Sherlock Holmes.

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This is a request for Mizutohoshi
Vampire Au
This isn't really lore accurate.
Nearly 5k words. Let me know if you guys want more longer imagines!
The centuries had rolled by, a tapestry of fleeting moments woven with the lives of mortals. Time had sculpted empires, witnessed the birth and death of kings, and turned heroes into myths. Y/n had seen it all, watched as friends grew old and perished, as lovers faded into dust, leaving behind nothing but memories. Immortality was a cruel gift, a ceaseless reminder of the impermanence of everything but herself.

Each passing decade brought new faces, new inventions, and new ways for humanity to destroy and rebuild itself. Yet, amid the chaos of an ever-changing world, Y/n remained a constant observer, a sentinel standing guard over the relentless march of time.

In the heart of London, a city that had grown and transformed beyond recognition, Y/n continued her eternal vigil. The foggy streets of the city were alive with whispers of gossip. It was here, in the midst of societal marvels and upheavals, that Y/n's path would cross with a man who would alter the course of her immortal existence.


London's streets were shrouded in a thick, oppressive fog that clung to the cobblestones and muffled the sounds of the bustling city. Y/n walked with purpose, her footsteps silent against the pavement. Her keen senses picked up every nuance of the night—the distant sounds of car horns, the faint laughter of people, and the rustle of leaves stirred by a ghostly breeze.

As she turned a corner, Y/n's attention was drawn to a figure standing beneath a lamp. Tall and lean, he wore a long coat and a deerstalker hat that cast shadows over his sharp features. He seemed to be studying something on the ground with intense concentration, oblivious to the world around him.

Curiosity piqued, Y/n approached. The man looked up, his piercing eyes meeting hers with an intelligence that was both disarming and intriguing. For a moment, they stood in silence, assessing one another.

"Good evening," he said finally, his voice smooth and resonant. "I am Sherlock Holmes. Might I inquire as to what brings you out on a night such as this?"

Y/n smiled faintly, a practiced gesture that concealed the centuries of secrets behind her eyes. "I could ask you the same, Mr. Holmes. The fog seems an odd companion for a man of your... talents."

Sherlock raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "You know of me, then. And yet, I do not believe we have met before."

"No, we have not," Y/n replied. "But your reputation precedes you. Your name is spoken in hushed tones across the city. A man who sees what others cannot, who understands what others fail to grasp. It's an honour to meet you."

Sherlock inclined his head slightly, acknowledging the compliment. "And you, Miss...?"


"A pleasure, Miss Y/n. You have the air of one who has seen much and yet reveals little. An enigma, if you will."

"Perhaps," Y/n said, her smile deepening. "But then, aren't we all enigmas to some degree?"

Sherlock's eyes narrowed, and Y/n could almost see the gears turning in his mind. He was attempting to deduce her, to unravel the mystery she presented. It was a game she had played many times before, but never with someone quite like him.

"Indeed," Sherlock mused. "Tell me, Miss Y/n, do you believe in the supernatural?"

Y/n tilted her head, considering the question. "I believe there are many things in this world that defy explanation. Things that exist in the shadows, beyond the reach of logic and reason."

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