Mycroft Holmes.

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This is a request for AllisonMHolmes

I hope you enjoy it.

To say that Mycroft was stressed was such an understatement. His head throbbed as someone -in this meeting about god knows what- started shouting at another person to get his point across. He sighed in annoyance. All he wanted was to tell this person to shut up, to leave the meeting- hell, to leave the whole building.
The one thing that got him through the meeting was the thought of you. Now, people knew him as the cold and stoic man, but behind closed doors, he was the most clingy love-stuck man ever. He was joined to your hip. Wherever you went, he went. Of course, he gave you privacy and space when needed, but you loved that he'd follow you around like a lost puppy.  In public together, he wasn't had hard as people made him out to be. He ensured he was walking the streets closest to the road; he opened store doors for you. He held your hand, or you grabbed his arm. He carried any shopping bags, paying for said shopping ignoring your protests while doing so (saying that as his girlfriend and future spouse, it was his job to make sure you didn't pay for a thing. That and other gentlemanly things). He was the most caring man to you; he was hopelessly in love with you.
He loved his work. That was his obsession before he met you. His utmost priority. But then it all changed. You, Sherlock's friend that somehow Mycroft didn't know about, bumped into Mycroft after chasing behind Sherlock on a case. You rambled and apologised profusely, which caused you to be accidentally left behind by Sherlock, which led Mycroft to offer to drive you home, and then he asked to meet you again.

But here, in his office, he was alone. His day wouldn't end for a few more hours, and you worked at St Bartholomew's hospital.

Today was your day off, so you decided to go to Mycroft's office for lunch. You picked up his favourite cakes from a nearby bakery, grabbing a couple of coffees on the way. You arrive at his workplace, walk in casually, and get checked that you aren't bringing anything harmful into the government building. You walked through the halls, approaching Mycrofts office.

You knocked on the door, opening it once you heard him say come in.
"Hey, Mycroft!" You cheered, walking into the office.
"Darling? What're you doing here?"
"I'm here to see you. I brought cake and coffee."
"Oh my darling, you didn't have to do that. I know you'd rather be at home."
"You're my home Mycroft; id rather be anywhere with you."

