Sherlock Holmes and John Watson (Part 2)

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The sound of gun shots echoed throughout the warehouse the trio was in. The female in black leather trousers, with a red shirt and black kitten heal boots held a machine gun to her chest hiding behind some metal boxes while she reloaded her gun. She made sure the hand guns in her holster around her hips was reloaded and well as the holster she wore over her red shirt. She pulled out a compact mirror and checked her makeup and then used the mirror to see the reflection of the people shooting and her and the Baker Street boys.

She sighed in annoyance.

"What?" John asked.

"Murder wasn't in today's agenda."

"It's not in anyone's."

She laughed

"No. It's in mine, just not 'till next Thursday."

"I work with the police. I can get you arrested."

"If that what's on your agenda then I'll leave right now."

"No! No."

"Good. You need me."

"Unfortunately." Sherlock grumbled.

"I love fighting. It's such a rush! Hey Sherlock. What's your favourite way of killing someone? You've killed people before. So what's your way? Guns? Knifes? Oh I bet you like to fight till the death."

"Shut up."

"My way of killing is knives. Oh that's the best way. You get to see the light leave their eyes. Watch their body go limp. Oh how they gurgle on their own blood."

"Y/n. Carry on and I will shoot you." Sherlock said.

"Oh so you like shooting people. Seems fair. You don't have the strength for anything else."

She dived out from behind the boxes she was hiding behind ang shot a row of people with her machine gun. She pulled out some grenades.

"Yes baby!" She said

"Wait. No!" John said just as she threw a grenade.

"What?" She asked innocently.

The grenade exploded

"This is a chemical warehouse you idiot!"

Every single canister of chemicals and the boxes full of flammable materials lit on fire.


"Run!!" Sherlock yelled running out of the warehouse. Y/n and John following suit.

Just as they made it a few meters the whole warehouse exploded. Throwing the trio away from the warehouse.

Y/n was the first to sit up. Sherlock and John was still lying down groaning.

"Omg that was so amazing! Such a trill. We should do it again!"

"No!" The two men yelled.

"I knew it was a mistake working with you." Sherlock said.

"Yes well. We already shook on it. I work with you. Mycroft gives me a massive check. And mamma needs some new Louis Vuitton heals." She said standing up, brushing the debris and ash off her clothes the best she could.

"Did you find out where he is?" John asked Sherlock.

"No." He groaned.

"I did!"

"You did? How?"

"Oh, well I knew a while ago."

"Then why did we come here?"

"For the thrill! The adrenaline! The excitement!"

"Innocent people died!"

"We are not all truly innocent are we Doctor Watson? After all, you killed people in war. Innocent people. Just cause they were on the other side it don't mean they were the villains. In their eyes they're the good ones. We are never truly innocent. Mr Holmes killed a few people too! Just cause they were enemies."

Johns face went bright red.

"Now now Doctor Watson. Do calm down. Now I'm going home to clean myself up. Do come by at 6pm. We have much to discuss. For the damage if your clothes and whatever forward me the bill. I'd be happy to compensate. Oh! One more thing. When you come at 6. Dress up. We have a gala to attend. Good day gentlemen." Y/n said walking off.

"Ugh I hate her." John said.

"Really? I've grown to like her." Sherlock replied.

-time skip-

Sherlock and John turned up at Y/n's house in suits.

"Do I have to go?" John complained.

"Yes." Sherlock said ringing the door bell.

Y/n answered the door, yet again in Lingerie.

"Oh hey! You are both early! Sorry, I'm just getting ready. Do come in!" She said opening the door wider and letting them in.

Sherlock and John couldn't help but stare and her exposed body. How her curves were perfect. How her underwear looked so perfect against her skin.

"If you want a piece of this. All you have to do is ask." She purred. The Baker Street boys went bright red.

"I'm kidding! I'm so out of your league! Excuse me while I get dressed. Help yourself to my alcohol cupboard or some tea if you prefer. I'd show you the way. But you broke in the other day. So I'm sure you know the way." She said walking out the room.

After a while you were finally ready. You wore a black glittery dress, which was low cut, showing of your perfect round breasts and some stomach. There was a slit in your dress showing your long flawless legs. A satin ribbon was wrapped around your waist in which the bow hung by the slit for your leg. Your makeup was done perfectly. A smoky eye with bright red matte lips. Simple suede high heals we're on your feet making your legs look longer.

"Why does it take forever for women to get dressed

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"Why does it take forever for women to get dressed." Sherlock groaned.

"We take long to get dressed so we look perfect." You replied waking into the same room as Sherlock and John. They both looked at you in awe.

"You look....... ravishing." Sherlock said.

"Thank you." You said walking to your kitchen. You moved your dress out the way so you could strap some weapons to you leg that wasn't shown by the slit.

"Tonight we find Sebastian. I'll seduce him and take him somewhere private. You will follow shortly and we kill him privately. I will have a car waiting outside to which we flea to. Okay?"

The two men nodded.

"Great! Let's go!" You said walking out your house with two love stick men following behind.

Authors note.

Hi guys I hope you like the update. And I hope you like the new cover.

Please request. I'm running out of ideas!

Please vote, comment and request!

So long and goodnight!

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