Sherlock Holmes (Part one)

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Sherlocks Pov.

It was so strangely quite in 221B. Usually the love of my life is listening to her music and singing along so out of tune. But I love her voice so I wont complain. I just assumed that she was taking a nap in my chair on one of my shirts. I love it when she wears one of my shirts; they are so big on her body.

Once I opened the door of my apartment I noticed Y/n wasn't there. So i thought she was with Molly or Mary.

After a few hours I got a call of an unknown number

(U- Unknown. S-Sherlock)

S- Sherlock Holmes.

U- Did you miss me?

S- Moriarty.

M- Ding Ding Ding we have a winner!!

S- What do you want.

M- Well i'm assuming you have noticed your girlfriend is missing.

S- Yes, I assume she is with her friends.

M- WRONG! She is with me.

S- Prove it.

M- Sweetheart, do scream for me.

Sherlock heard a scream down the phone

S- Don't you dare touch her

M- Oh Sherlock you have two hours to find her. I'll be giving you four clues. For each clue you get wrong I will shoot your girlfriend. So you best get this right unless she dies.

S- I don't want to play your games Moriarty.

M- You will play my game. Or she dies.

S- Fine.

M- Here is the first clue. There is a note on her favourite thing to do when you are doing your experiments.

Moriarty hung up. I quickly went to the book shelf to get Y/n's favourite book. There was a note.

'DO YOU MISS ME?' It was Y/n's writing. It looked like she was forced to write this because there was wet patches. She was crying.

I looked on the other side of the note 'it's a fun game isn't it Sherlock?'

I thought about it for a long time. Then I realised. There was the arcade called 'Fun game' but it wasn't just the arcade. what was it there was something else to the clue but i couldn't figure it out. I went to the arcade and texted John to meet me there.

I spoke to a few people and they didn't have a clue what I was on about. I felt a vibration in my pocket. It was Moriarty calling me.

(M-Moriarty. S- Sherlock)

S- I'm getting sick of your games. just tell me where Y/n is.

M- Oh Sherlock that isn't the game. But seems as you don't understand the clue I will fire a shot at your girlfriend.

There was a gun shot and then a scream.

S- Moriarty!

M- Sherlock. Times ticking.

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