Sherlock Holmes (Part 3)

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Your POV.

"Well I do hope I'm in good hands Mr Holmes"

"Oh I assure you, you will have even better security," Mycroft said.

"Not you business man, she was talking to the consulting detective." Alex said. Mycroft looked dumbfounded

"Yes, Moriarty is no match for me. THE GAME IS ON JOHN"

"Right okay. Pleasure to meet you again my Queen." John said.

"We must be off, I have to go to a garden, for a meeting. Alex will inform you when we need to meet again."

Alex held his hand out for me to give me assistance standing.

"Alex will also text you for lunch arrangements Mycroft."

I walked out of sherlock's apartment.

~Time skip~

I smile as I reached my arm up and grabbed the object I wanted. I turn around and slowly walk over to my chair over looking my garden. I look at the table next to me and picked up a cup of tea. I sighed in delight. I sipped my tea and opened the book I just pulled off the shelf. After a few chapters and the rise in tension, the doors burst open startling me causing my new cup of tea to fall out my grasp and smash on the floor. My book now pressed against my chest, I stood up and sharply turned towards the door.

I seen Alex with Sherlock and John.

"What is the meaning of this? Anyone ever tell you how to knock?" I said trying to calm down.

"I'm sorry your Majesty, Sherlock just burst in, me and John tried to stop him."

Sherlock turned his attention towards the window. His eyes widening. He looked towards me and started running towards me.

Then the windows smashed. Bullets flew throughout the room. Everyone ducked. Alex tried making his way towards me. Sherlock was ducked being an overturned coffee table. I was hiding behind the large chair I was previously sitting at. Tears rolling down my face. The shooting stopped. Sherlock ran towards me and grabbed my arm. He pulled me up and stared to quickly leave the room when the shooting started once again.

I cried in pain. I pulled my arm out of sherlock's grasp and grabbed my arm. Blood seeping though my fingers. Another bullet embedded itself into my leg. Sherlock quickly picked me up bridal style and ran out of the room.

He ran through the corridors, Alex and John following us. We ran out the front entrance. I'm slowly losing blood. Alex quickly got the limo ready, Guards that was un aware of this situation quickly called police nearby to close the roads leading to the hospital, while quickly getting their cars ready to escape us to the hospital.

"Quicky, we dont have time!" Sherlock shouted.

John put pressure onto my wound on my leg while Alex did the same for my arm.

"You go to the hospital. I'll keet you there. I know how to stop Moriarty."

"Sherlock. What are you going to do?" John said.

"Dont worry John. Keep the queen safe." Sherlock replied closing the door. My diver quickly driving off as fast as he can.


"Shh, dont talk your majesty. Everything will be okay."

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