Sherlock Holmes

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On the 12th day of Christmas 2029
I was Sherlock's girlfriend. But no one knew. If we met up it would be a at my house, or somewhere private. We have been together a year and a half. Best year and a half of my life. Couldn't ask for anything better. Yes, Sherlock wasn't the best boyfriend in the world, he has his flaws. But, i still love him and he is perfect for me.

I was a Doctor. Well, kind of. I'm a surgeon, but I'm known as Dr. Y/n Y/l/n. My life couldn't have been so perfect.

I was in Sherlock's arms. He was telling me about the latest murder case.

"-And then, some old lady tripped him over and we caught him! It was glorious! Love a difficult case." Thats when I was pulled out my thoughts.

"Well done my handsome detective."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm just thinking."

"What about?"

"Nothing its stupid."

"Nothing stupid ever comes out your mouth, it must be something, you weren't listening to me talking about the case."

"Oh I'm sorry Sherlock"

"It's fine. Tell me what's wrong."

"I want to meet your friends! We have been together nearly two years! And I know why you keep me a secret. You have enemies, but I'm sick of hiding!"



"John is hosting a Christmas party In 221B. Your welcome to come, as my girlfriend. The most important and amazing woman in my life."

This is where tears escaped my eyes.

"Oh thank you Sherlock!" I said then kissing him.


Today was the day I was going to meet Sherlock's friends. I was nervous.

I started to get ready for the party, hoping to make a good first impression.

I was on facetime with sherlock, he was in his room so he was undisturbed.

"Oh Sherlock. What if they don't like me?"

"Don't be silly. They'll love you."

"But what if they don't?"

"Then they will have to deal with it."

"Sherlock, I'm scared to meet them."

"If you don't want to come then you don't have to. I'll come over and you can meet them another time."

"I do want to meet them! I'm must scared of taking this step in our relationship."

"Darling, I'll be right next to you, don't worry, I'm sure they'll love you like I do."

"Okay I can do this. I'm going to get ready, you should too. Love you Sherlock."

"Love you too Darling. I'll see you later."

The call ended and you continued getting ready.

Playing your favourite singer/ band made your fears go away.


Once you finished getting ready, it was time to leave.

You locked the door behind you and hailed a taxi.

On the way to 221B your nerves grew again.

Lost in thought the journey went by quickly.

You paid the driver and got out the taxi. You stood outside 221B.

You looked at the sign taped onto the front door.

Christmas party upstairs!
Just enter!

You took a deep breath and opened the door, slowly but surely you walked up the stairs. The door to the flat. You could see Sherlock's violin standing against the wall.

You stood in the doorway, everyone stopped what they was doing and looked your way.

"Uh, sorry. But who are you?" A small grey haired male asked.

You went to reply but someone beat you to it.

"Darling! Your here!" Sherlock stood up and walked over to you. Pulled you into the living room, once he stopped he pulled you to him by your waist and pulled you into a kiss. Once you pulled away your face flushed, you forgot everyone was looking.

You look at everyone and gave a shy smile. They all look dumbfounded.

"Sherlock? Who is this?" The small guy asked again.

"Everyone this is Dr Y/n Y/l/n. My girlfriend!"

Their faces looked shocked even more than before.

"Wow Sherlock. How long have you two been together?"

"A year and a half." He said.

"And you didn't tell anyone?"


"Why?" The small guy asked.

"I wanted to keep her safe."

"From me? What am i going to do? Kidnap her?" The small guy said offended.

"I'm sorry John, but you would do the same if you was a famous consulting detective who has loads of enemies."

Rightt. The small guy us John.

"Okay, we will talk about it later."

"There's nothing to talk about."

"Hi Y/n! Its loved to meet you. I'm Dr John Watson."

"Oh! Your a doctor to? What are you a doctor in?" You asked. This is where everyone continued doing what they was doing before I walked in.

"I'm an army doctor, I save soldiers, well I did. I was in a doctors practice now. What are you a doctor in?"

"I'm a surgeon, I got my doctorate in the human anatomy. I do the difficult surgeries,"

We continued talking and not long after he left.

"Hi Y/n! I'm D.I inspector Lestrade. It's lovely to meet Sherlock's secret other half."

"Oh yeah! Its nice to meet you too! I'm glad I get to meet all his friends."

This is when a few other people come over.

"Hello. I'm Mycroft Holmes. Sherlock's brother. Pleasure. Though, I don't understand how I didn't notice you. I'm always watching who comes into his life and what he does." Well that freaked you out.

"Woah, Mycroft lay off. Your scaring her." Greg told him.


Greg and Mycroft left, then two females come over.

"Hi I'm Mary Waston, Johns wife. And this is Molly hooper."

"Hello." Molly said.


"Its nice to make new girlfriends! We are always surrounded by guys, so having another girl around is amazing!" Mary said.

I didn't have many friends, well I only had Sherlock. We exchanged numbers and arranged a day to get coffee.

"So? How was meeting everyone?" Sherlock asked cuddling you on his bed.

"I love it. And I love you. Thank you Sherlock."

You both kissed and then fell into a deep slumber.

Merry Christmas.

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