Mycroft Holmes

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Your pov.

I work for the government; I'm literally in control of the government. My role is the role under the prime minister. But the prime minister always comes to me for things like to help with serious situations across the UK I might as well be the prime minister as I know what to do, not like these hopeless people that can't run the country, even if it's food fed to them. I went into work to do some more work and speak to a special someone. I walked through the doors and walked to the reception.

"Excuse me?"

"Hello, how may I help you?"

"Tell Mr Holmes that his boss is here to see him."


Mycroft pov.

There was a knock at my office door.


"Mr Holmes there's a lady here to see you."

"Tell her to come back later I'm busy."

"But sir she says it's important."

"Tell her to come back later."

"Sir you don't understand. It's your boss."

"What!? Then bring her in."

I scrambled to make my desk look cleaner and organised, before Y/N comes.

"Oh Mycroft. You should know by now you don't have to make your office formal when I visit. I'm a friend ain't I?"

"Yes, but your my boss. Regardless, if your my friend or not."

"You don't have to though Mycroft, I simply don't care what you office looks like it shows me that you are busy handling your work so Britain stays in order."

"My dearest apologies."

"Mycroft how's about you take a break and we can go for coffee and a slice of cake."


We walked out the office building and down the road to a lovely cafe.

I ordered a slice of chocolate cake, with a tea, while Y/n ordered a chocolate cake with a pink icing rose.

We sat on a round table which white french looking chairs.

"Hows handling the prime minister?" I asked Y/N.

"Good. How's handling the safety of Britain?"


"How's your brother?"

"Annoying as ever." I replied with a sigh.

"I would love to meet him one day."

"Why would you do something stupid like that?"

"I don't know I just like the idea of visiting the world famous consulting detective. Also I want to see my friends brother to see I they are similar in any way."

"You will meet him soon Y/N. Not yet I hope."

She laughed. It was like music to my ears.

Once we finished the cake we walked through a near by park.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah sure."

"Will you fire me if I done something rational."


"Good." I said.


"So I can do this."

I slammed my lips onto hers. I pulled away straight away.

"Sorry. I understand if you don't want to be friends with me anymore."

I took a step back, ready to walk away, when she grabbed my suit collar and pulled me towards her and pressed her lips on mine. 

"Now why would I do something stupid like that? I love you Mycroft."

"I love you to Y/N even though I don't feel a lot of sentiment."

After I said that I kissed her again.

We broke again for air.

"I thought I was a goldfish, like everyone else. What's changed?"

"Y/n, you make me feel things I've never felt before. You've changed me in a good way. You make me a better man. And although I don't do change, I love this change."

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