How they ask you out on a date.

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Sherlock Holmes...

You was at a crime scene just finished for the day when Sherlock arrived.
"Mr Holmes this is a private crime scene what are you doing here?"
"I came to do what you're doing only better."
"Is that so? Well Mr Holmes the case is closed and its solved you have wasted your time."
"You may have solved the case, but there is another reason i'm here."
"Whats the reason then Mr Holmes?"
"First call me Sherlock. Second, do you want to get dinner with me?"
"Of course Sherlock."

John Watson...

I was at the flat with Sherlock and John. Sherlock was doing some experiments, as usual. John was reading the newspaper on his chair.
Me? I was sitting on Sherlock's chair. I was debating if I should do something.
"Hey Y/N?"
"Yeah John?"
"Do you want to have dinner with me?"
"That would be lovely John. When?"
"That's fine."

Greg Lestrade...

I was on the streets of London minding my own business like I usually do when I seen a man run and three more chasing after him. He was coming in my direction. I thought I would help out a little. So I stuck my foot out and the first man tripped over. I took a step back. The man groaned on the floor the three other men caught up. The curly haired one hand cuffed him. The oldish looking one helped the curly guy. The other guy walked up to me.
"Hello Y/n. Thanks for tripping him over, we thought that we wouldn't catch him."
"It's not a problem Greg. I just did what I thought was best and plus he might be a murderer so I couldn't let him run forever."
"Yeah we was a murderer. He killed about 15 people."
"Oh dear." I said.
"As you know, the curly haired one is Sherlock Holmes the other one is Doctor John Watson."
"Pleasure to meet you John, I suppose its good to see you again Sherlock." I said. They both smiled at me and said they had to go.
"I still can't deduce her." Sherlock stated as they walked away; I smirked at that response.
"Would you like to have dinner with me Y/n?" Greg asked.
"That would be amazing. Here is my number call me." I said as I handed him a small piece of paper with my number on it.

Mycroft Holmes...

I was baking in my little cafe like I usually do.
I heard the cafe door open I turned around to see Mycroft
"Hello Mycroft! What can I get you?"
"Hello Y/n. May I have chocolate fudge cake with a tea with two sugars please?"
"Of course Mycroft! Coming right up. Take a seat any where and i'll bring it over."
"Thanks Y/n"
I started making the tea for Mycroft and while it was brewing I got my freshly baked chocolate fudge cake out of the oven I left it to cool while I finished the tea. Once that was done I cut a slice of cake. I placed some melted chocolate onto the cake. I placed the tea and the cake with a spoon and a fork on the tray and took it over to Mycroft.
"Thank-you Y/n"
"You're welcome."
I grabbed a broom and I started to sweep the floor. It was a small cafe so it didn't take long. Once that was done I wiped clean all the tables apart form one which Mycroft was at. I basically cleaned the whole cafe. Once all that was done I started putting the ready baked cakes into cake cases. I placed another slice of chocolate fudge cake onto a to go container. I noticed that the Mycroft was finished.
"Are you finished Mycroft?"
"Yes. Thank you. how much do I owe you?"
"Nothing, its on the house! No mind changing! I've locked the till!"
"Fine. Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?"
"Yes! But I need to take the left over cakes home or they'll go stale in the car" I said.

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