John Watson.

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This is a request for ReikaHolmes
Hope you like it. 🥰
I will be doing a spin off part to this. It can be classed as a part two or a stand alone one shot.

John watched Sherlock fall deep into the abyss of his mind palace.
"Sherlock you need help."
"I don't need help." Sherlock said, his mind wanting to ignore John.
"Yes you do. You're stuck. You don't know what to do."
"I do know what to do thank you very much."
"Oh yeah? What?"
Silence filled the room.
"Shut up."
"See. I knew it."
Sherlock glared at John.
"Why don't we go to Mycroft? He will help."
"Well I'll go then."
"Just get off your arse Sherlock."
"Fine. But i know what I'm doing."
"Yeah. Sure you do buddy."

You were sipping tea In the gardens patio, reading your favourite novel. Your father was to join you soon, him being in a meeting and all, so some time in the garden was a must -especially looking at the flowers every so often when you heard a bee- you had planted and taken care of since you were a kid.
"He's not here. Let's go."
"No Sherlock."
"Why must you make me miserable John?"
"Because it makes me happy."
"Why would it make you happy?"
"Seeing the worlds only consulting detective in misery? What's not to like."
The two mysterious voices echoed through the garden. Bothering you a lot.
"You know. It's rude to be a nuisance, especially in a home that doesn't belong to you." You said to the two men.
"And how am I supposed to believe this is your garden?" The tall one said.
"You don't. Just shut your traps. Both of you."
Silence fell across the garden. You let let out a content sigh. You were nearly lost in the pages of your book, when two chairs were pulled out from the table and the two men sat down.
You looked up from your book to the two men for the first time with an annoyed look.
"Can I help you gentlemen?" You asked. Smirking slightly at the grey haired man.
"Well yes-" the grey haired man started,
You raised your brows.
You finished your tea quickly and closed your book, making sure to save the page of course. You stood up and away from the table, smoothing down your skirt, and pushed the chair back into the table, quick enough to take your leave.
"Ma'am?" One of them called. You stopped in your tracks, turning to look at them.
"Yes?" You called.
"Do you know where Mycroft is?"
"No." You said finally walking off. The sound of your heels, echoing lightly through the garden.
You had moved yourself into the conservatory.
Why they were there for your father was beyond you. But you were not going to get involved in his shenanigans. Sure he was never the picture perfect father, and you for sure wasn't easy. But he hid you from your family. You understood why he did, but you never had an uncle or grandparents. You didn't have a mother either, she died when you was three to leukaemia. All you had was little pieces of her. You did have a mother figure called Dorene. She was your caretaker, and the bested secret keeper ever. She had a past of being a dominatrix, but retired when she had kids. She taught you the ways of male and female domination. She taught you to be confident, pretty as a flower but cunning as a snake. While you don't exactly do the whipping, you do the manipulation a lot. Whimpers from men begging you to get out their mind was thrilling. But even with all that. You had emptiness in your heart. You felt as though you were made for something more then gags and shackles. And definitely made more to not get into the government bullshit like your father had wanted.
"Erm hello?" You heard. You rolled your eyes as you were broken out of your thoughts.
"Tea?" You offered the small man.
"Oh, sure. Thank you." He said. You poured him and you a tea. Gently handing it to him.
"Where's your friend?"
"Oh Sherlock? He's sulking outside."
"Oh? Why's that?"
"He's adamant we don't need Mycroft."
"But you do need him right?"
"Unfortunately. He's a bit of a weirdo. But Sherlocks not fun to live with."
You furrowed your brows and blinked slowly at the man.
"And who are you supposed to be?"
You knew who they were. Of course you did. But you weren't going to let him know that.
"Oh I'm John Watson, pleasure to meet you."
"Yes, I'm sure it is."
"Who are you?"
"Oh I'm a nobody."
