Greg Lestrade. Part 1

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You couldn't remember what you was feeling on the day you met detective inspector Gregory Lestrade, all you know is that when you met him the world seemed to stop. Everyone and everything seemed to blend it together leaving him in you line if sight. You was sure that he felt the same way because he had the exact same feeling and look on his face. Pure and utter shock when he seen how beautiful you looked.

You wasn't one for parties or gatherings. You preferred to stay at home with a glass of wine reading a booked in your tiny library you made in your house with a nice and fluffy beanbag. But today was you best friends birthday.

Sherlock Holmes was your childhood friend. He was basically your brother. Thick like thieves. Never seen one without the other. Everyone used to think that you and Sherlock would end up together in the future but you didn't see Sherlock like that. Never have and you never will. He is your best friend. Nothing more. You was also Sherlock's best friend. Closer to him then John Watson. Although, you did secretly ship Johnlock. Sherlock liked you because there was no one else that was intelligent. You had the highest IQ throughout school, college and University. You was the smartest girl in school and Sherlock being the smartest boy. You both passed everything first time. You can also deduce as well. Even better than Sherlock and Mycroft put together. But you hated to do it. You felt like you was imposing on people's lives. Stating business that was not your own. Thus you never done it not for a long time.

You both did a long distance friendship when you moved to America and joined the FBI and worked as their best agent. You never left a case unsolved. You and Sherlock skyped everyday. Especially when he was on a busy case because you help him all the time. After a few years in America you decided to move back to London. Now that it was close to Sherlock's birthday you would turn up as his surprise with a surprise.

You brought a flat close to Mycroft but closer to 221B. You hired a private plane to take you back to London. You was a bit of a germaphobe and a plane full of people definitely didn't suit your need. You loaded all your things in a storage area of the jet. You never had any friends in America so you didn't have anyone to say goodbye to. You boarded the plane and got comfortable in a seat. Listening to their health and safety procedures and took off for a long flight back to London. When you did land you was greeted by a large van to take your belongings to your new flat.

In two days time was Sherlock's party. So you had time to unpack and catch up on much needed sleep.

-Time skip-

Today was Sherlock's birthday. You had his gifts wrapped up and waiting by the front door.

The party started at 6. But you was going to be leaving at 6. Fashionably late.

It was 4 o'clock when you started to get ready. You curled your hair and left it half up and half down. You done your makeup and dine the smokey eye look. Looking through all the dresses you have you decided on black dress with a sweetheart neckline and for the sleeves was a lovely mesh flare sleeves and collar. You chose black high heels with a golden waterfall chain.

 You chose black high heels with a golden waterfall chain

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