First kiss.

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Sherlock Holmes..

It was yours and Sherlocks 6th date. You and Sherlock didn't want to rush into anything quickly. Well, it was you letting Sherlock slowly getting used to to sentiment.

You and Sherlock was walking hand in hand throughout the park, late at night. You both finished having a lovely romantic candle lit dinner. He was talking to you about a case he has recently finished with John, whom you haven't met yet. Once walking through the park, you both walked down the streets of London, back to your flat (apartment).

"Do you want to come in and have some tea?" You asked once you arrived at your door.

"I'm sorry love, I've got a case to solve, the game is on after all!"

"Okay, text me when you get home safe. Don't stay up to late trying to solve the case."


As you opened the door Sherlock grabbed your arm and pulled you towards him. You looked at him, he smiled and placed his lips on yours. You both pulled away looking into each others eyes, smiling happily.

John Watson..

You've been going on dates with John for a while now. You and John was standing looking at the River Thames watching boats full of tourists sail by.

"This is really nice. I love spending time with you." John said.

"I do too, I don't want to forget this day."

"Hows about we do something you won't ever forget?"

"And whats that?"

"Close your eyes." You did as he asked.

You was just about to question what he was doing when you felt lips press against yours. You smiled into the kiss and began to kiss back.

Not long after you both pulled away to gain your breath.

"Your right. Ill never forget this day."

Mycroft Holmes...

You and Mycroft has been in a relationship for nearly three months. He was getting use to sentiment and getting used to the fact that your not a goldfish like everyone else.

Mycroft was having a hard day at work. The government was stressing him out. You decided to surprise him with cupcakes as they usually cheer him up.

Knocking on his office door you hoped he wasn't doing anything too important.
You smiled when you heard him say 'come in'

You opened the door and walked in. You seen the smile spread ac ross his face when he seen you.

"Y/n! What are you doing here?" He said walking around his desk.

"I wanted to surprise you. So surprise! Oh and i made you some cupcakes!" You offered him the tray of cupcakes.

He took them and placed them on his desk. He then pulled you into his arms and placed his lips on you. You was shocked, but finally kissed back.

Greg Lestrade...

You and Greg were watching movies, on the sofa, cuddling, underneath a blanket. You were watching a horror movie trying not to have a heart attack with all the jump scares. Greg was loving the movie. Watching it, not jumping, enjoying it like a psychopath.

You whimpered as another jump scare happened. Hiding under the blanket. Curling into Greg more, hoping your body would disappear Into his.

The blanket was moved away from your face. You looked up and looked into your lovers eyes.

"Are you okay Darling? We can turn the movie of if your too scared."

"N-no. I'm not scared." You said.

"Darling, dont lie."

You gave a shy smile.

He grinned.

His face came closer to yours.

His lips pressed against yours. You and him was in bliss,

The bliss ended soon to catch breath.

"Don't worry darling, no one will get you. I promise."

Jim Moriarty...

You were cooking dinner for you and Jim. You knew today would be a hard day at work, so you cooked his favourite meal. Lasagna.

You were doing the finishing touches when you felt arms wrap around your waist and a head rest in the crook of your neck.

You smiled.

"Are you cooking lasagna?" He asked.


You served up two plates. Just as you were about to pick up the plates and take them to the table. Jim turned you around and placed his warm, pink lips onto yours. Your eyes widened in surprise, but slowly kissed back.

Authors note

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