John Watson.

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This is a request for ReikaHolmes
Hope you enjoy it! I enjoyed it!


You were Sherlocks first ever flatmate. You weren't close with him, but you wouldn't say you were besties either. You spent most of your time at work, in the kitchen or in your own room. You made sure Sherlock was fed and still alive. When John moved in, you didn't meet him for a couple of weeks afterwards, you where out of London at the time and when you were back you were mostly at work, not getting home till late in the night. It was a Saturday when you did meet. You were pottering around the kitchen doing a little bit of baking, a pass time in which you loved. When suddenly you were forced against a wall.
Turned out your new flatmate didn't know he'd have another flatmate and was very surprised and threatened that a female he didn't recognise was in the kitchen. It wasn't until Sherlock pulled John away from you, that he realise what he done. He apologised profusely. You just ignored him and waited till he left the kitchen. Since then you avoided John Watson at all cost. If you were sitting with Sherlock and he come in, you'd leave. If he was in the room with Sherlock you wouldn't stay in the room. Just pass through quickly.
You didn't hate John, but you didn't particularly like him either. You helped Sherlock, in your spare time, on cases. Ones in which John didn't partake in dude to him working himself.
Despite the avoidance with the ex-soldier. You couldn't help but feel sorry for him. You heard his sob stories of him not landing a relationship with anyone. No matter how hard he tried.

"Your leaving?" You questioned.
"Yes. Only for a month or so." Sherlock responded.
"Is John going with you?" You asked Sherlock leaning against his doorframe watching him pack horribly.
"No." He said tossing a shirt into his suitcase.
You walked over to Sherlock. Shoving him out of the way, pulling everything out of the bag and packing it properly, folding them all neatly and packing them.
"Why isn't he?" You asked.
"I don't need him on this case."
"Again. Why?"
"It's pretty basic. Besides, my mother wants me to visit. This is a good time as any."
You huffed while packing things Sherlock was handing you.
"You'll be fine. You won't see each other much. You work a lot. So does he. I'll be home before you know it."
"Sherlock." You whined.
"Tell you what. You do this for me. And stick it through, when I come back I'll owe you a favour. Or something."
"Ooh a favour of Sherlock Holmes. How can I refuse?"
"Fine. But you owe me." You said zipping up Sherlocks suitcase.
"Thanks Y/n. Your the best."
"Yeah yeah I know I am."
You followed Sherlock out of the flat to his taxi.
"Be safe Sherlock." You said hugging him.
"I will."
You watched Sherlock enter in the taxi and watch him speed away. You wandered back into 221b. You made yourself a hit drink, picked yourself out your favourite book and curled on Sherlocks chair in front of the fire.
Not long afterwards, you heard the front door open and someone shuffling up the stairs. The door flew open to see a tired John.
He looked at you dubiously.
"Where's Sherlock?" He asked.
"Oh. He left for the month. Some case he was needed on. And he's gone to visit his parents."
"Didn't he tell you?"
"No. He barely tells my anything."
"Yes. Well, unfortunate."
You left to put your things away and retire to your bedroom.
The next few days you and John avoided each other like one of you was ridden with the plague.
Things had been changing though, when you both do run into each other you both share a small smile. Seems as you wake up before him and leave before him you leave him out breakfast or a fresh pot of coffee.
With your small interactions growing bigger, you grew to like John. But you weren't sure how to express it. You thought it was a bit too late and would be awkward to reconcile with John.

You were nervous, you was going to ask John to join you for dinner. You had a tiny speech to ask him to dinner and how you didn't want anything bad blood between each other due to a little incident. You knew Mrs Hudson was out for a few nights, something about an old friends, families wedding. So approaching 221B you had this sudden feeling of dread. The iconic door was left open. You pressed your hand to the door and pushed the door open completely.
"John? Mrs Hudson? Sherlock?" You called thinking Sherlock come home early and this was just some stupid prank.
Stepping into the flat nothing seemed out of the ordinary. You closed the door behind you, locking it so no one can come in and if someone was in they had a delay in getting out.
You hung your bag on the coat rack and silently pulled out your revolver. You undone the safety and slowly but surely made your way up the stairs. You opened the door to your flat to see everything strewn about. The bookcases no longer held any books, the table with all of its news paper and case files were everywhere. You made your way into the kitchen to see everything in the cupboards were pulled out haphazardly. You looked in Sherlocks room to see his room a mess too. The same with your room. And Johns. You walked back to the living room and racked your hands through your hair.
"Oh no no no no no." You said tears filling your eyes.
You looked at Johns chair, the only chair that wasn't upturned in the mess. Your brows furrowed in confusion. You noticed sitting on that chair was an envelope.
You plucked the envelope up, confusion and worry growing when you read your name on the front. You quickly opened the letter, pulling out its contents. You opened the note enclosed.

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