You approached Mycroft, stretching up to him and kissing him gently.
"You're too kind to me, darling."
"No, you're too kind to me, my love. Now tell me, how's your day been?"
Mycroft sighed.
"Stressful, but better now that you're here."
"Do you want me to make your day better?"
"Oh? And how do you plan to do that, my darling?"
"You'll see."
You grabbed the back of Mycroft's chair, pulling him back so you could stand in front of him. You kissed him softly, then knelt. You unbuckled his belt and undone his trousers. You pulled his trousers down, moving his boxers out of the way and exposing his penis.
He groaned as you gently grabbed his cock, kissing his tip. You licked up his shaft, kissing his cock shortly afterwards. Inch by inch, you took his penis into his mouth until your nose touched him. You sucked and deepthroated his penis. You fondled his balls, breathing deeply through your nose. he threaded his hands through your hair, grasping your strands tightly as he thrust your head down deeper- if possible- onto his cock. You moaned at the feeling of his hand in your hair, taking control of you. Your own hands held Mycrofts knees for some stability.
"What a good girl. Taking my cock so well," he said.
He caressed your face gently with his other hand.
"Such a good girl." He moaned.
His hips jolted as he felt the need for a release approach. He moaned as he watched saliva drip from the side of your mouth.
"I'm going to cum, and you're going to swallow every drop, aren't you, princess?"
You looked up at him, humming as best as you could.
His grip on your hair got tighter. He moaned as he cummed. Ropes of his sweet release shot down your throat, filling your mouth. Mycroft pulled you off of him, watching as you swallowed his cum.
"Good girl."
He helped you stand and lifted you onto his desk, thankful that he was a neat freak and hated unnecessary things on his desk. He moved your legs apart, standing in between them. He kissed you roughly. His tongue enters your mouth. You moaned at the feeling. Both your tongues are battling for dominance. He could taste his cum on your tongue. His hands reached up your shirt, caressing your skin as his hands got higher up to your breasts. You both pulled away, panting lightly. He moved his hands from under your shirt, pulling down your trousers and thong (with a little bit of your help).
You removed your top and bra. His eyes darkened as he relished in your nakedness.
"God. You're so beautiful," he said, kneeling before you, watching your wetness trickle onto his desk.
He scooped some of your slick with his fingers, then sucked his fingers as he made eye contact with you.
You moaned at the sight.
"Please, what?"
"Please use your fingers. I want you in me."
Mycroft abided by your plea. Two fingers slowly entered you. You moaned loudly.
"Yes, moan for me, darling."
"But people will hear," you said.
"Well, that's entirely up to you, isn't it, darling? You can let the office hear you or be quiet."
Words seem to have disappeared from your mouth as you felt him thrust his fingers in and out of you.
You watched as Mycroft lowered his head towards your clit. You gasped at the feeling of his tongue pressing on your bundle of nerves. You threw your head back in pleasure.
"Oh god! Mycroft!" You moaned, grabbing his head and pulling him closer to you. His fingers thrust in and out as he sucked your clit.
You bit your lip as his mouth and fingers worked wonders. You felt your stomach knot up. Euphoria is slowly building up inside of you.
He felt your walls tighten around his fingers.
"Cum for me, darling. I know you're nearly there."
Seconds later, the knot that formed in your stomach snapped apart. You cummed hard over his fingers. Your eyes clenched shut as the feeling of relief flushed over you. Your breathing hardened. Mycroft, still between your legs, licked up all your cum, helping you through the high.
Once he finally pulled away, he licked his lips. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
"God you taste delicious."
He watched as you panted. Your chest was heaving.
Your head still hung backwards as Mycroft stood up.
"Are you okay, darling?"
"Do you want to stop?"
"God, no. Fuck me, Mycroft."
"As you wish, my darling."
Mycroft lifted you closer to him; he kissed down your neck, over your breasts, taking your nipple into his mouth, sucking it and lapping it with this tongue. You grabbed his head, pulling him closer to your breast.
He pulled away, licking his lips at the sight of you.
"Are you ready?"
"Yes. Fuck me, Mycroft. Make me yours." His trousers and boxers fell, bundling at his ankles. He grabbed his cock, lining it up with your hole and gently pushing in. You both gasped at the feeling.
He paused when he was fully in you, allowing you to get accustomed to his size.
"Tell me when, darling."
"Go. Fuck me senseless." You moaned.
"Oh, I will, darling." He pulled out, nearly all the way before slamming into you hard. Your body jolted with each thrust of his. He watched as your head fell backwards once again. He watched your knuckles turn white, clenching the table. He watches as your breasts bounce with each thrust.
"God, you feel so good, darling. I could stay in you forever."
You tried to form words. Only moans escaped your throat, with mumbled 'yes.''
"Who does this pussy belong to?" He growled.
"Yours! This pussy is all yours!" You managed to moan out.
You clenched your eyes closed, feeling each ridge of his cock.
His tip touching your G-spot, you gripped Mycrofts shoulders. Nails are digging into his flesh.
Moans slipped constantly passed your lips. Mycroft whispered sweet things in your ear.
"I'm gonna cum."
"No. Hold it."
"But I can't."
"You better hold it. Or I'll stop."
You whined but buried the feeling as hard as you could. Pleasure built up higher.
"Nearly there. Hold it."
His thrusts became sloppy.
"Cum now."
You didn't wait. As soon as those words were uttered, you cummed hard. You moaned loudly, not caring about any prying ears. All that mattered was you and Mycroft. As you cummed you felt Mycroft ejaculate into you. His cum fills up every inch of you.
"God, you feel so good."
You both stayed there. Frozen in the moment. Him still in you.
"Are you okay?" he asked.
"Yes. I feel great."
He finally pulled out of you. He grabbed a tissue nearby and wiped his cum off of you; he helped you stand and get dressed. He put you on the couch, getting dressed himself.
"Are you feeling better?" you asked.
"I'm feeling amazing. You're the best stress reliever around."
"Glad to hear it. I love you, darling."
"I love you more."
"Come on. Let's get you home."
He lifted you into his arms and left the office.
"Round two when we get home?"

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