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This is another request from Not_My_Divison1391 I hope you like it!


My heels clicked on the polished floors. Smiling at people as I walked passed. I pressed the button for the lift (or elevator if that's what you call them) once it arrived I stepped inside and pressed the button for the seventh floor. Once I arrived at this floor I looked to see if there was anyone around, which there wasn't. I walked towards a certain office. Knocking on the door then walking into the office room. I looked around to see if we were alone. Which we was.

"Hello, my darling." I said once i closed the door.

"Hello, dear"

I walked over to him and placed a warm kiss on his cheek.

"Hows your day been Mycroft?" I asked as I sat on his lap, Mycroft wrapping his arms around my waist in response.

"Exhausting my dear. How has your day been?"

"Its been great."

"How so?" he asked.

As I was about to say something the door knocked. I jumped out of Mycroft's lap.

"Enter." He said

I moved to the windows of the office just in time as the door opened.

I hated that he wanted to keep our relationship secret.

"Sir, here are the paperwork that you requested."

"Ah, thank-you."

"No problem sir. Do you need anything else sir?"

"No, you may leave."

Once he left. I didn't move from my position by the window.

"Dear? What's wrong?"

"I'm tired."

"Tired? Did you get enough sleep last night dear?"

"No Mycroft. I'm tired of this."

"Tired of what dear?"

"I'm tired of keeping us a secret. I don't want to keep us a secret anymore."


I cut him off.

"I don't want your excuses. I'll see you at home later. I love you Mycroft." I said walking out his office, leaving him dumbfounded in the middle of the office. I started to cry.

I walked out the building, towards my car.

I unlocked my car and sat in the drivers seat locking my doors so i was safe inside.

Taking a deep breath to stop myself from crying, I started my engine.

I put on my seat-belt and I looked in front of me and I seen Mycroft run out the office building. He stopped in his place when he seen my car was still there. Changing my gears I pulled out of the car park of the office, Mycroft started running after me, although there was no use.

I was driving for what seemed like ages. The red light of the traffic light was bright as it was dark due to the London weather. Once the light shined green I drive forward.

I looked to the right of me and i seen a car driving towards be at a high speed. Oh no. I wished I stayed with Mycroft. The car crashed into the side of my car, covering my face with my arms as glass flew around me as my car was flipped onto its roof. I was hanging from the seat like a bat. Glass was embedded into my skin, I had no feeling in my right leg. My neck ached.
Red and blue lights of police cars and ambulances and a fire engine was the last thing i seen before my vision faded to black.

Mycroft point of view

I stood there in my office. Watching the love of my life walk away from me. I didn't know what to do or say. I ran. I ran after her. My Y/n.

I ran out the entrance to the office. I stopped in my tracks when I seen she was still here. Once again I ran towards her hoping to get to her before she drove off. I was to slow. The love of my life, drove away from me.

I walked back into my office. I sat at my desk and put my head in my hands.

My office door opened hoping it was Y/n. I placed my head in my hands once again when I seen it was Sherlock.

"Who was that you chased after. No, don't tell me. You don't chase after clients or workers so it's someone you know. A friend? No, you don't care enough to chase one out the office. A family member? Not that either, we don't have any family apart from mummy and daddy dearest. Even so mommy dearest isn't young and she cant run properly. So it's someone your sentimental for. A boy? No, your not attracted to men. So it's a girl. I thought caring wasn't an advantage Mycroft."

"She is different Sherlock. I love her. But I think I've lost her."

Sherlock was about to reply when my phone went off.

"Mycroft Holmes." I said answering the phone.

"This is St. Bartholomew's Hospital. You are listed as Y/n Y/l/n emergency contact."

My heart dropped. I looked at Sherlock.

"Is she okay? What happened?"

"She was in a car accident caused by a drunk driver. She in surgery at the moment."

"I'll be right there." I hung up the phone.

"What has happened?"

"Shes been in an accident. She is in surgery."

"Well then lets go"

I stood up quickly and ran out the office for the second time today. Sherlock followed behind.

We ran onto the streets and signalled a taxi to stop, I didn't have time to wait for my driver.

"St. Bartholomew's Hospital, quickly please." I said getting into the taxi, Sherlock doing the same.

"Mycroft she will be fine."

"I hope so."

-Time skip-

Me and Sherlock ran into the hospital.

"I'm here for Y/n Y/l/n. Is she okay?"

"She has a fractured leg, a bruised Rib, a sprained wrist and has a mild concussion she has suffered from dangerous whiplash. She is going to be okay. She is in room 394 on the third floor. You may go and see her"

"Thank you."

Me and Sherlock went to her room quickly.

I stood outside the room she was in. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked at my brother and i looked back at the door.

I opened the door and walked in. My eyes went straight to Y/n. She had a cast on her leg and foot, a wrist support thing on her sprained wrist and wrapped around her neck was a neck brace.

She looked at me and started to cry.

"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have drove away. I should've listened to what you had to say."

"Y/n. It wasn't your fault. I shouldn't have let you walk away. I'm so sorry sweetheart."

"I love you so much Mycroft."

"I love you my dear. I've to come to realise that i'm not afraid to show everyone that i love you."

She was about to respond but Sherlock burst in.

"I'm leaving Mycroft. There is a case I must attend to."

He looked at Y/n.

"Why can't I deduce you? Who are you?"

"Sherlock this is my girlfriend Y/n. Y/n this is my brother Sherlock."

She waved at him with her good hand. Him smiling at her in return before leaving.

I looked at Y/n and placed a loving kiss to her lips.

"I'll never let you go again my dear."

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