Sherlock Holmes

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"Surprise! I'm back from the dead! Isn't that exiting!" Sherlock announced walking into 221b. Seconds later a loud smack was heard. Sherlock touched the side of his face, looking at you in shock.
"Thought you'd be happy." He said. Another loud smack was heard. His other cheek slowly turning red.
"Don't think I deserved that."
"You're alive!" You shrilled.
"Evidently. Is this how people react when they find out someone they know isn't actually dead."
"No! Sherlock! No they don't! Because no one is that selfish to do that to their family! You left me! You left John! Did we not matter to you? Your own wife and best friend?"
"I had no choice-"
"Everyone has a choice Sherlock!"
"I was put undercover."
"For two years?"
"It was Mycrofts fault."
"Mycroft knows!?"
"Guessing you didn't know that?"
"I mourned for you! I cried for you! I loved you! I love you! Why couldn't you have given me some sort of information to tell me you were alive?" You cried.
"Baby-" Sherlock started, stepping toward you.
"No! No, don't come anywhere near me!" You cried louder stepping as far away as you could.
"Are you even real? This is just a nightmare. Why did you do this to me?"
Sherlock looked down in guilt.
"I'm sorry. I had to tear down Moriartys network."
"You could've told me. I would've helped."
"I didn't want to put you in danger."
"I need to go. I need to breathe." You said rushing past him. Out of 221b.
You leaned against the door. The metal knocker rested above your head. You took a few deep breaths. Your body still shaking no matter how much you tried to calm down.
You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. You pulled it out seeing a message from John.
"I'm sorry Y/n. I'm sure you've heard the news by now. I'm here if you need anything'
Just as you were typing a response you received a message from Mycroft.
'Don't be too hard on Sherlock. It wasn't his idea.'
You groaned in anger, smashing your phone against the concrete.
You stormed off from Baker Street. Hoping the fresh air would cool you down. Perhaps this was all a dream- well a nightmare. That you'll soon wake up and you'll go back to your new 'normal'
You walked down the road to a nursery. You needed your daughter, Emma.
You got her out of nursery early, promising to take your two year old for some ice cream.
Your eyes held tears as your toddler told you of her day, how she played with her friends, how she played dollies. You smiled as you listened to her, and watched how she got ice cream all over her face.
"Yes baby?"
"Why did I have to leave early?"
"Because mommy missed you loads."
"I missed you too mommy. I love you loads."
"I love you more baby."
You cleaned her face after you both finished your ice cream.
You took Emma to the park and watched as she played with the other kids. You sat on the bench holding your tears.
Your boyfriend was alive. He died and not long afterwards you found out you were pregnant. You had told John and he was overjoyed. You named him and Mary as Emmas godparents. Mary had been a close friend of yours for years when you introduced her and John together they immediately hit it off. You were scared to tell Mycroft. But you wanted to let him know that he had an addiction to his family. He was overjoyed, though he didn't really show it. He did show remorse when you broke down in tears in front of him. But ever since Emmas birth he was close to his niece.
You broke out of thought when you heard your daughter giggle as she went down the slide.
You felt someone sit next to you. You slightly shuffled closer to the end of the bench to give the stranger room.
"I'm sorry." You heard the stranger say. It was Sherlock.
"Is she yours?"
"You already know she is." You hissed.
"Is she... mine?"
"You already know that too."
"When did you find out?"
"The same day you 'died'"
"What's her name?"
"Emma Wanda Holmes."
"You gave her my surname?"
"Of course i did. I love you Sherlock and you died. I wanted her to live on your legacy."
"Thank you. For everything. For taking care of her."
You scoffed.
"I don't need thanks for being a mother." You hissed. "I'm not going to leave her. No matter how hard things get. If she can't have her father then she'll have her mother."
"Y/n I-"
"No. You don't get to say anything. You dies Sherlock. You left me alone. Alone and pregnant. I had to raise her all alone."
"You had John."
"I had no one. John left because he lost his best friend. Mrs Hudson became busy with whatever other existing family she has. Mycroft was barely there. He's send me and her gifts and things to keep us going. But we'd barely talk. I have no family. I had no one."
"Mommy? Why are you crying?" You looked at Emma, quickly wiping your tears away.
"Mommy's just really happy to see you."
"Don't cry! I'm always here!" Emma said climbing onto the bench hugging you.
"I know baby." You said pulling her onto your lap.
Emma snuggled into you.
"Emma baby?"
"Yes mama."
"I want you to meet someone really special okay?"
"Okay!" Emma said pulling away smiling widely.
"This is going to be a big shock to you okay? So it's okay if you feel sad."
"Emma Holmes. Meet your dada." You said pointing to Sherlock.
"Dada? I thought he was with the angels?"
"Yes he was baby. But the Angels wanted him to come back to you."
"Really?" Emma asked looking at you.
"Yes baby."
"He's my dada?"
You nodded.
"Is that why you were crying?"
"Yes baby. I missed you dada loads."
Emma slid from your lap, taking a closer step to Sherlock.
"Dada?" She said looking at him wide eyed.
"Hello Emma."
She crawled up into Sherlocks lap hugging him as tight as she could. She then pulled back and hit him in the chest.
"That's for making Mommy cry. No one is allowed to make her cry!"
"I'm sorry."
Emma rubbed her eyes.
"Are you tired?" Sherlock asked her. She nodded and leaned into his chest. Emma fell asleep as soon as she closed her eyes.
"She's just like you." Sherlock said.
"Yeah. She's my twin. But she acts like you more then anything."
"She does?"
"Yeah. She's very smart for her age. A little mini you."
"I'm really sorry Y/n. I know you might not forgive me. But I will spend every moment of my life making it up to you and Emma."
"You better. I missed you so much Sherlock."
"I missed you more."
"Cmon. Let's go home." You said. Sherlock stood up still carrying Emma. With his free hand he held yours as you both walked hand in hand back to 221b Baker Street.

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