Sherlock Holmes

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your pov.

I'm Y/n Watson. Yes, John Watsons little sister. I live in South Dakota, USA and I'm moving back to the UK to get close to my brother again, I miss him so much.

I got all my belongings packed and loaded onto my private jet. I was a world famous doctor, I am known by practically everyone, I have done loads of 'impossible' surgeries and succeeded the reason why I'm famous.

I brought a large house in London not far from Baker Street.

I got my German shepherd dog ready for the long flight.

"Miss" A voice called.

I turned to see my butler.

"Yes, Oliver?"

"Your jet is nearly ready Ma'am."

"Is all my belongings in the carrier? Are your belongings there as well?"

"Yes Ma'am"

"Pass me my walking stick please Sebastian." He handed me my walking stick

"Are we ready to go? Nothing left behind?"

"Yes we are ready and nothing has been left behind"

He nodded and grabbed Milo's cage and my other arm that wasn't holding the walking stick to help assist me to walk.

We walked to the jet and Oliver let go of my arm to go ahead to put Milo on the jet first. I was slowly hobbling up the steps to the inside of the jet. Oliver walked back out the jet and helped me walk the rest if the way up the steps. I sat down on a seat and buckled myself in. Sebastian sat next to me and did the same.

The air hostess offered us anything to drink and I asked for whiskey. I slowly drank my drink and when I finished I sank into the abyss of darkness for the remainder of the flight.

-Time Skip-

I woke up not long before we landed in London and I looked out the window as we slowly flew out the sky back to the ground.

Once we landed Oliver helped me out the jet and into the limo along with Milo that was sound asleep in his cage.

All the belongings was being transported to my house while me and Oliver went to a cafe for something to eat and drink.

We walked down baker street and stopped by speedies cafe.

We stopped outside the cafe when the door next to the cafe burst open and two men ran out and ran into me making me fall over and made me grab my leg in pain.


"Oliver, i need my tablets now."

"Woah, whats going on. I'm a doctor."

"Well buddy, I'm also a doctor so I don't need your help. I'm the -AH" I got cut off by the pain in my leg

"I'll call an ambulance."

"No. I just need my medicine and I'll be fine." Oliver finally gave me my medicine and I waited for my pain to lessen when it finally did Oliver helped me up.

"Now that that is over I am world famous Doctor Y/n Watson."


"Yes? and you are?"

"It's John, your brother."

"Shit John,its been so long,"

"Yeah, when did you come to London?"

"I arrived about 40 minutes ago."

"What happened to your leg?"

"I was in a severe accident which crushed my leg, and as I already pay millions to the hospital they done an operation which saved my leg but I'll have a limp for the rest of my life causing me to use a walking stick and if I get forced over or any too fast and sudden moved my leg it will give me pain and it wont stop shaking so I have to take pills to stop the the shaking and the pain before it gets to bad."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I lost your number. So I thought I'd move to London in hopes of meeting you again."

"John, come on we have a case!" A voice said.

"Who's this?" I said.

"This is Sherlock Holmes my room mate and best friend."

"Sherlock Holmes? Pleased to meet you."

"you've heard of me?"

"Of course I have, I'm a world famous doctor I don't live in a hole." I turned to his room mate and he re-introduced himself

"Hello I'm Sherlock Holmes a consulting detective."

"Pleasure to meet you. This is Oliver, my butler and caretaker, who assists me when ever I go out."

"John we need to go! The Case!"

"Fine. Do you want to join us?"

"It will be a pleasure to join you and your boyfriend."

"Oh my gosh. We are not- I am not GAY! Why does everyone think that?!"

"Oh I'm so sorry John."

"Oliver, would you get everything ready at home? I'll be fine with my brother and I'll phone you if I need anything."

"Of course Ma'am, be safe."

"And to you Oliver." He got into the limo that was next the cafe and t went in the direction of our new home.

John hailed a taxi.

"Uh john, I don't take taxis, I can get a car if you want."

"NO!" Sherlock yelled. "we don't have time, just get in the damn cab!"

"Fine, but just because I'm like a millionaire doesn't mean I'm gonna pay for the cab and this goes against my will, cabs are disgusting and full of bacteria. Wow, I sound like a snobby rich kid."

Sherlock and John got into the taxi without any struggle,

"Great. No one help the crippled girl with a messed up leg into a low car." I said cockily.

I finally got into the cab and I had an aching pain in my leg, but it was bearable.

"God I'm sorry Y/n, I forgot about your leg"

"It's fine."

-Time skip. After the case that day-

It was late and I was tired. Me, Sherlock and john was walking down the street back to 221B

"I got to call Oliver to pick me up." I said as we entered 221B

"Yeah." John agreed sounding tired.

"John, go to bed. You know what happens when you don't get enough sleep."

"Yeah, alright. I'll see you soon okay Y/n? Here is my number so we can meet up soon. Goodnight Sister. Night Sherlock."

After we said goodnight to John there was a knock on 221B and Mrs Hudson come up with Oliver behind her.

"Well I got to go Sherlock."

"Let me help you down the stairs."

Once we reached the bottom Sherlock let me go and opened the door for me. We both stood on the step of 221B Oliver waiting by the car.



"I'm new to this kind of thing but would you go on a date with me?"

"Of course i would Sherlock. I'd give you my number but i know you will get it anyway."

"Goodbye Y/n." I kissed his cheek.

"Goodbye Sherlock."

I got into the car with Oliver's help.

"Of home Ma'am?" He asked.

"Yeah, I need my sleep." As I said that my phone beeped.

I'll pick you up tomorrow at 6. Dress nice.


I smiled.

"Oliver, I will need you assistance getting ready. I have a date"

"Yes Ma'am"

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