Mycroft Holmes.

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If y'all need someone to talk to my DMS are open but if your struggling or know someone that is in danger then call an ambulance or seek help.

Your pov...

To say you love your family, you know you'd be lying. You loathed your family. Everyone kept saying to you that you should love them cause they are blood. Fuck that. I'd rather be locked in a room with Moriarty. They don't deserve my love.

Recently my parents have been trying to get back into contact with me. And more recently I've been a successful CEO of a private investigator company. Called Y/l/n investigations. And obviously that has cause my fame to increase and my wealth. I knew my family only want to talk to me so I give them money but that won't happen. They have caused me so much damage in my life.

Mycroft Holmes. The love of my life. The yin to my yang. My light in the darkness. My whole world. He doesn't understand why I hate my family so much. I never told him a lot of that side if my past. And he never pushed me to tell him. He respected my choice knowing I'll tell him sometime in the future.

I want to tell him. But how do you tell your lover thar you was abused? His would you tell him you used to self harm? How would you tell him you nearly killed yourself when you was 19? You couldn't deal with the pain of your family's abuse. You couldn't deal with the shit life that you have been given. The day you met Mycroft Holmes was the day you decided to get help. You stopped self harming, you moved out your parents house. Sticking up your middle fingers to your mom and dad when you packed everything into your car driving off. You created your own business and become wealthy. Donating some of your companies wealth to mental health charities, to charities against child homelessness.

I looked down at me desk. Memories plaguing my mind. A lone tear rolled down my face. I wiped it away with an angry smirk and then let out a long sigh. You finished signing legal paperwork. Looking through your plans to expand your company into a private law firm. And to increase the amount of private investigation buildings around the United kingdom in Hope's to expand it across the world.

Your thoughts were disturbed when your phone vibrated on your desk

You looked at the caller.

Unknown number.


"Is this Y/n Y/l/n." The person asked in the other side of the phone.

"This is she. Who is this?"

"Darling! Don't you remember me. Your own Mother?"


"You are no Mother of mine. What do you want?"

"Darling, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. I shouldnt have ever done what I did to you and I regret it so much."

"Sorry doesn't fucking cut it. I hate you so fucking much. I hate you and everyone else I'm supposed to call my fucking family. You are all dead to me. All you want of me now is my money. You can't stand that I'm wealthy and you aren't. You just want me to forgive you so I'll give you my money. News flash bitch. It ain't gonna happen."

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