John Watson

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This is a request for GlamRockCrash

By the Way, I decided to try out doing a smut and normal imagines book with anyone. Well mostly. But if I hate it it's not going to last. I'm going to start it once I've caught up in other requests. But if you have any smutty or none smutty requests, send me a message!
That being said.


"I'm nervous." John said.
"Why?" Sherlock replied looking through his microscope.
"I don't know."
"Yes you do."
John sighed.
"I still think she's too good for me."
"I mean. She is. She's amazing. She's so many things and I'm just me."
"This is where you give advice?"
"I'm not great at advise, but can i interest you in a sarcastic comment?"
Sherlock looked up from the microscope, noting his friend's distress.
"Why are you nervous. You've been going out for months. Surely you'd be over that kind of thing."
"She wants to meet my family. And wants me to meet hers."
"You know about my family Sherlock."
"Well what about her family?"
"It's only her brother."
"So? It's basically the same with you. You don't talk to your family due to their alcohol consumption issues."
"I'm scared Sherlock."
Just as John went to reply Mrs Hudson walked into the flat.
"Ah Mrs Hudson! Care to help shed light to John? Y/n wants to meet his family."
"Oh that's wonderful! What's the issue dear?"
"He doesn't talk to his family."
John groaned at Sherlocks words to their landlord.
"But he talks to us." Mrs Hudson looked at John. "We're your family too!"
Sherlocks face turned to distress. He grumbled under his breath and continued doing his work.
"We can meet her! I've wanted to meet her for ages!" Mrs Hudson gushed. "We can have a dinner! Invite everyone we know!"

John and Sherlock were sitting in the hospital cafeteria, shockingly waiting for Molly to arrive rather then going in unannounced.
"You should ask her out." Sherlock said.
"The person your staring at. I don't know who she is."
"I can't."
"She's too perfect."
Sherlock rolled his eyes.
"It's not that hard."
"It is! Have you seen her?" John protested.
"Well I should hope so. Unless I'm actually going blind. Oh wait no. I can see her."
"Just ask her. What's the worst that can happen?"
"She could say no?"
"And If she does then you can find someone else."
"But I don't want someone else."
"She's amazing."
"Yes. Like you already said.
"She's probably got someone anyway."
"She doesn't."
"And you know that how?"
"Deduction dear Watson."
"Right. Forgot who I was talking too. Wait. Why aren't you saying your deductions. You love to show off."
"Hm. Well i guess I'm being nice. So you can get to know her better."
"But I can't."
"You can."
"How? You can't make me." John said.
Sherlock smirked at John. He stood up and approached you. Noticing Johns face turn to a look of horror.
"Hi Miss."
You looked up dumbfounded at the tall man beside you.
"Oh! Hi."
"My names Sherlock Holmes. My friend over there." He pointed at John. Who hid his face. "Really likes you. But he's ashamed of your beauty. Here's his number."
"Oh! Thanks! I'm Y/n Y/l/n." You said offering your hand. Sherlock shaking it firmly.
Sherlock left shortly after and you waved at John who shyly waved back.

As embarrassing as his friend was, he did him good. You messaged him not even an hour later. Slowly getting to know each other and even arranging a date.

Though after his date Mrs Hudson wanted to know every single detail. Sherlock noted the lovesick look John wore. He also noted the smudged lipstick stain on Johns cheek where he failed to wipe the stain away properly.
Sherlock smiled at his friend. Satisfied that John was finally happy.


"Aren't you going to be late?" Sherlock said over Mrs Hudsons rambling.
"Right. Yeah. Thanks Sherlock." John said leaving the flat. He got into his car and drove to his girlfriends house.
On the way there stopping for her favourite flowers.

