Mycroft Holmes (Part 1)

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On the 17th day of Christmas 2019.
Warning: talks of depression, suicide and death.

As a child you used to love Christmas. It was your favourite time of year. You never knew who your Father was and it didn't matter. He left your mother when he found out she was pregnant with you. So you didn't care about him, he wasn't even your father. He just contributed to your DNA. Your Mother took the rose of a mother and a father and did one heck of a good job. She pushed you to chase your dreams, you both gossiped like teenagers, she was at your graduation, cheering louder than any other parent there. You both went out for lunch every Saturday. You had a girls night in or a girls night out every month. She was your best friend. She was your rock. You couldn't do anything without her. That's why it was so hard to let her go. She died in November, he funeral was the 1st of December. Not long before Christmas. You were 20 years old when she passed. You haven't celebrated Christmas since.

You fell into dark depression. You even contemplated suicide to end the pain. You had no family, and your mother only had two good friends. So no one you could rely on.

So now, five years later, you thought you'd be alone on Christmas, like it has been for years.

About 10 months before Christmas you met your boyfriend, Mycroft Holmes. When you first met, Mycroft was hesitant to actually fall in love, but you showed him, sentiment isn't always found on the losing side. So here you are 10 months in a relationship with the love of your life!

Unfortunately, now comes the time of joy. Peace and love. Christmas. The day you haven't celebrated in over five years. You were scared. You knew Christmas was secretly Mycroft's favourite time of year and it was your first Christmas together!

So now, here you are. Standing on the balcony of your and Mycroft's house. Lost in thought. You dived too deep into your memories, of you and your mother. And the last Christmas you actually celebrated.

You were so deep in thought, you didn't hear Mycroft come into the room and onto the balcony. But when he wrapped his arms around your waist that's when you snapped back into reality.

"Hello my love. Penny for your thoughts?" He asked, his arms tightening a little.

"Its nothing. Just reminiscing."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No. I can't open the wound yet. Its too hard."

"Are you okay?" He asked concerned.

"Yeah I'll be fine. I love you Mycroft."


It was the 1st of December. You wasn't home all day. Neither was Mycroft, so he didn't notice. Instead, you visited your mother's grave. You spend a few hours talking to your mother about your worries and concerns, of course she couldn't reply. But it didn't stop you.

The 17th December rolled by. Mycroft was talking about Christmas and how he isn't going to his parents.

"- why don't we go to your parents for Christmas. I'm sure they'd love to spend Christmas with us."

You hesitated. You haven't told him. Luckily Mycroft didn't deduce you or research you, because he wanted to get to know you properly.

"Unfortunately Mycroft, they are not here for us to see."

"Oh, are they abroad?" He asked, well its now or never.

"No. They- no, my Father, if you'd even call him that, was never in my life, I don't know him and I don't want to either."

"And your mother?"

"She- she died five years ago and I've never celebrated Christmas since."

"Oh Darling. How did she die?"

"I don't know. They never found out and told me. Unless they found out and just never told me. When she died, police and the CIA questioned me. But I couldn't help." You said sobbing.

"Oh Darling I'm so sorry."

Mycroft secretly vowed to find out what happened to your mother.

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