Sherlock Holmes.

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This is another request for The_Lonely_Blue  I hope I did the character justice. I hope I don't offend anyone. As someone who don't have Autism or have anyone around me with Autism, I found this quite difficult to write. Though I know a lot about it i don't want to offend anyone who has Autism or has someone in their life with Autism. I hope you guys like it!

Growing up, your Autism held you back from so many things. People thought you were weird for doing things differently to others. They'd laugh at you if you got upset about a big change or a small insignificance. The reality was, that you couldn't handle it. You liked things being the same. You hated change. Change overwhelmed you. Yes, you eventually got used to it. But it was still terrible.
To help cope you collected stuffed toys. They brought you joy. You'd collect loads of fluffy blankets and pillows and anything child-like. Anything cute and fluffy brought you the most joy.
When you met Sherlock. You were scared to even let him get close to you. But he managed to worm himself into your heart. One thing that he didn't know was your Autism. He wasn't able to deduce it. You hid it well so it weren't surprising. When he asked you to be his girlfriend you were overjoyed. You we're terrified of course. But you accepted the change cause you loved Sherlock.
You were scared to show that part of you. Collecting stuffed toys and fluffy things were deemed "childish" and "immature" by your family. Though they loved you, they hated the fact you were different.
What if Sherlock thought the same? Would he abandon you just cause your different? Apart of you thought he wouldn't think of you any differently cause he himself was a peculiar fello.

"Hey. Love?" Sherlock called snapping you out from your thoughts.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"Oh yeah. I'm fine." You brushed it off.
"Sorry. What were you saying?"
"I asked if you'd like to move in with me. What you think?" He asked and smiled.
Your mouth dropped and your hands started shaking.
"I- I- I'm sorry." You said running out of his flat and flagging down a nearby taxi. As the taxi drove away you seen Sherlock run out of 221b and seen you in the taxi leaving.
You felt terrible. Sherlock wanted to share his life with you and you just ran out on him.
You ran into your apartment and straight to your room and got into the most fluffiest pjs you had and got into bed surrounded by all your soft toys. You grabbed your favourite teddy bear and cuddled it as you cried.
What would happen now? Would Sherlock still want you in his life? Is he mad?
After running out in Sherlock you ignored his messages and phone calls. You organised and cuddled each of your bears a few times a day. You also ordered a few more with next day delivery. Although they helped you in the past. They didn't seem to help you much with the loneliness from Sherlock that you're feeling.
You heard a knock at the door and you answered it to see Sherlock holding a box.
"Hi. The postie handed me this to give to you." Sherlock said smiling.
"Sherlock." You whispered.
"Hey baby."
You stood there shocked. Your nerves were high.
"Can I come in?" He asked.
You but your lip and sighed.
"Sherlock. Before I let you in. There's something I haven't told you. And I'm scared you'll see me differently and won't want to be with me anymore."
"Baby. Nothing you can do will make me love you any less." Sherlock said.
"Okay. Come in." You led Sherlock in. He stood in the doorway at the sight of studded toys and fluffy things around your apartment. You also has a sensory swing that you loved to stay in with your favourite teddy bear.
"You collect bears?" He asked.
"Yeah. It a sensory thing. I'm autistic and this helps stimulate me when everything is out of control for me." You said looking at the ground.
Sherlock put your parcel on the floor and pulled you into a hug.
"I understand why you didn't tell me. Is this why you ran out when I asked if you wanted to move in with me?"
You nodded into his chest.
"I'm so sorry Sherlock."
"Baby. Don't apologise for being you. You're perfect the way you are. And nothing will ever change that. I love you so much." He said caressing your cheek.
"I want to move in with you." You mumbled.
"Really? You don't have to say that cause you feel bad." Sherlock said.
"No. I really mean it."
"Okay. How's about we turn Johns old room into a sensory room for you? So I don't ruin any of your favourite stuff with my experiments."
You started crying at Sherlocks words. You knew now that he cared about you. No matter how different you were. Because even if your different you were perfect for him. You were perfect to the world. And you finally understood that now.

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