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Your Pov.

I don't know what to do. How is he going to react? Will he leave me? Will he make me do the unthinkable. Will i have to leave him if he don't want this?

I looked at the objects on the bathroom.




I'm pregnant.

I started sobbing into my hands.

Although, me and Jim have been married for 3 years we never spoke about having kids.

"Darling! Where are you?" Jim sang while walking into the house. I quickly hid the pregnancy tests and I quickly got undressed and jumped into the shower pretending nothing happened.


"I'm in the shower!" I shouted, hoping that my voice don't crack.

"Mind if i join?"

"Fine, but we are only showering,"

"But darling."

"No buts Jim, join me or not i don't care."

"Is there anything wrong darling?"


"Are you sure? I can tell something is wrong?"

"No, although are you doing anything Friday? If you are clear your schedule we have an important thing to do that depends on our marriage."

"Okay darling."

~Time skip~

I had a dinner reservation booked at a fancy restaurant. Well I sorta booked out the whole restaurant giving the manager of the restaurant a few hundred pounds extra so he don't loose business. I had blue and pink balloons plastered all over the restaurant. I got a message from the manager saying everything was ready.

"Jim, are you ready to go?"

"Yes my darling."

"Can you put this on?" I asked holding a blindfold from our box full of stuff we like to use in bed. It was the only blindfold I had sue me.

He raised an eyebrow.

"I know you like to be kinky but you know i'm the dominant one"

"What? No its not for that Jim. Just put the damn blindfold on!"


He put it on and I took his hand and led him to the garage.

I took him to the car. I helped him sit in the passenger seat while I sat in the drivers seat.

Once we arrived at the restaurant I was so nervous.

We walked in and I signaled for the workers to be silent.

I sat him down onto our table.

" Can I take the blindfold off darling?"

"Yes you may"

He took off his blindfold and looked around.

"What's this for my darling?"

"I have something to tell you, but please, please don't hate me or leave me."

"Why would I do such a thing? what do you want to tell me?"

"Becauseimpregnantandimreallyscaredyoullhatemeorwantmetogetridofthebaby." i said in a rush.

"Darling I couldn't hear you. You spoke to fast. Say it again. Slowly this time."

I took a deep breath. It's now or never

"I'm pregnant."

"Really?" He said. I looked down and bit my lip.

"Oh my goodness this is the third best day of my life!"


"Cause the first best day was meeting you, the second was to actually call you my wife."

"I love you Jim."

"I love you too my darling Queen. Oh and I love our baby."

I love this perfectly imperfect man I call my husband and I love my little baby. My life couldn't get any better than this moment of bliss

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