How they save you get kidnapped.

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A/n I know it's been a while. A long while since I done the preference of how they react when you get kidnapped. 

I KNOW, that I did another few stories, that were requested based on that first kidnapped preference. But I finally wanted to do a follow up PREFERENCE and not a whole Imagine. So if you want this to make sense then read 'How they react when you get kidnapped.'

So here is the preference for when they save you after you get kidnapped. Enjoy!!!
Please comment, request and vote. So long and goodnight!!!!

Sherlock Holmes

"No need to be cold Sherlock. After all i have your precious girlfriend. I'll give you 2 hours to find her or she goes bye bye"

"Moriarty? Moriarty! Shit." Sherlock said as James hung up the phone.
Sherlock heart filled with dread and worry. He didn't want anything to happen to the love of his life, to the only human he shared romantic sentiment too. To the woman who he loves unconditionally. To the woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with.
His attention went to his phone when it went off. He looked at his phone to see a message.

'I hope we meet again Sherlock'
It was your number.
He knew exactly where he needed to go.

-Time skip-

Sherlock ran into the place where you both met, he knew that cause that's what you said when you have him your number.

You both met at a crime scene, which was at an abandoned factory.

He burst through the door. John and Greg followed suit. Guns clenched in their hands.

They silently walked through the factory, praying that you was okay. 

You wasn't okay. You wish you was in Sherlock's arms, where you safe and warm. Cause you are in danger and you are cold. Tears, blood and dirt stained your skin. Moriarty and whoever his accomplice laughed at the state you were in. 

As the random guy, raised his knife to stab you in the leg. Sherlock, John and Greg burst the door. John shot the random guy, Sherlock ran over to Moriarty. Whilst Greg ran to you, speaking into his police radio to call the paramedics to the scene. 

Sherlock was punching Moriarty, over and over. 

When Greg untied you, you shakily looked for Sherlock.

"Sherly?" you whispered with the left over energy you had. But Greg heard you.

"Sherlock!" He shouted. To which he then apologised for scaring you.

Sherlock looked towards you and ran to you. He pulled you into his arms and you both started crying into each other. 

You were finally safe and warm. 

John Watson

"Yes John?" Sherlock asked, panting after being scared out his mind palace. 

"Y/n has been kidnapped!"

"What?!" Sherlock said standing up.

"Here." John said, giving Sherlock the letter.

His eyes widened.  After all, he knew who it was. Charles Magnussen. 

Then Mycroft come in. Eyes wide. 

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