John Watson

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This is a request for GlamRockCrash
This talks really heavy of mental health issues, including depression, PTSD, anxiety and insomnia. Also includes nightmares, mentions of war, death, blood and all that kind of stuff.
Hope you enjoy.
He knew it was coming. He felt it. The depression creeping in, anxiety making itself known once again, like he could ever forget it. He was losing sleep, getting lost in thought too often. His beloved wife was oblivious, but he knew she'd figure it out soon enough. She knew him too well after all. But he did what he thought was best. Avoidance. He buried his inner demons, trying to suffocate the feelings away. Despite his best efforts, the feelings grew.

It was a sunny morning. Birds sang happily, traffic flowing by. He sat at the kitchen table in his own little world. A now cold coffee in his hands. He felt his leg go numb, shaking slightly. He huffed in annoyance.
A hand on his shoulder brought him out of his world, he looked up and seen his wife looking at him in concern.
"John? Are you alright?"
"Hmm? Yeah. Yeah I'm fine." He said bringing his coffee up to his mouth. Spitting it back into the mug when he found it was cold.
"Did you sleep well?"
"Yeah, I woke up a bit too early, thought I'd might as well get up."
She pressed a kiss to his temple.
"I'll make some breakfast." She said.
John watched as his wife pottered around the kitchen, noticing that she herself was still sluggish from the morning. He smiled warmly, thanking to whatever god was up there, if there's even one, that he got the most amazing woman to be his wife.

As the day progressed, John was becoming more aware of the feeling that was creeping in. That maybe if he spoke to his wife or therapist, that the feeling would go away. But he couldn't. He didn't know how to say it. To put the feeling into words. His work felt like it was never ending, but when his shift did end he didn't feel the excitement of going home to see his wife like he usually does. He drug jumped from his office, locking it in the process and began the drab journey home.
Once he arrived, he stood before the black door, sighing, praying this feeling would go away.
As usual he pushed the feeling down and entered his home.
"You're home!" He wife called, flying into his arms. He held back a grunt, wrapping his arms around her fondly.
"How was work?" She asked pulling away from him.
"Drab. Like usual."
"Oh, well I have your favourite food cooking! It'll be done shortly. So get yourself settled!" She said kissing his cheek and making her way back into the kitchen.
After John had changed into more comfortable clothes, he walked downstairs, he sighed inwardly but continued his way to the kitchen.
"Y/n?" He called.
You looked at him doe eyed and smiled at him.
He was silent. No word echoed.

"Are you okay?" You asked, pressing a hand to his forehead, looking deep into his eyes.
"Huh. Yeah, yeah I'm okay. I'm just tired."
"Well dinners almost done so you can rest afterwards."
"Sounds amazing."
"I seen Sherlock today." You said.
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah. He joined me for coffee and helped with the shopping."
"That's nice of him."
"Yeah. He said something odd."
"It's Sherlock. He is odd."
"He said you're avoiding him."
"I've just been busy."
"Too busy for Sherlock? Hard to believe. I start to think that you're more in love with him then me." You laughed.
"I'm not gay."
"Shockingly. You're married to me. But you could still swing that way."
He looked at you unimpressed.
"Not the point. Sherlock said he's in half a mind to turn up here and drag you out. Said your behaviours a bit odd. That you haven't gone on a case in a while. He just wants to make sure you're okay. I said I'd talk to you first before he went into his hash reactions."
"I'm fine. Just trying to keep on top of things at work. New staff need training. You know how it goes at GPs."
"I know, that's why I've taken the liberty in inviting Sherlock to dinner on Sunday. Took a bit of persuading. But apparently everyone loves my Sundays roast so weren't too difficult for him to say yes."
"Hmm, your dinner could bring the strongest man to his knees."
"Pfft. Ridiculous."
John chuckled. Regardless on how his demons were growing inside of him. His wife always seemed to calm the storm, even if temporarily. Though, if she knew his demons fully then he knew she'd be able to tear them all down.
"Go to bed. I'll join you after I've cleaned up." You said.
"No you cooked."
"John if you don't get your backside in bed there's going to be problems. You're exhausted."
"But so are you, you've worked all day as well, and got the essentials."
"Yes, but Im a woman. Exhaustion don't bother us as much as guys. We're used to it. So go to bed."
You raised your brow, watching as John nodded.
"Okay." He pulled you into his arms. Breathing in your scent, calming his mind.
"I love you so much." He said squeezing you a bit tighter then usual.
"I love you too. Are you sure you're okay? You seem out of it today."
"Everything is perfect when I'm with you."
"Cheesy. Bed. Now." You said pulling out of his arms.
John leaned towards you. Kissing you slowly.
"I'll see you upstairs." He said pulling away.
Shortly afterwards you joined John in bed. It might've been a bit early. But perfect opportunity for cuddles and watching tv. Though John fell asleep quickly, his exhaustion catching up on him.

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