Sherlock Holmes.

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This is the 100th Chapter! With 35k views! I'm shocked. But I'm so thankful for everyone's support. Wouldn't have got this far with you. So thank you!
You were overwhelmed. I mean you were left all by yourself for two years. Getting used to not being alone and being back with the love of your life wasn't the easiest to get used to again.
Sherlock spooked you all the time. You'd be cleaning, he'd tap your shoulder and you'd nearly pee yourself in fright. In bed when he's cuddle you, you'd often fall out the bed thinking he was an intruder. Every single time you jumped, screamed, heck, even throw a fist or two.
Sherlock was nothing but patient. He understood what you are going through. Before he 'Died' and even know you struggled with your mental health. He doubted that his death would have made that any better.

You and Mycroft were close friends, you had met Sherlock through him. So before Sherlock jumped off St. Bart's Hospital, he made Mycroft promise that he'd take care of you. Though Mycroft didn't need to make that promise to Sherlock, cause it was always promised to you. But promised Sherlock nonetheless to ease his mind.
"I met with your brother today. We had tea and cake. We strolled through my favourite place in the park. I missed hanging out with him. We hadn't done anything like this in a while. Though, It did take a bit of persuading for him to actually have some cake. Seems as he always claims he's on a diet." You rambled about your day.
You lost your train of thought and stopped talking when you spotted Sherlocks empty seat. You furrowed your brows in confusion and sadness. Who were you talking too? Cause Sherlock was dead. Right? You were brought out of thought when you felt a hand rest on your shoulder. You looked up and seen Sherlock smiling sadly at you.
"I'm here darling. I'm not going anywhere without you again."

Sherlock watched and listened from the kitchen as you told him about your day. He was happy that Mycroft was still there for you. But he was saddened, cause he didn't think his death would affect you as much as it did. He watched you smile while you were talking about how Mycroft accidentally got cream all over his face from the cake he was eating.
But then the flat grew silent. You had stopped talking when your gaze reached his chair. You thought he weren't there. That he was still dead.
He approached you silently. He rested his hand on your shoulder.
"I'm here Darling. I'm not going anywhere without you again."

You started crying when Sherlock spoke to you.
"I'm sorry Sherlock. I know your here and your alive. I don't understand why I forget that. I should be happy you're back with me. But I can't." You said covering your face with your hands.
"Hey, it's okay." Sherlock said kneeling in front of you. "It's going to take some time for everything to go back to normal. I'm never leaving you ever again. I promise."
He pulled you gently into his arms.
"I'm sorry Sherlock." You said weeping.
"Don't apologise, it's not your fault. I'll be with you all the time. I'll never leave you alone ever again. I was stupid to leave you on your own. It's me who should be apologising to you. Not the other way around. I'll spend the rest of my days showing you how sorry I am. Will you forgive me Darling?"
"Yes. I forgive you. Don't ever leave me alone again."
He hugged you tighter.
Sherlock stayed with you all the time. He never left your sight. He'd always be touching you somehow, either holding hands. Him having his arm wrapped around you. Just so when you'd get lost in thought or your anxiety would rocket, he's squeeze you gently. You'd look at him and he'd smile at you lovingly, to let you know silently, that he loved you and that he was still there. You did get used to the fact that Sherlock was actually back. But sometimes when your anxiety did spike, you did forget that he was in fact actually alive. But as promised, he was there for you. On the very rare occasion that he wasn't there, he did make sure you weren't alone.
So here you both were, cuddled close to each other. Sherlock kissing your head or hand every so often to reassure you.
"Thank you for not staying dead."
"You're welcome Darling."
"I love you Sherlock."
"I love you a million times more."

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