John Watson.

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This is a request for GlamRockCrash
I hope you enjoy.
Dread filled Sherlocks chest as he looked at the paper in his hands. Moriarty left him a note, wrapped safely in a envelope. It had rested on Johns chair. Or well your chair now, since as you sat there the most. Written on the envelope was "from your favourite consulting criminal <3"
Sherlock grabbed his coat and scarf, rushing out of the flat. The consulting detective needed his lackey after all.

You and John were sat on the couch, your legs over his lap, snuggled as close to John as you made out with him. Your hands buried into his hair, his hands resting on your belly feeling the movement inside. You were pregnant. Nearly nine months, a few weeks away from your due date. John always had his hands resting on your belly as much as he could.
Suddenly, the door burst open. A sweaty and disheveled looking Sherlock stood there. Eyes wide and panting.
"Ew." He said as he seen you and John lips locked together.
"Sherlock!" John cried.
"Oh gosh I think I peed." You said getting off John and the couch.
"What?" Sherlock questioned.
"I peed. I am pregnant, the baby is pressed on my bladder, you scared the living daylight out of me. So I peed." You said leaving the room.
"Sherlock what are you doing here?" John questioned.
"Moriarty left me a note."
"It was on your chair."
"How'd he get in?"
"I don't know?"
"Ooh, Sherlock doesn't know something. That's a first." You said wobbling back into the room.
"What does it say?"
"I don't know that either. I came here as soon as."
"What's going on?" You asked worried.
"Oh. That criminal mastermind? He's interesting ain't he?"
John and Sherlock stared at you perplexed.
"What? He stole the Crown Jewels!"
"He also nearly killed us. Multiple times."
"I know he did. But you can't tell me he isn't interesting."
"She's right. He is. He's my nemesis for a reason. He's smart. Fortunately not that smart." Sherlock said.
"Read the note Sherlock." John demanded.
Sherlock opened the note, reading it aloud.
'Hello Baker Street boys,
You ready to play a game?
No? Too bad.
Here are come coordinates.
Go there at 1400 hours (2pm)
Or suffer the consequences.

~Jim Moriarty.
P.S. Bring the wife. I'm sure you'll want to keep them safe and close by. Who know what would happen to them if they're left on their own.'

"We're not bringing her." John said.
"We have too. She's in danger."
"Are you insane? We're not taking her."
"We don't have a choice."
"We can leave her with Mycroft."
"No, Mycroft isn't that smart."
"But he cares for her. He'll keep her safe."
"We have to bring her John. You can't take any risks."
"Is the baby going to be okay?" You asked resting your hands on your stomach protectively.
"Yes. I promise. You and your baby will be safe. But we have to follow his rules. He's in control. I won't put you or your baby at risk."
"Okay. Let's go then."
"Y/n you can't." John protested.
"We have too. Or else he'll harm our baby. I can't let him do that John. I won't. I'll stick with you or Sherlock. I won't go anywhere without you or him."
"Okay. I'm sorry you got stuck in this."
"It's okay. I got stuck in all the Baker Street drama when I married you."
You and John leaned in to kiss.
"No. You aren't doing that." Sherlock said putting his hand between both your faces.
"What? It's gross."
"She's my wife."
"She's not gross!"
Sherlock rolled his eyes.
"She's not gross. But what you were about to do is gross."
You laughed at Sherlocks childish antics.
"We need to go. It's nearly 2. The game is on!" Sherlock cried rushing out the room.
"I need to get changed, Jesus Christ Sherlock." You said walking further into your house. Sherlock came back and sulked on the couch as you got changed (with Johns help).
You were sitting in the front of Johns car in the passenger seat, Sherlock sulking again for being stuck in the back. You were nearly at the coordinates, only a few miles away due to being early.
John sighed.
"You can stay in the car." He said to you.
"I think I'd feel much better if I was next to you."
"There's no way I can change your mind is there?"
"Okay. Here." He said handing you something.
"A gun?"
"Yes. You know how to shoot. Keep this on you. Just in case."
"John you can't expect me to use this."
"You have too. Please."
"What about you?"
"I've got my spare."
"Jesus John how many guns do you have?"
"Thirteen." Sherlock said.
"He has thirteen. Most of them are at Baker Street cause there's a baby on the way."
"Yeah, all of his dangerous things are locked in his old room. Easy to pick. Not safe from me."
You looked at John fondly.
"I love you John."
"I love you more. Baby too."
"Well, enough of that. Time to go." Sherlock said.
You three approached the old building. It looked abandoned. The windows smashed, some covered in wooden slats.
You stood inside the entrance.
"What do we do?" You asked.
"Not sure. We wait for more instructions."
"Should we look around?"
Suddenly, crackling noise sounded around the entrance way.
"Hello there. I see you can follow instructions well." A mysterious voice echoed.
You shuffled closer to John, grasping his hand nervously.
"Well, you're here. Are you ready to play?"
"What do you want us to do?"
"Split up."
"Oh cmon Sherlock. You're too smart for this. Don't be stupid now. There's three doors. Three contestants. Split up."
You looked at John terrified.
"She stays with me." John said.
Laughter echoed over the speakers.
"Sorry Johnny boy, that's against the rules. I'm sure you can be away from your baby mama for a little while. I don't bite. Well I did bite a kid once. I'd never do it again."
"John." You said. "I'm not going to lie. I'm a bit scared. And hungry."
"It's going to be okay. If we follow his roles he won't hurt us." He said grabbing your face softly.
"Tick tock."
John kissed you softly.
"It's going to be okay."
You nodded and smiled at him softly.
"Let's do this."
You three stood in front of separate doors.
"Off you go now." Moriarty said.
All at once you all walked through your separate doors.
You followed the hall. You shivered slightly. Goosebumps covered your arms. You wrapped your cardigan tighter around your body. You arrived at a room at the end of the hallway. You walked into the room slowly. Once you were in the middle of the room the door behind you slammed closed. Terror ran through you as you heard the door lock.
You ran to the door, trying the handle, praying to whatever god was out there, that this was your mind playing tricks on you.
You banged on the door and rattled the handle.
"Help! John! Sherlock!"
"They can't hear you." Moriartys voice sounded around the room.
"Let me out!"
"Sorry but I won't. You're just a pawn in the game."
"Please." You whispered as you slid down the door, hand still clenching onto the handle.

