Mycroft Holmes.

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You were Mycrofts girlfriend. He loved you more than anything in the world. The only downside was that Mycroft kept your relationship a secret. Which you didn't mind whatsoever. You understood his reasoning as to why he wanted to protect you. You were involved in the SIS or well known as the MI6. British foreign intelligence or the Secret Intelligence Service. Well you used to be.
You were known as the unknown saviour of Sherlock Holmes.
You were always there for him when he was in danger. You prevented him from getting shot, stabbed, tortured. Literally anything. You'd swoop in and save him.
Right now you were perched on top of a building. Sniper rifle in hand. Watching through the scope, observing Sherlocks shenanigans.
"How is he?" You heard Mycrofts voice come from over the phone.
"Eh. He could be in a better situation."
"Well. I'm glad your there."
"Yes. I'm like his guardian angel."
Mycroft laughed.
"Well, you are my Angel."
You were about to respond when you seen Sherlock walk away, one person behind him slowly pulled out a gun.
You pulled the trigger to the sniper and watch it as the bullet went through the victims head. Sherlock turned around in shock. He looked in the direction of where the bullet come from. You waved at him knowing he couldn't see your face and quickly packed the gun away. You grabbed your phone and the gun which was now packed safely.
"Y/n? Darling? Are you okay? What happened?"
"Oh I'm fine. Someone was about to shoot Sherlock. I took care of it."
"Thank heavens."
"I'm coming back now. I'll see you soon okay my love?"
"I'll see you soon my angel." You hung up the phone. You watched as Sherlock spoke to Lestrade. Maybe you should surprise him with a visit.

You made your way to 221b. You snuck around the flats and slowly climbed up to his flat. You were grateful that his window was open and easily managed to squeeze in.
You heard music playing loudly from downstairs which was perfect for you as you didn't have to be quiet.
You knew Sherlock wouldn't be long so you made yourself a hot tea. You sat in Sherlocks chair sipping your tea as you awaited Sherlocks presence.
Not even a few minutes later you heard someone stomp up the stairs. The door opened and the man froze.
"Well. It's about time you showed up" you said still sipping your tea.
"Welcome home young Holmes." You looked up at him and seen him reach into his pocket.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you. I'm not here to harm you."
"How did you get in?" Sherlock finally spoke.
"Well. For someone so smart I'm sure you can work it out. You really should close your windows."
"Who are you? Why are you here? Why can't I deduce you?"
"I am Y/n Y/l/n. I'm here on the account of business. And I learned from the best to make myself unable to be deduced."
"Your brother."
"Well do you have any other brothers?" You asked sarcastically.
Sherlock stayed silent.
"Sit. We have to discuss some things." You gestured to Johns chair.
"Your in my seat." Sherlock finally spoke.
"Stop being a baby. Sit down." You demanded. Sherlock slowly sat down.
"Why was that guy going to shoot you?"
You asked. Sherlocks eyes widened in realisation.
"Your the one who saves me all the time."
"Why?" He asked.
"It's fun. Besides it makes Mycroft happy."
"Yes. How do you know him?"
"Well I hope I do. He is my boyfriend after all."
Sherlocks eyes widened once again.
"If you keep opening your eyes like that they'll fall out." You remarked.
"So Holmes, why did they want to shoot you?"
"Oh. I got their significant other imprisoned and refused to help them break them out. Thank you for saving me."
"Is the great Sherlock Holmes thanking someone? My my. What a wonderful day this is."
You placed your now empty tea cup on the side next to Sherlocks chair.
"Well it was really nice meeting you Sherlock. May we meet again one day. You know where to find me if you need any help in the future."
"Right. One more question before you go." Sherlock said.
"Why are you dating my brother?" He asked.
"He's the love of my life. Why else?"
"I thought everyone was a goldfish to him?"
"Yes well love changes someone." You said.
Sherlock scoffed.
"Just because your alone Sherlock, it doesn't mean everyone you know needs to be."
"Alone protects me."
"No, Sherlock. Love protects you. I'll see you soon." You left the flat. You walked down the stairs as someone left the flat downstairs.
"Oh. I thought Sherlock come in alone?" The lady asked.
"He did." You replied going to the door.
"Then how did you get in?"
"You should teach him to close windows."
"Oh dear. You broke in?" She asked scared.
"Obviously." You said leaving 221b. The woman stood there in shock.
"Sherlock!" She yelled up the stairs.

You started walking home. Thinking about how you couldn't wait to be In the arms of your one true love.
"My love!" You called walking into your shared house. "I'm home!"
"In the kitchen!" Mycroft called back.
You walked into the kitchen and wrapped your arms around Mycroft, resting your head between his shoulder blades.
"Welcome home my angel." Mycroft said.
He released himself from your grasp, then turned to face you, pulling you into his arms.
"I met Sherlock." You said into his chest.
"Yeah. I broke into his flat."
Mycroft laughed.
"His flat is really easy to break into. Surprisingly he isn't dead yet."
Mycroft laughed again.
"I told him about us. He was shocked about it. Well more surprised you changed your opinion of sentiment."
"Yes, well he is rather stupid."
You hummed into his chest.
"Do you think one day we will be able to tell more people about us?" You asked.
"I hope so."
"What about we tell people who we care about. And threaten them into silence? Well mainly your family, I don't have any. But I'd like them to know who makes their Son happy."
Mycroft kissed your head.
"Of course my angel."
"Really?" You pulled away from Mycroft.
"Anything for you."
You pulled Mycroft into a kiss.
"I love you so much Mycroft. Weird family or not."
"I love you more."
"Can we cuddle?"
"Absolutely my angel."

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