"Really? I can't believe that. You're too beautiful."
You raised your brow once again.
"Not to say you can be beautiful and a nobody. I just- I don't. Ugh I'm sorry." John stumbled.
"It's quite alright Mr Watson."
"It's Doctor."
"Excuse me?"
"You said mister. It's Doctor. I was a doctor in the army."
"Are you a doctor now? Or Mr Holmes' little pet?"
"What? I'm no ones pet."
"Hmm." You said sipping your tea.
"You do that a lot."
"Do what?"
"You hum a lot when you disagree with something."
"And how are you to know that? You've only spoken to me for what? Three minutes?"
"Yes well, you've hummed a lot after me or Sherlock say something."
"So, handsome. What's it like in that brain of yours?"
John slowly turned red.
"Nothing much. Just wondering why Mycroft's girlfriend isn't with him. Is he your sugar daddy?"
Your eyes widened in surprise and humour.
"I didn't strike Mycroft to wanting a sugar baby."
"Oh dear. That... That is hilarious! The most funny thing I've heard all day." You laughed, gently wiping a tear from your eye.
"You are mistaken John. I have no sexual relationship with Mycroft Holmes. Nor am I his sugar baby. Well I am his baby in some aspects, but I guess there would have to be. Would be a bit weird to have a sexual relationship with my father wouldn't it John?"
"What? Father? Mycroft Holmes is your father? No that's impossible."
"Is it though? You know how to make babies right John?"
"Erm, well yes of course I do."
"Well it shouldn't be so hard to grasp that fact that I am in fact a Holmes."
"But. It's Mycroft. What about everyone is a goldfish. Sentiment is stupid. Love is a weakness?"
You looked at your hands in sadness.
"Well you can't exact blame him, when his first serious relationship ended when his girlfriend died and all he was left with was a three year old as a reminder of who she was."
"Does Sherlock know you?" He asked.
You shook your head
"No. None of the Holmes know that there's actually another Holmes in the family."
Silence fell across the room.
"So. You think I'm beautiful huh?" You smirked.
"Oh! Erm yes! Of course I do."
"Even still, now you know I'm your best friends, brothers daughter?"
"Well, it's going to be one hell of a Holmes event I tell you that for a pound."
You giggled at his words.
"Don't you have a girlfriend? Wife maybe?"
"Well if I did I wouldn't be calling you beautiful."
"Hmm. Well you could be a player. Maybe you want to be dominated?"
Johns eyes widened."
"Uh, what?"
"You know. Paddles and gags?"
Johns face when pace and then red.
"I'm kidding! Well unless you're into that."
"Is Irene Adler your mother or something?"
"That bitch? No. She's far too clever to have kids. Mycroft hates her and Sherlocks attraction to her."
"Y/n. So sorry I'm late. I was- oh Doctor Watson. What an unexpected surprise."
"Yeah. Well Sherlock needs your help."
"Undoubtedly. I take it you introduced yourself to my secretary?"
You rolled your eyes.
"Yes he has father but not as your secretary, but as your daughter. Do you want some tea?"
Mycroft stood in shock.
"Don't worry Mycroft your secret is safe with me."
"Well, it best be. Or else I'll see to it you'll rot in the worst prison the world has to offer for the rest of your life."
"Father! Leave him be with your threats! You've always tried scaring people out of my life whom I've met! And I'm tired of it! I understand you're closed off after what happened to Mama, but you don't need to take it out on me!"
"Y/n I-"
"Make your own tea Father." You said collecting your belongings and leaving your Fathers home.
Mycroft sighed and rubbed his brows.
"I'm sorry Doctor Watson. I've always been too harsh on her. I thought maybe if I wasn't she'd leave me too. But it seems that she can leave either way."
"I understand Mycroft. Just let her calm down for now."
"Keep her safe will you John?" Mycroft asked. "I can see she already likes you, and you her. Don't break her heart."
"Yeah. I will." John said walking out the room, he ignored Sherlock taking fast steps to catch up with you.
"Y/n!" He said calling out for you. You stopped and turned to see John slightly jog to catch up with you.
"Do you want to go on a date with me?"
"Really?" You asked in disbelief. Your eyes sparkling in joy.
"Yeah. You're amazing."


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