Sherlock Holmes and John Watson (Part 3)

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Warning. Talks of sex.
Though I know quite a bit of German most of the German dialogue is from Google translate. So apologies if some of them are wrong.
But Thank you guys fit 20k views. I'm just shocked at how many of you have read this. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that this would happen. Thank you guys so so much. 😍🥰

"I don't like this idea." John said.
"Neither do I. But it's the only idea we have."
John looked at y/n from across the ballroom. Y/n was talking to Sebastian. Well, she was flirting with him.
Something caught my eye.
"Sherlock. Look." John gestured to a security man, who was talking into his microphone and looked towards Y/n.
"Uh oh."
"We need to cause a diversion."
"Punch me."
"Didn't you hear me? I said punch me."
"I always here 'punch me' when you talk." John said.
Sherlock groaned and punched John in the face.
"Bloody hell Sherlock." He said grabbing his suit jacket and pushing him into the selection of food making it fly everywhere.
The security guard who was walking towards Y/n got distraced with the fight. When he looked back towards Y/n. She and Sebastian was nowhere to be seen.
Now she was nowhere to be seen he decided to break up the fight that was going on.
"Screw you curley."
"Screw me? Screw you old man."
"Old man?!"
"Okay break it up you too before we escort you of the premises." A security guard said pulling Sherlock and John away from each other.
The two men threw their hands up in surrender.
"Alright. Apologies Watson."
The security guards walked away going back to their original posts.
"Cmon John." Sherlock said walking away. John following behind slowly grabbing a flute of champagne from a waiter as they walked past and downing it quickly.
Before the duo entered.
You had walked into the Gala around ten minutes before Sherlock and John walked straight to the bar and ordered a martini. You looked around the event and spotted Sebastian. His eyes met yours and you smirked. Undoubtedly you was the best dressed lady there. Though most people thought so as you showed more skin then the other ladies who were dressed more conservatively. You winked at Sebastian and turned away. Slowly mixing your drink with the olive on the stick.
You felt someone stand next to you.
"Scotch on the rocks neat." The new voice said to you. "And whatever this pretty lady had." He said. You smiled.
"Hey Handsome." You said. "Thanks for the drink."
"Your welcome gorgeous. So what brings you here?" He asked.
"Well I'm a lonely gal in need of a rough night if you catch my drift. What about you handsome. What brings you here?"
"Well it's my Gala and I'm conveniently looking for a rough night too if you catch my drift also." He smirked looking at my chest.
"Hey handsome. Eyes up here. Maybe if we dance we can have the rough night we oh so intend."
"Hmm. I'd like that. But first. I'd like to know the same I'll be moaning tonight."
You decided with what he said you'd use your actual name. Seems as the only moaning of your name would be when he begs you for his life. You leaned in to whisper in his ear.
"Y/n. What's yours Handsome. After all I'll be moaning your name more down your ear."
The man groaned in delight.
"Sebastian. Now would you like to dance?" He said offering his hand.
"I'd be delighted."
You started to dance with Sebastian and seen the duo enter. Not long after you noticed a few security guards approach you and Sebastian. Sherlock noticed this too and started a fight with John.
"Hey how about we go back and have our own private party?" You said.
"I'd like that." He grabbed your ass and you slightly moaned in his ear.
"Gorgeous if you moan like that again I'd ravish you right here right now and I don't care who sees."
"Then we best get going."
You hated flirting with men. But you did did enjoy about what was about to happen so, you braved it all out.
You were lead to one of the back rooms and immediately pushed against the door. You and Sebastian made out a lot. Your red lipstick slowly staining his face. You raised your left leg and wrapped it around his waist and he immediately held it close. Behind careful not to show him your weapons strapped to your leg. He kissed down your neck and chest.
His eyes widened immediately and stepped back.
"W-what's happening?" He grabbed his head.
"W-what did you do?" He growled at you.
"Oh Sebastian. You really need to be careful."
"W-what?" He fell to the floor and you knelt beside him.
"You have information. I want it and you'll give it me if you want to survive. Where is Charles Magnussen?"
"I-I don't know! I swear!"
