Sherlock Holmes.

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This is a request for The_Lonely_Blue
This is a short one. Hope you enjoy!
"Sherlock! I'm leaving." You called, pulling your shoes on.
You turned to see where Sherlock was, jumping when he was right behind you.
"Jesus, Sherlock. I'm going to buy you a bell, and put it around your neck so I can hear you."
"Have you put on sunscreen?" He asked.
You then felt something rest on your head.
"What? It's a sun hat."
"I don't need a sun hat."
"Yes you do."
"No I don't."
"Here." He said, passing you some sunglasses.
"Now why do I need these?"
"To protect your eyes. Pretty self explanatory."
"I don't need sunglasses if I have a hat."
"Yes you do."
"Oh!" He said turning away, he handed you a lace type shawl.
"It's too hot for this."
"Yes, but you'll protect your skin."
"I'm wearing a high spf sunscreen."
He walked into the kitchen. You following behind.
"You're over reacting."
"My love it's 40° Celsius in London. It's the hottest day that we have ever had in history. I want you to be safe."
"I will be Sherlock. I just don't need a lace shawl, or a massive sun hat."
"But the sun is dangerous. It can give you skin cancer."
"I know that Sherlock. I'm going to be indoors."
"Can't you stay home?"
"No Sherlock."
"Sherlock." You cut him off. "I'm going to be okay. I'll wear the hat big that's it."
"Fine. Here." He said handing you a cold bottle of water, some snacks, a mini sunscreen and some spf lip balm.
"Oh Sherlock."
"I love you Y/n."
"I love you too."

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