John walked through the hallway. Whimpers were heard over the speakers.
Worry ran through John. He hoped you were okay.
The lights in the hallway suddenly went out, leaving John in the pitch black.
Frantic footsteps echoed around him. Giggles from children were heard. He continued walking forward.
Baby's cries were then heard over the speakers.
"Do you think you'll be a good father? You're burdened with the past. You hang onto your losses."
John ignored the taunts.
He reached into his pocket for his gun. He held it tightly in his hand.
"Please! Don't shoot me! I want to live!" A girls voice was heard.
He finally reached a room. The floors, walls and ceiling was bright white. Newly painted. A group of people were huddled in the corner. All dresses in white, but their faces covered in dirt.
"Please. Don't hurt us!" A little girl cried.
"No. I'm not here to hurt you."
"You're the killer the man told us about. He said you're going to hurt us."
"No. I-I won't. I don't hurt people."
"But you did. You killed people."
"They were bad people." He said.
"Who are you to determine who's good or bad?"
John fell silent.
"Please don't hurt us."
John stepped back in horror.
He put his gun back in his pocket. He stepped back and fled the room.

Sherlock walked through the hall and into a small office like room.
"Ah Sherly. Here's you task. Solve the riddle before you."
In front of Sherlock was a lone piece of paper on the desk. He approached the desk cautiously.
Written on the paper was...
'A trio is about to have an addiction.
The addition will join in about a month.
In the meantime the trio plays a game
Only two will survive or two will die.
Who's going to survive?
Who's going to die?'
Dread ran through Sherlock.
"That was easy. You're going to have one of us kill another."
"Ding ding ding. I did make it easy for you Sherlock. But the choice isn't for you. Come back to the main hall."
Riddle in hand Sherlock left to go back to the entrance of the building. John stood there distraught.
"John." Sherlock said approaching him.
"Have you seen Y/n?"
Sherlock shook his head.
"The hallway is locked."
Sherlock approached the door. Looking at how he could open it.
"Ah ah ah Sherlock. Don't be naughty now." Moriarty said.
"Where is she?" John said.
"She's with me."
"What? Don't touch her."
"Oh no. Don't worry Johnny boy. It won't be me harming anyone."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Go up the stairs. Follow the hallway."