"Oh Sebby. Didn't your mother ever teach you that lying is bad? Tell me where he is."
"I'm N-no. He'll kill me."
"Well I'm going to kill you either way." You pulled your gun out.
"Where is he."
"H-his location changes! It's on my laptop. Take it! Let me live!"
"Thank you. Was that so hard?"
You stood up and raised the gun again.
"Goodnight Sebastian. See you in hell." You shot him in the head and blood exploded all over you.
You smiled. Seems as his head now was in pieces your lipstick marks would now be untraceable. Exactly how you had planned it.
Suddenly the door burst open and you raised the gun to the new intruder.
Sherlock and John walked in. Johns eyes widened at the sight.
"Ah hello." You said.
Sherlock whistled.
"Damn... blood looks good on you." He said.
You dropped the gun.
"Aw shucks you'll make me blush!"
You grabbed Sebastian's laptop and gave it to Sherlock.
"Meet me at your place. Go before the guards come."
"What about you?" John asked.
"It's time to play the damsel."
The duo left and you quickly opened the window making it look like it was forced open and knocked a few of the ceramics over.
You knelt in Sebastian's blood and let off a high pitched scream.
Two guards rushed into the room stopping as soon as they seen Sebastian.
You looked at them and wailed.
"He's dead! He's dead!" You rested your head against Sebastian's corpse as you wailed. One of the guards pulled you away gently and held you as you cried while the other called the police.
You played the part of traumatised fling very well. The cops didn't have an ounce of thought that it was you.
After they questioned you and your made up story they let you leave. You left for 221b and smirked. You could really do with a Chinese curry right now.
On the way to 221b you stopped at a Chinese fast food restaurant and ordered food for you and the duo.
The staff looked worried and shocked about your appearance.
"Long night eh." You laughed.
"Sorry for the blood in the floor. I was in a shooting at a gala and I was with the poor soul and you know this is the outcome. So I'm eating myself into misery." You said and teared up.
The staff gave you your food and smiled.
"Little extra for your hard night. Bless you dear."
You paid them and gave them a high tip.
"That for the blood. And for some Hydrogen peroxide it'll get it out quickly."
You left and walked quickly to 221b.
The door to 221b opened as you were about to knock revealing Sherlock.
"Hey! I brought food!" You said.
Sherlock let you in and you followed him upstairs.
"Hey John!" You said upon entering the flat.
"Hey!" You shared out the Chinese and the three of you ate in silence.
"Well I'll be back in the morning. I need to get this blood off of me." You said.
"You can shower here. I'll give you some clothes. We really need to catch Magnussen."
"Oh are you sure?"
"Positive." Sherlock said leaving the room and returning with some clothes. He directed you to the shower and left.
You rid yourself of Sebastian's blood and sighed.
After you had found Magnussen. It was Christmas. Johns wife, Mary, you and one of Sherlocks druggy friends stayed at the Holmes household for Christmas. You, John and Sherlock had grew to be the best trio the whole of England has ever seen. Sherlock drugged Mary, Mycroft and his parents.
You and your two companions took a helicopter to Magnussen. But nothing could prepare Baker Street boys for what was going to happen.
You three followed Magnussen to the front of his house.
"Can I... flick your face?" Magnussen asked John.
John turned his fave to give Magnussen access.
You silently watched the scene unfold as the helicopters in the distance come closer.
"Sorry, no chance for you to be a hero this time Mr. Holmes. Miss Y/l/n."
"Sherlock Holmes, Doctor John Watson and Y/n Y/l/n. Step away from that man. So it now." You heard Mycrofts voice call.
"Oh do your research. I'm not a hero. I'm a high functioning sociopath." Sherlock said.
You pulled a gun out and aimed it at Magnussen.
"Merry Christmas." You said and shot Magnussen in the head. John and Sherlock jumped back in surprise.
You dropped the gun and raised your hands.
"Get away from me boys. Stay well back."
"Jesus Christ Y/n!" John cried.
"Don't fire!" Mycroft yelled. "Do not fire on Y/n Y/l/n!"
A swat army with guns surrounded you. You fell to your knees in surrender. Two swat members dragged Sherlock and John away. 
"Y/n. Why?" You heard Sherlock ask.
Your hands were pulled from the air and pulled behind your back as some swat members cuffed your hands.
Sherlock and John watched in horror as you was dragged away from the scene.
Sherlock even with his greatest and smartest mind didn't know what to do.

