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A preference for The_Lonely_Blue hope you like it!!
Fun fact about me. I haven't had a nightmare since I was 8. Which has been nearly 12 years since. When was the last time you had a nightmare & what was it about?
Sherlock Holmes.
When you have a nightmare:

When you are asleep and start to twitch more abnormally then usual Sherlock can deduce that you aren't having a good dream. Usually when this happens he is sat up in bed in his mind palace trying to solve a case. He is always bright back to the real world when he feels you moving a lot. He'd look at you and see your eyebrows and eyes clenched. He'd smile slightly and lie down pulling you into his chest. His scent and warmth would calm you down instantly and you'd then sleep peacefully for the rest of the night. He'd kiss your head often as he slipped back into his mind palace.

When he gets a nightmare:

It wasn't often that Sherlock slept. But when he did, his sleep was plagued with nightmares. Usually they'd be of times he was tortured or kidnapped. Or it would be of you in them situations. You'd be sleeping peacefully when you'd be startled awake when Sherlock jumps out of bed. He'd sit in the edge of the bed with his head in his hands. Your slowly crawl towards him and hug him tightly from behind. He'd grab your hands and hold them to his lips. You'd sit there hugging him from behind for as long as he needed. You'd lie back down and bring him down to lie down. You'd pull his head to rest just above your breasts so he could hear your heart beat. And feel each inhale and exhale of breath. You'd gently play with his hair until he fell asleep again. This time nightmare free. You'd kiss his mop of curls and fall asleep slowly yourself.

John Watson.
When you have a nightmare.

You never had nightmares. It was a foreign thing for you. You'd just have the weirdest dreams. Even so. If somethings seemed wrong to John he'd gently caress your face and bring you as close as he could to his chest. When your breathing settled he'd kiss your nose gently and fall back asleep.

When he has a nightmare.

John has nightmares frequently. After all he did suffer from PTSD. So mostly his nightmares were just flashbacks. You'd wake up from Johns tossing and turning. You'd touch his arm gently and go to grab a glass of water. Due to this being an often occurrence you kept a pitcher full of water and a glass so you could grab him some water. Your gently wake up John so he didn't startle awake. When he woke he'd shoot up and grab his head.
Your gently place a hand on his shoulder and offer him the glass if water. John would take it gracefully and chug the water. He'd then start apologising profusely. You'd smile gently and pulled him into a hug. His grip would be tight. He was scared you was just apart of his imagination and you'd disappear at a moments notice. When John would wake up in the morning he'd breath a gasp of surprise that your still there and didn't disappear into the night.

Mycroft Holmes.
When you have a nightmare.

You'd rarely have nightmares. After all you suffered with insomnia. You could stay awake for days until your body fit fully shut itself down to gain its energy back. You'd be sat up in bed on your phone. Or reading. Or playing some sort of video game. It never disturbed Mycroft as he was a deep sleeper. But in the periods where you did sleep you barely ever dream. In the moments when you do have a nightmare in the times where Mycroft was awake, he'd pull you into his arms and whisper sweet nothings into your ear. He'd kiss your cheek gently and play with you hair. He never wanted to wake you up as he knew you never slept often so sleep was incredibly important for you. He'd do this until your sad whimpers died down.

When he had a nightmare.

Mycroft had nightmares every so often. You'd be awake as usual. Trying to fight sleep but end up giving up and end up playing video games silently as Mycroft slept. When he had a nightmare he'd fidget a lot. He'd never stay in the same position long. His beautiful eyes would then shoot open and he'd look around frantically. His panic left as his eyes would meet yours. Your lie down next to him and he'd pull you into a hug. You'd ask him if he'd like to talk about it. But he never would. You'd caress his face and started humming gently. When he fell back to sleep in a soft snore you'd watch him as he slept.

Greg Lestrade
When you have a nightmare.

You had nightmares often. When you had met Greg it was the biggest thing you thought would scare him off. When he first questioned you about why you would never sleep over. You finally broke down and told him. But he didn't care. He smiled and still suck with you. On the dreadful nights where you did have a nightmare you never wanted to wake up Greg. You refused too. You felt bad if you did. So when you'd wake up in panic you'd look next to you to see if Greg was peacefully sleeping. When you noticed you hadn't disturbed him tried to fall back asleep. Though sleep never granted you that wish of falling asleep so you'd silently get out of bed and go to the kitchen. You would put the kettle on and make yourself a nice warm brew. Once it was made you'd go into the living room. Place your beverage on the coffee table (On top of a coaster.) and grab your fluffy blanket from off the top of the sofa and wrap yourself in it. You watch the tv silently as you wrestled with your self loathing and incapability to sleep.
Some of the times Greg would turn over to pull you into his arms but he would meet the coldness of your side of the bed. His eyes would shoot open in panic and leave the bed as quickly as he couldn't without getting tangled in the duvet. He'd rush downstairs and stop immediately when he spotted your lovely hair sprout from the arm of the sofa.
He'd walk over to you silently and keep in front of you. He'd say nothing as he kissed your head. He then lifted you up gently and sat down and rested you on top of him. He'd tell you that anytime you had a nightmare you should wake him up so you wouldn't be alone. But you refused the idea of doing so. He'd cuddle you on the sofa until you fell asleep. He'd then gently lift you up and carry you to bed tucking you in. He'd go back downstairs and switch the tv off and place your empty mug in the sink and then join you in bed. Spooning you hoping that you felt safe in his arms.

When he'd get a nightmare.

Greg never got any nightmares. Shockingly to you cause he'd see so much gruesome stuff at work pretty much every day of his life.

Jim Moriarty.
When you have a nightmare.

As Jim's girlfriend. You knew he'd so anything for you. But what could he do against nightmares? He couldn't fight them for you. It was a battle you unfortunately had to deal with yourself. You had a very traumatic past with pretty much everything. So your brain unfortunately made up scenarios using the traumatic parts of your past. And though Jim couldn't kill your trauma or the nightmares. He did everything he could. He killed all the people who took part in traumatising you. Though it helped that they wouldn't bother you ever again. They still bothered you in your sleep. So In them unfortunate nights you'd wake up in panic. You'd cry instantly. You tried to cry silently. But the consulting criminal next to you was an extremely light sleeper. He'd wake up and pull his gun out from under his pillow. I'm his half asleep state he thought someone was hurting you physically, when he'd see that no one was there he'd tuck the gun back under his pillow and pull you into his embrace. He'd rock you as he held your head against his chest to listen to his heartbeat. As your cries vanished you'd tell him what happened in your slumber. His grip on you would tighten a little. He knew of your past and was absolutely disgusted. But did everything he could to soothe your ache. You'd kiss his chin gently and thank him for comforting you. He'd kiss your head and breathed in the scent of your hair. And he'd tell you how much he loves you.

When he has a nightmare.

When he'd have a nightmare he'd look around making sure everything is real. He would watch your sleeping form. He'd smile and he knew that no matter what nightmare plagued him he would always have you by his side. He'd pull you into his arms and fall back asleep breathing in your scent.

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