Sherlock Holmes.

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This is a request for The_Lonely_Blue
You had a bad day. You woke up late. You tripped over your own feet. You had bumped into someone and spilled coffee all over yourself. The other person in question didn't care. You were late for work. You were given way too much paperwork for your pay grade. So you had ended up staying way later then you usually would. When you did eventually leave, it was raining. Your umbrella broke. Cabbies didn't stop for you. Buses were packed. Cars drove straight through puddles soaking you to the bone. Your phone died, and was soaked. You fell over grazing your knee and elbows. Your makeup streaked down your face. Your high heel had broken. You were a mess. And you wanted it all to end. You wanted your bed and your boyfriend.

You carefully opened the door to 221. You trudged upstairs. You walked into your shared flat and walked straight to the bathroom. Ignoring the stare from your beloved. You removed all your soggy clothes and stepped into the shower allowing the hot water to flow and caress your skin. You sighed sadly. Tears falling down your face. They were hidden amongst the hot water thankfully. You leaned against the wall sobbing silently.
You heard a knock on the door.
"Darling? Are you okay?" You heard through the door.
You sniffed.
"Yeah. Yeah I'm okay."
"Don't lie. Can I come in?"
"Please?" He pleaded.
You heard the bathroom door open and close.
"Can I join you?"
Sherlock stripped himself of his clothes and stepped into the shower. He gently grabbed you, pulling you into his arms. You sobbed louder holding on to Sherlock for dear life. He turned the shower off, grabbing a towel drying you gently before wrapping it around you. He done the same for himself. He helped you out of the shower, taking you to the bedroom. He sat you on the bed while grabbing your favourite shirt of his and some underwear. He carefully dressed you. He placed a kiss on your forehead. You sniffled as he took care of you. He dried your hair and styled it in a lose braid. He quickly put on some underwear on himself. He lifted you from the bed. Pulling the duvet back, laying you down gently, before pulling the duvet back over you. He stepped back to leave the room quickly but you grabbed his hand and whined a little.
"It's okay. I'll be back." He said pressing a kiss to your knuckles.
You watched him leave the room, you wiped your face with your hands, trying to stop crying and sniffling.
Sherlock walked back into the bedroom with a cups of tea.
"Here you go Darling." He said. Helping you drink your tea. (He made it as soon as you got into the bathroom so it was warm enough to drink)
"Better?" He asked and you nodded.
He walked around the bed, getting into his side. He pulled you into his chest. You burned your face into his neck. He held you close.
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked.
"Okay. I'm here for you Darling. No matter what."
After a while you felt better in your beloveds arms.
"I had a bad day."
"Tell me about it?" He asked even though you knew he had already deduced it.
You told him the events of your day. He gently caressed your arm as you spoke.
"You didn't deserve that Darling. Your boss is a bastard."
"Yeah. I know. But I need the job."
"Not if it affects your mental health Darling. You need to quit. I'll help you find a job you'll love."
"I love you so much Darling."
"I love you too. Thank you Sherlock."
"No need to thank me." He said kissing your head.
If possible he pulled you closer. You both fell asleep in each others arms. Not a care in the world, the only thought was how much you both love each other.

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