After all the courts and fights you were deemed guilty. You did kill an important man after all. But due to your status as a consulting criminal they used you to get information from other countries. They didn't care if you lived or died. You were expendable. But if you lasted two years you'd get out and be free. They kept you locked up for a year but then sent you out on a mission in which you were unlikely to survive.
You were kept in a abandoned warehouse in Germany. The walls full of mould. The ceiling leaked. You could escape if you wanted too. But the guards took your will to live. They'd abuse you at any chance they could get. After all what could you do? Your hands were trapped in chains that hung from the ceiling. You were in the middle of an abandoned warehouse. Guards come and went trying to get information off you. Your hair hung in your face. You pretended to be unconscious as two guards spoke.
"Wir bekommen keine Informationen von ihr." (We're not getting any information out of her." One guard said
"ja, das ist wahr. Vielleicht sollten wir sie von ihrem Elend befreien" (yes, that is true. Maybe we should put her out of her misery.) The second guard said.
"Nein. Wir brauchen sie. Wir planen, die Königin in drei Tagen zu ermorden." (No we need her. We're planning to assassinate the Queen in three days.) The first guard said.
"Ja, sie steht der Königin vielleicht nahe." (Yes, she may be close to the Queen.)
You head shot up as your smirked.
"Das ist also dein Plan, oder?" (So that's your plan eh?) you said.
"ja. aber dafür kannst du ja nichts." (Yes. But you can't do anything after all) the first guard replied approaching you.
"Hmm. du denkst ja, oder?" (Hmm. You'd think so wouldn't you?)
You grasped the chains holding your hand and lifted your body up. You wrapped your legs around the guards body and head butted him as hard as you could. You went into a daze for a minute but screeched in pain when the second guard used a taser on your bare skin. You pushed the first guard into the second one knocking them over. With the room that you had with your hands chained you wanted for them to approach you. You stood back as far as you could and then ran at them. You lifted yourself using the chain and kicked them both hard in the face knocking them both unconscious. Using your bare foot you grasped the keys between your toes from the first guard. You lifted yourself once again and wrapped your legs around the chain so you could easily grab the keys from your toes. You unlocked the shackles your wrists where in and fell to the floor. You groaned in pain.
"Fuck me." You said. You stood up and walked to where the guards kept all their plans and took them. You grabbed one of the guards phones and called Mycroft
"They're going to try and assassinate the Queen in three days. I have their plans. I'll see you soon." You hung up and threw the phone into a depot looking puddle.
You looked to the left of you and seen the guards helicopter.
"Ha. Perfect."
You hijacked the helicopter and flew back to London.

After you had given Mycroft the plans and been granted your freedom. The first thing you did was take a nice and long relaxing bath.
You decided at that point you had to tell Sherlock and John you were back. And surprisingly not dead.
You had gotten Mycroft to tell John to him at 221b.
You walked into 221b and slowly opened the door to Sherlocks flat.
"Did you miss me?" You asked leaning on the door frame looking at your two Baker Street boys.
"Y/n! Your alive!" John said standing up. He approached you and have you a hug. You grimaced in pain as he squeezed tightly irritating your wounded body.
"Well. Alive for the most part." You said when John pulled away. Surprisingly Sherlock also pulled you into a hug but it was gentle and quick.
"What happened to you?" John asked.
"Well I was in prison for a year. Then I was shipped to Germany for another year where I was a punching bag. I had been sent to get any information from the Germans."
"Are you okay?" John asked.
"Wounds will heal John. I'm fine."
"Yes I know that. But mentally. That must've been rough."
"I'm perfectly fine John. I thrive of pain."
"Right. I forgot who I was talking to for a minute."
"You know what I fancy. Chinese. Who's up for a takeaway?" You asked. Sherlock and John smiled.
"Glad to have you back Y/n." Sherlock said.
"I'm glad to be back. Back with my Baker Street boys."

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