John Watson

404 7 1

On the 1st day of Christmas 2019
"John!" You yelled.

"Yes?" He yelled back.

"It's 24 days till Christmas! Lets put up the decorations!"

"Babe, It's only just turned December. Wait a while."

You walked into the same room as John with a frown on your face

"What? No. If there is 24 days until Christmas day, the decorations are being put up now. I'm going to do it with or without you. You decide." you said, your face turning into a scowl.

"No Y/n, we are not putting up the decorations. End of." He said, his voice raising slightly.

You loved Christmas. You never celebrated it as a kid, so you made up for it as an adult. But john didn't know that. You didn't want him to either.

Tears welled up in your eyes just as Sherlock walked through the door a wide smile plastered on his face. He knew why you didn't celebrate Christmas, you made him swear he wouldn't tell John. Sherlock's smile disappeared when his eyes met yours. He always shown sentiment to you. After all you were basically his sister since you both knew each other since you were children.

"But I want to put them up now. Not a few days before Christmas."

"Well I don't want them up. Deal with it."

"Fuck you John. You don't know why Christmas means so much to me and you never will because your so selfish." You said grabbing your coat and leaving 221B.

John was shocked by your outburst. You never shouted, or cried over simple things like that. He went to follow you but Sherlock grabbed him.

"Sherlock, let me go."

"No, your going to sit down and shut up whilst you listen to me."

"I don't need you to scold me Sherlock."

"I'm not going to scold you, I'm going to tell you why Y/n likes Christmas so much."

"Okay." John sighed in despair.

"I've known Y/n since we were little. She has stuck by my side for years. She was basically a part of the family. My family treated her kindly, with so much sentiment it's sickening. Her family on the other hand didn't. They treated her so poorly. They preferred her brother. They brought him everything he wanted. But Y/n got old, worn out things. She got cold food. She was not allowed to spend Christmas with her family, so she was locked in her room. She would sneak out to spend Christmas with us. That's why she loves it so much, so she can have the family feeling she never had with anyone but the Holmes' now that you are her family she wants a normal Christmas; with you and me."

John looked shocked and guilty.

"Oh lord. I need to make things right." He said standing up.

"She is at the shopping centre looking for decorations and a tree." Sherlock stated as John left.

You on the other hand had brought loads of decorations, all that was left was buying the tree.

You filled the boot of the car with everything you brought.

You drove to the nearest shop that sold fresh trees.

As you were looking around you secretly hoped John was with you, so everything was perfect for both of you.

"Y/N!" You heard a voice yell. You looked up in surprise. You seen John running towards you.

Unfortunately he didn't slow down until last minute, so he crashed into you, making you fall with a yelp.

"Oh dear. I'm so sorry Y/n for crashing into you and for earlier. Please forgive me. I love you too much."

"Its okay John, I forgive you. I love you too, by little, hedgehog."

He didn't say anything about the nickname you gave him.

"Sherlock told me why Christmas means so much to you. So, every single year we will always put the decorations up early."

"Good. I was going to anyway.

He pulled a face of shock and disgust, but quickly changed into a wide smile.

"Well, Now your here. Help me look for a tree." You said grabbing his hand and dragging him down the rows of freshly cut trees.

Merry Christmas to us!

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