didn't know what to do. You called a taxi and hopped in asking to go to Baker Street.
On the way to Baker Street the cabbie kept giving you sorrowful glances in the rear view mirror. Once arriving at 221B you payed the cabbie and knocked the door hastily. Mrs Hudson opening the door and quickly ushering you in. You went up the stairs quickly. And burst into the flat. Sherlock looked up startled at the noise. His eyes widening in shock seeing your state.
"Sherlock." Whimpered crying even more.
Sherlock shot up from his seat and quickly walked towards you. He gently pulled you into his arms.
"Y/n what's wrong? Do we need to call Mycroft?" He asked gently pulling you down onto the sofa.
"No." You cried. "I don't know what to do!"
Sherlock hushed you whilst gently rocking you in his arms.
"I'm pregnant." You said.
"What? Who's is it?"
"Don't be mad okay?" You asked through your tears.
"Okay. I won't."
"It's Greg's."
"Greg's..?" He asked confused.
"What!" He said yelling. "Why?"
"We've been dating about a year. I didn't want to tell you cause I was scared."
"I'm gonna kill the bastard." Sherlock said bounding out the flat.
"Oh dear." You whispered chasing after him. As you got out the flat you seen Sherlock in a taxi, pull off the road.
You hailed another taxi and demanded that it followed the taxi Sherlock was in.
You pulled out your phone and called Mycroft.
"Sister dear, what do I owe the pleasure?" Mycroft said answering.
"Mycroft you got to help me." You said.
"Dear? Is everything okay? Are you hurt?" He asked worries.
"Well no. Long story short I'm pregnant with Greg's baby and Sherlocks about to kill him."
"Your pregnant?"
"Yes. Not so important at the moment. Sherlocks about to kill Greg about it and Greg doesn't even know yet please help me."
"Of course. After I help I have loads of questions that need to be answered."
"Deal. Get to Sherlock as quickly as you can. I'll talk to you later. Love you Mykie." You said hanging up.
As you got to your destination, which was Scotland Yard. You payed and tipped the driver and ran into the station.
You walked briskly towards Greg's office, where you heard two men squabbling.
You opened Greg's office door to see Greg in a headlock.
"Sherlock! Let him go!"
"He got you pregnant!"
"Yes! And he didn't even know till your big mouth told him."
"Then why we're you crying."
"Cause I was scared Sherlock. I don't know a thing about being a mom. I was scared that you and Mycroft would see me as some disappointment who let the family down by falling in love. Now let Greg go." You said angrily.
Sherlock let Greg go grumpily. Greg then flattened his hair and cleared his voice before walking to you.
He placed both hands on your cheeks and looked at you in utter joy and love.
"Is it true? Are you pregnant?" He asked.
You nodded. "Yeah. Four positive tests."
Greg's eyes filled with tears. He touched your forehead with his.
"Are you happy about this?" You asked.
"Of course I am. I couldn't be more happier. I love you so much Y/n. And I love the baby as much too."
"You both love each other don't you?" Sherlock piped up.
"Yeah." You and Greg said.
"Good. I'm glad." Mycroft said from behind you both.
"Mykie." You said rushing into his arms.
"Hello sister dear."
"Hi Mycroft." Greg said.
"Mycroft. What the hell you doing here?" Sherlock asked.
"Well sister dear called me about your potential murder to Detective Lestrade and explained to me what happened."
Sherlock groaned and rolled his eyes.
"Are you both happy?" Mycroft asked.
"Yes very." Greg said you nodding in agreement.
"About the baby too?" Mycroft followed asking.
"Yeah. We are." Greg said once again pulling you into his arms.
"I love you so much Y/n. Will you move in with me?" He asked.
Your eyes widened.
"Of course. I want to be close to you and our baby. I was going to ask you soon either way."
"Of course I will. I love you a hell of a lot Greg."
You both teary eyed in each other's embrace.
"Well. He might not be top of the list of who we think should date out sister. But what matters most is that they love each other." Mycroft said standing next to Sherlock.
"We still going to threaten him later?" Sherlock asked.
"Oh yeah. Course we are."
Sherlock fist bumped the air.
"But for now Sherlock. We give them privacy."
"What? Can't we threaten him now?" Sherlock whined.
"No. We won't ruin this important moment for them more so then you already have." Mycroft said dragging Sherlock out, ignoring Sherlocks protests.

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