Sherlock Holmes.

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Your pov.

It was dark and wet. I sighed as I walked out of St. Barts hospital. Where I work. I work with a girl called Molly. She is a good friend. She wasn't in work today she called in sick. She always talks about Sherlock Holmes and his friend Dr John Watson. I've never met them.

I looked up and down the street as I thought there were no taxis. I rolled my eyes. I turned the coller up on my coat as I started walking home. The raining calmed down after a few minutes. I was wet but not soaked. I walked by a cafe and decided it wouldn't hurt to have a hot drink. I walked to the till bit.

"Hello welcome to rainbow cafe what can I get you?"

"Can I have a large black coffee with two sugars please?"

"Coming right up."

"You know that's how I have my coffee too." A deep voice said behind me.

I turned around to see a tall man with curly hair.

"Is that so? I can't stand milk in my coffee its to horrible." I said.

"The names Sherlock Holmes."

"The names Dr y/n y/l/n. Pleased to meet you Mr Holmes" The lady gave me my coffee and I payed her.

"Likewise. Y/n"

"Well Mr Holmes, I hope to see you soon." As I said that I walked out the cafe and I finally seen a taxi. I held my hand up to signal it to stop which it did. I got in I said my address. As it drove off I looked at Sherlock and smiled.

Sherlock Holmes' pov.

When I seen y/n drive away in the taxi. I was confused. I couldn't deduce her. Not a single thing. I got into a taxi waiting on the road.

"221B baker street please."

One I arrived I payed the taxi and knocked on the door a few seconds later Mrs Hudson opened the door.

"Hello Sherlock."

"Hello Mrs Hudson." I ran up the stairs and threw the door open.

"John! John!"

"What is it Sherlock?"

"I went into a cafe and I spoke to this girl and I couldn't deduce a thing about her."

"Like Irene?"

"Yes John."

"Do you want a tea?"

"Please." I replied and went into my mind palace to see if I can deduce her now.

~time skip~

Your pov.

I woke up to my alarm at 6 o'clock meaning I have work. I get out of bed and went to have a shower after the shower I brushed my teeth. I got Into a white blouse, a black pencil skirt, a blazer, clear tights and some black heals. I brushed my hair and left it down. I applied natural makeup onto my face. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and my bag. As I walked out of my apartment I grabbed my keys and locked the door and made my way to St. Barts hospital.

I went straight to the morgue and went to the small locker room. I opened my locker and grabbed my white coats and put my bag in the locker closed the door and locked it. Put my white coat on top of my clothes I was wearing . There was another dead body in the morgue. I read the file next to the body and put some rubber gloves on before I uncovered the body and started looking for clues of the death. The pale body hiding in the sight of the white walls begging to be seen to.

He had a knife wound to the stomach. With bruising around his neck. I looked at his hands and seen bits of blood underneath his finger nails. I got a tooth pick and put it under the nail and got some flecks of dry blood. Out it onto a Petri dish and placed it by the microscope. I took off the gloves and put them in the bin. I looked at the file again when I noticed something on the man's head it was covered with is hair. I put some new gloves on. I moved is hair and seen a dark bruise. The door of my little lab. I looked up slightly and seen two men.

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