He knocked a few times on her door. Smiling when he heard shuffling and a few curses on the other side. The door opened, revealing the most beautiful person he'd ever seen.
"Hi." He smiled.
"These are for you." He said handing her the bouquet.
"Thank you John. You didn't have too. The other ones aren't even dead yet!" She said letting him into her house.
"Well it means that you'll always have flowers. I'll never stop." He said watching her out the flowers in a brand new vase.
"Thank you."
"Are you ready to go?" He said.
"Yep." She said grabbing her purse. John opened the front door for her, he followed her out watching as she locked the door before offering her his arm.
He walked her out of her front garden, towards his car, opening the door for her, waiting for her to get situated before closing the door.
"Are you going to tell me where we're going?" She asked when John got into the car himself.
"You'll see shortly."
She huddled but smiled shortly after.
They both talked about random things as they drove through the streets of London.
He smiled as he noticed her excitement growing.
"Oh John!" She smiled at him when they arrived at the familiar place.
"It's your favourite place. I had to take you." He said grabbing her hand and placing a kiss on her knuckles.
They both got out the car, John obviously opening the car door for her.
She jumped into Johns arms, kissing his cheek fondly.

It wasn't too long until you both finished your dinner. Your legs tangled together the whole time. Cheeks red and stiff for laughing and smiling too much.
"Shall we go?" John said.
"Sure. I just need to go to the loo." She said getting up.
"Alright. I'll wait for you outside then."
"Okay." He said pecking his cheek and going to the ladies room.
He walked outside and leaned against the bonnet of his car.
"I see you're the one dating my sister." A voice rang out.
"Huh?" John turned towards the voice and seen Greg Lestrade a few feet away from John.
"Your sister? Y/ns your sister?"
"Surprised?" Greg said moving to stand next to John.
"A little."
"What are your motives?" Greg asked.
"I don't-"
"You must have some kind of thing to do against her. Break her heart. Tear her first to shreds. What's your aim John Watson?"
"Nothing! I just want to make her happy! I really like her Greg."
"But you put her in danger being Sherlock Holmes' lackey."
John was dumbfounded at Greg's hostility.
"You're going to put her in danger."
"And what about you, detective inspector? Surely you have enemies. I am an army veteran. I am a doctor. I've killed people. I've injured people. I kept people alive. I will protect Y/n with every bone in my body. No one will ever lay a finger on her unless she deems fit."
"I just want to make sure she's safe. She talks about you a lot. I don't want her to get hurt."
"Yes well, neither do I."
"Seems like we have something in common eh?"
"I guess so."
"I'm sorry. She's had her heart broke countless times and I was the one to collect the pieces afterwards. It was hard seeing her suffer like she did. I don't want to see her like that again. You understand."
"Don't worry Greg. That's never going to happen. I love her loads."
"You do? Have you told her?" Greg looked at John shocked.
"No. Not yet. Waiting for the opportunity."
"Well that's now." Greg said seeing you walk out the restaurant.
"Greggy!" You said smiling bringing him into a hug.
"Sunshine!" He said squeezing her tightly in his embrace.
"What are you doing here?" You asked pulling away from him and moving next to John.
"I was in the area. A body appeared now far away and I seen you in the window."
"Stalker." You joked.
"What we're you guys talking about?"
"How wonderful you are." John said. You blushed.
"Aw shucks. My two favourite people ever!"
"Oh, darling. I want you to meet my family. Sherlocks exited to meet you properly."
Your eyes lightened up in glee.
"Yeah. You're really important to me and I want you to meet the other important people."
"Oh John!" You smiled happily.
"I want you there too Greg. I'd like to get to know you better as well. You're really important to her and that's important to me."
"I'm going to cry." You said wiping away the tears in your eyes. John pulled you into him and kissed your head.
"I'll be there." Greg said.
Eventually you'd said your goodbyes and Greg watched as John opened and closed the car door for you.
"Hey John?" Greg said.
"Promise me that you'll never be a reason why she sheds a tear and you'll protect her no matter what."
"I promise."
"Good." Greg said offering his hand to John. John shook his hand firmly.
You watched the interaction with a smile. Not knowing or even caring what was said.
After John got in the car there was a brief silence.
"I love you Y/n."
You turned to him wide eyed.
"I love you too John."
He gently pulled you into a passionate kiss.

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