Jim Moriarty.

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It's great ain't it?

The feeling that is unbearable or sometimes the pain is okay to live with if your sadistic.

I'm one of them people; a sadist, a psychopath. I absolutely love pain. Especially if I cause it on other people.

I am a world famous entrepreneur. I own loads of businesses that keeps countries in tact; I am like the bosses boss.

I am also a sociopath, millionaire and the worlds worst killer.

I was walking down the street to see Mycroft Holmes. My favourite Holmes.

I walked into the office tower block he worked in.

There was a line to the reception desk. I walked in front of everyone.

"Hey! get in the line!" Someone shouted. I seen the receptionist go pale. I smirked.

"You have no idea who I am do you?" i asked.

"Yeah your someone who needs to get to the back of the line!"

"I am world famous Y/n Y/l/n. A very important person that can make sure you have the most shitty life ever. No job. No relationships. No kids. I'll let you rot. And there will be nothing you can use to kill yourself because you wont have anything. I'll come to you myself to torture you every single day until you die of old age. Now don't speak to me like that ever again, do I make myself clear. Doctor Watson?" He went pale at my name and he started shaking.

"Y-yeah. I-I'm sorry."

"You better be. You have a question, What is it?"

"H-how do y-you know my n-name?"

"If you must know I've been keeping close tabs on you, Sherlock Holmes and Mary Watson you're also always in the news. Oh Mary Watson, such a two faced woman, what I'd do to her. "

"Don't you dare do anything to my wife"

"Or what Doctor Watson? You can't kill me. If you do, or if you even try, you and your family will get twice as much pain. Now you have wasted a lot of my time already. I'll see you soon Watson"

I walked towards the receptionist.

"Take me to Mycroft Holmes" i stated coldly.

She nodded scared and showed me the way to his office.

Once we arrived I just walked in without knocking. He was already in a meeting. Oh well.

Everyone turned to look at me in anger for disturbing their meeting and they turned pale seeing me. Oh how I love it when people do that.

"Get out." I simply stated.

They all packed away and left in a rush. Mycroft following suit.

"Holmes, stay. We need to talk." He sat down.

Once everyone left the last one closing the door.

"What can I do for you Miss Y/l/n?"

"I need you to give me an update of the British government. You know what I want. I'm meeting your beloved brother soon"

"And why do you need to meet him?"

"Mind your own business."

"It's my business if it includes my brother."

"We need a chat that's all."


-time skip-

It was about 11 o'clock and I was walking the street by the river Thames.

"Look who we have here." A voice said.

"Looking for a good time Missy? Cause we are." They have no idea who they are talking to.

One of them grabbed me.

I turned and punched them hard between their eyes. One down two to go. The second one looked at his friend then back at me. I got my gun out and shot the guy in the shoulder. The last one look scared. I shot him in the leg.

I got out my phone and called someone to pick these up and take them to my torture place.

"Well that was impressive." an Irish voice said.

"Yeah. They ruined my new top with their blood."

"I'm Jim Moriarty."

"I'm Y/n Y/l/n."

"You're Y/n Y/l/n?! Oh my gosh I absolutely love you!!!"

"Well that's lovely. Here is my card. Contact my secretary and make an appointment i'd love you to work along side me in the future."

"This is like a dream come true!"

"I'll see you soon James." I said walking off.

Little did we know that that time and date of us meeting would change forever.

We dated for a few years. Then we got married.

We didn't have kids until many years later.

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