You were looking through the tiny gaps between the wood that covered the windows. You were uncomfortable. The room smelt and the baby wouldn't stop moving.
The door unlocked and was pushed opened.
Moriarty walked in with a grin.
"So nice to finally meet you!" He said.
"What do you want from me?"
"From you? Nothing. I told you. You're a pawn."
"Why what? You need to be specific."
"Why are you doing this?"
"Why does anyone do anything?"
Another man walked In behind Jim.
"This is my first hand; Sebastian."
"Come with me."
"To where?"
"Well we need to do the next part of the game! Sebastian is only here in case you try to run off. Though you couldn't go far being pregnant and all. Tiredness is exhausting isn't it? Now come. There's no time to waste."
You followed Jim out of the room, you followed him up some stairs and into a massive room.
"Sit." He said pointing at the floor.
You complied with his demands and sat down. Sebastian tied your arms together and  tied a cloth around your mouth gagging you. Silence filled the room until you heard two frantic sets of footsteps echo towards you.
Moriarty stood behind you and gripped your shoulder tightly.
"Hello boys." Moriarty said as John and Sherlock entered.
John tried approaching you.
"Ah ah ah. Stay where you are."
John froze. His eyes stuck on your trembling form.
"Are you okay?" He asked you.
You nodded, the gag stopping you from saying anything. Not like you'd be able to form a word anyway.
"Now Johnny boy. I have some options for you. I'm sure your friend Sherlock would tell you."
All eyes fell on Sherlock.
"He wants one of us dead."
"Bingo. What else dear Sherly. What are Johnny boy's options?"
"You kill me or yourself to save Y/n and the baby."
"Or he kills her himself."
"Well not myself. I don't like to get my hands dirty. It'll be Sebastian."
Tears rolled down your face.
"No I-"
"Tell me this. Why are you so deranged that you'd harm an innocent? A baby that hasn't even been born yet."
"I'm bored."
"Boredom? That's what this is about? You are a psychopath."
"Thank you."
"I didn't mean it as a compliment."
"Who's it going to be? You or him? Or shall we make you a widower and childless?"
"No. You won't touch her."
Time seemed to have gone into slow motion. The door burst open and a group of police, armed with shields and guns entered. Moriarty grabbed you quickly dragging you backwards, out of another close by exit. John took off after you both, pulling his gun out of his pocket once again.
He stopped dead in his tracks when he seen Moriarty standing there. A gun pointing at your stomach.
"If you knew better. You'd lower your gun." Moriarty said. John did so quickly.
"Well, seems as you nearly won the game. But there will still be a loss." Moriarty clicked the safety off the gun.
You clenched your eyes tight. Tears still falling. You and your baby was going to die. You wouldn't see them take their first steps. Say their first word. Have their school dance. It was over.
A gunshot echoed through the room. You let out a loud sob.
You expected to feel pain radiate from your belly. Maybe the adrenaline stopped the pain and you can't actually feel a thing.
You opened your eyes to see Moriarty on the floor, clenching his leg. He looked towards his discarded gun and tried to grab it. John kicked it away from him.
You quickly moved behind John. Wiping your tears away.
John punched Moriarty over and over. Snapping Jim's arm over his knee, spraining the other one badly.
He raised his gun at Jim's head.
You grabbed Johns arm with one hand. Taking the gun with the other.
"Why? He hurt you! He put you in danger. If I kill him you'll be safe forever."
"I know. But it would make you like him. You would never be able to forgive yourself if you killed him."
"But he hurt you. He wanted to kill our child."
"I know. I know. I won't ever forgive him for that. But I won't let you go down that path. We're safe now." You said pulling him close, resting your forehead to his.
You handed John his gun back. Jumping in fright when another gunshot was heard. Jim cried in agony. John shot his other leg.
"He'll survive. Probably."
Lestrade and Sherlock rushed into the room.
"Y/n. You're okay."
"Next time you have some weird letter telling you to go somewhere and they want me. I'm going to take my chances and stay with Mycroft. I'm not doing this again."
"That's fine by me." John said.
"Come on let's go home."

A week had gone by. John became more clingy, barley wanting to leave you alone.
You were both once again cuddled on the couch. Your stomach had been slowly churning. Having bouts of pain every so often. You didn't think anything off it. After all it was early for baby to come.
You were making out with John when you pulled away wincing in pain.
"Are you okay? Are you hurt?"
"No no. I've just been having pain every few minutes."
"Pain? Where?"
"My stomach."
Johns eyes widened.
"Are you having contractions?"
"No. I can't be. It's too early."
"You know baby's rarely arrive on their due date."
"Yeah I know. But I-" you stopped your sentence, crying in pain.
"But my water didn't break."
"I need to look."
"John!" You protested.
"I'm a doctor!"
"So? It's weird."
"Just let me look."
John helped you out your leggings. His eyes widened.
"Oh god."
"Don't say 'oh god!' What's 'oh god?'"
"You're in labour."
"What?! Call an ambulance!"
"No no. We won't make it."
"I'm going to call Sherlock."
"What's Sherlock going to do that the hospital won't?"
"I don't know! We live too far away. Sherlock is closer!"
"Fine!" You cried. Clenching your jaw as a contraction hit.
John frantically called Sherlock.
"Hello?" John heard.
"Sherlock you need to get here now. The baby's coming."
"Call an ambulance."
"It's too late. Get here. Now." John said hanging up.
"What do i do?"
"You're the doctor work it out."
"Hey I'm panicking here."
"Well your vagina isn't splitting open is it? Get some towels. Water. Some of the baby blankets."
"Right. Yeah. Towels."
"Don't get the fancy towels!" You shouted.
John ran haphazardly through the house. Grabbing everything that you need.
"Here I'm back."
"I think it's time John. I can't do it."
"You can. You're amazing. I'm here for you."
John dabbed your forehead with a towel.
"On the next contraction. Push."
After a gruelling 20 minutes you had finally given birth to a beautiful baby boy.
Just as John cleaned you up, and the baby, Sherlock burst through the door.
"You did it." He said.
"Yeah I did. Uncle Sherlock, meet Andrew Sherly Watson."
Sherlock looked at you in bewilderment.
"Do you want to hold him?"
You handed your son to Sherlock.
You looked at John happily.
"I love you John."
"I love you more. Thank you."
"For what?"
"Being my wife. Giving me a child. For everything. You're amazing."
"You know it's going to go to Sherlocks head that we have our son his name."
"I know."
John held you in his arms as you bath watch Sherlock tell your sim everything that he'll be taught and all the adventures the detective and now mini detective will have.

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