Sherlock Holmes (Part two)

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Part two request for broadway_0and0_books


Sherlock Holmes pov.

I was still talking to Moriarty.

(M- Moriarty. S- Sherlock.)

M- Now Sherlock. You need to talk to a worker in the arcade. I'll let your lover give you the clue. Annndd i'll be nice. I'll let you have two minutes to talk to her.

I heard the phone shuffling.

(Y- You)

Y- Sherlock.

S- Sweetheart.

Y- The clue is. 'Do you miss may'

The clue! a woman called miss May (miss me? miss may? get it XD)

Y-Sherlock, i'm scared.

S- I know love. I'll save you don't worry.

Y- I miss you Sherlock. And John.

S- I miss you too and John misses you too.

Y- Please save me. Don't let him kill me.

S- I won't. I love you.

Y- I love you too Sherly. A-And if I don't get out love, please don't do drugs again. Go back to who you was before you met me.

S- Sweetheart -

Y- Sherlock please, promise me.

S- I promise.

Y- I love you.

M- TIMES UP. See you soon Sherlock.

The call ended.

"Y/n said that he misses you John." I said my voice breaking a little bit.

"I miss her too. And we will save her. I need my baby sister."

We walked inside the arcade and we immediately looked for someone called Miss May.

We found her.

"You must be Sherlock Holmes and John Watson"


"Do you want some tea? We have it in storage."

Which was unusual because tea shouldn't be in storage. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks.

She is in a storage warehouse.

But the problem is that there is two storage houses.

Me and John leave the arcade and ran down the long road to the two storage houses side by side. When i got a call again from Moriarty.

"Well, good job Sherlock. But i'm changing the rules. If you don't choose the correct house, your precious girlfriend is gone for good! How's that? Tell me Sherlock. Which house is she in? And why? I want to see if you are actually a genius" He said

I hesitate. But I choose the closest anyway.

"Why? Whats your reason for this house Sherlock?" Moriarty asked

"Because, you said- you said hows that. Very similar to the builder of the person that built this house surname; Howsit."

"WRONG! Its the second house. Honestly you are stupid"

I'm so confused. I ran into the second house. I had to stall Moriarty. I had John go into the other house to check if she actually was in that house.

"How did I get it wrong then Moriarty?"

"Oh Sherlock, Sherlock, Sherlock. The owner of the second house was his wife, a girl just like your girlfriend. I thought it would be obvious, really"

I ran into a room looking for Y/n I seen her tied to a chair she was wearing my purple shirt that she loved to wear showing off her bare legs that had blood trickling down to her ankle. John suddenly came behind me. I ran into the room and pushed her and the chair over making Y/n scream in shock. When Moriarty shot a gun missing us both. John punches him straight in the face while I quickly untied her.

I looked at Moriarty he was angry and annoyed by the fact that he didn't win his own game. I picked up Y/n and ran out the warehouse John following us behind.

"You saved me Sherly. I love you so much."

"I will always save you I love you too."

"Hey! Don't forget about me!" John said.

"Thank you for saving me as well. I love you too John. I mean I have to, your my big brother." We all laughed.

Me and john quickly took her to the nearest hospital to stitch her bullet wound and to give her some pain killers.

"C'mon guys. Lets go home. I'm cold in just a shirt." Y/n said as we walked out the hospital towards the nearest cabbie.

That's when their faces turned red.

I felt warmth surround me and I noticed Sherlock gave me his coat.

"I love you guys!"

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