Moriarty catch up.

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How you meet...

You were walking down the streets of London in the pouring rain, crying. Your date had stood you up and no taxis or anything was nearby. You started to shiver when a black car pulled up next to you and someone exited the car

"No i'm not a hooker. No I don't want to give you a good time. No, I don't want to get kidnapped either. I'm just an ordinary girl who wants to go home but its long to walk so leave me alone." You said still walking not looking at who got out the car.

"Well darling I know you are not a hooker. I do want a good time but not in the way you mean. I don't want to kidnap you either and I know you want to go home as you look like you have had a bad day." The person said who had left the car.

You had stopped walking.

"Who are you?" You had asked looking at who got out the car.

"James Moriarty. Whats your name and why are you in the rain? Without an umbrella?"

"I'm Y/n L/n and I was supposed to be on a date but he stood me up and it's made my bad day worse and there was no taxis or anything to take me home so my only option was to walk."

"I can drop you home if you like?"

"I don't get into cars with strangers"

"I'm not a stranger anymore though am I Y/n?" I didn't know how to respond


You both got into the car telling him you address.

"Here's my number call me." James said as you left the car.


His- love or darling.

Yours- sunshine or my love.

Favourite things of his to wear...

His dress shirts because you find them really comfortable and you love the smell of them as they remind you of him.

How they ask you on a date...

You was binge watching your favourite Tv show when you heard a knock on the door.

You opened it to see Sebastian holding red roses and a large bag.

"Hello Miss Y/n these are for you I hope you like them. It's from James."

"Oh Sebastian I told you not to call me Miss its to formal and i'm not that important to be called Miss."

"I'm sorry Y/n. You are important in your own way. Where should I put these?"

"Oh just on the table. Thank you Sebastian."

"Your welcome! Have a good day."

"Bye Sebastian."

He closed the door after him and you looked at the flowers and noticed a note.

' Hello Y/n

I wish to invite you on a date tonight at 6pm.

I have already checked your calendar so I know you don't have anything.

If you don't want to go on a date then leave me a message or something but I hope you say yes.

I hope you like these flowers. I hope you wear what I got you tonight.

All my love;

James Moriarty.'

What he loves about you...

Your kindness and patience. You will always be kind even in the sad or angry times you have you can also be very patience as you don't expect anything straight away. If your angry or impatient he always runs you a bath with loads of bubbles and with candles scattered around the bathroom and makes sure your wine glass is always full.

What he does to annoy you...

When he don't have anyone to torment he gets really clingy. You usually don't mind but when he follows you around like a lost puppy or wont stop cuddling you then you always get annoyed. But if he is clingy but not really clingy then you don't mind because you love his cute little pout.

What you love about him...

How he is always kind, passionate, and loving towards you. But when he is with other people he has this cold demeanour about him unless your in danger with him or if someone was to insult you.

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