John Watson.

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Hi guys I have a few ideas for some one shots. Like a sweeny Todd kind of one. What do you think? If you all like the idea I'll start writing it. If not I won't write it yet. Well this update is another idea I've had for a while. I hope you enjoy!

Please comment, request and vote!!!

There's things that even Sherlock or this brother cannot deduce. Like the fact John Watson is in love with his girlfriend or the actual fact he has a girlfriend. The two brothers don't even know this woman nor did they know she existed. John had learned by his lover to hide from the brothers. Made a facade that he wore only about that part of his life. But very soon he was going to introduce his girlfriend to his best friend. She knew all about Sherlock. After all. Why wouldn't she? He was the famous consulting detective who the media loved writing articles about. But then again. Why wouldn't they? He solved so many cases so quickly! He was bound to get famous whether he liked or not.
You lived in the posh part of London, your house was medium sized. You didn't like big houses. Especially when it's only you living in that house. You came from a rich family. Who left you their business and savings when they died many years ago. Not like it bothered you too much. They never bothered with you. They stuck you with a nanny when you turned three. Yes, their death saddened you, you mourned for days. And it still saddens you. They were your parents at the end of the day.
You met John whilst at work. You was an empath. You could get into the minds of serial killers. So naturally you worked for police detectives on some cases and small cases no one wanted to bother with. And no matter the size of the case. You loved solving them. You had a badge and all that but you was a professor. You taught criminology and the FBI's Forensic Sciences Unit. But before you got into teaching you got a medical degree being a pHD and a doctorate. You done so many things you could get into anything. But your passion was teaching about serial killers. Cause what else would you do if you could get into their mindset? Anyway, you and John met after you was visiting St. Barts hospital to get a patients side of the story of the case you was working on when he accidentally bumped into you shortly after a curly haired person ran out. You gave him your number and you went on dates and you both started going out. Sherlock became oblivious to his roommates activities as he got bored predicting Johns love life. It was the same each time. Well apart from you.
It was an ordinary day for you. You had two classes in the morning and you had the rest of your day free. Once educating people more on serial killers you decided to go to a cafe to pick up lunch for you and John so you can spend his lunch break together.

On the way to the cafe however, wasn't how your typical journey goes. Usually you walk there, enjoying the scenery. And sometimes get inspired on a different outlook on a case you're doing. But today was the day that  was different. Once you seen the coffee shop at the end of the street, you smiled. Then noticed something. A man with curly hair, a blue scarf and a long coat was running away from three people. When suddenly he turned into an alleyway. The three amigos followed him. You stopped walking pretending to be looking at something interesting. Once you couldn't see them on the street you slowly followed them into the alleyway. You grabbed an old metal pole that was discarded on the floor. You gripped the pole with two hands and raised it above your head. With a strong force you brought the pole down hitting the middle guy over the head. Knocking him out. The other two guys turned to look at you. You hit the other guy in the neck which made him recoil in pain to which you kicked him in the amdomen to then bring his head down smashing it against your knee. The third guy grabbed you from behind while you struggled to get out of his grip. The curly haired guy put his hands on the third guys head and pressed his fingers into his eyes making him release you for you to then hit him in his jewels and the curly hairs guy smashed the guys head on the wall.

You sighed and adjusted your coat and ruffle your hair as it got messy whilst fighting. You smiled at the curly haired guy who looked at you in shock. For you to then turn on your heal and walk away.

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