Sherlock Holmes. (Part 1)

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Your pov:

My heels clicked on the floors. Two security guards followed closely behind me. Flashes from cameras blinding my vision. Police officers preventing the paparazzi and crazy fans from coming close to me. My heart thumped in my chest.

Walking faster towards safety. I seen my shily black Mercedes car. Surrounding my car was four police bikes and a few undercover police cars.

My driver opened my door and closed it behind me. Fastening my seatbelt I got comfortable in my seat. Trying to stop my heart from pounding so much.

"Alex, take me to Scotland yard please. Let the others know."

"Yes Ma'am." He said before alerting the others on his walkies talkie.

Not long after the cars started moving to my requested destination.

I pulled my phone out my clutch bag.

I called Scotland yard.

"Scotland yard police station how many I help you?" An annoying voice said.

"Put me on to Detective inspector Gregory Lestrade please."

"I'm sorry, but he is on a meeting at the moment. Can I take a message?"

"Listen here, if you don't put me on the phone to Detective inspector Lestrade right now or whole Scotland Yard will face the consequences."

"I'm putting you through now."

I didnt reply.

Beep. Beep.

"Hello?" A gruff voice replied

"Hello, Detective inspector Gregory Lestrade. Its her majesty Y/n Y/l/n. I'm arriving at Scotland yard soon. We need to talk. So prepare for my arrival In less then ten minutes."

I didn't give him time to reply as I hung up.

Lestrades pov:

"Sherlock. Listen to me theres no more cases."

"Check again!" He replied.

Just then the phone rang.


"Sir, someone important is on the phone and requests to talk to you."

Beep beep.

"Okay. Put them through."


"Hello, Detective inspector Gregory Lestrade. Its her Majesty Y/n Y/l/n. I'm arriving at Scotland yard soon. We need to talk. So prepare for my arrival In less then ten minutes."

Y/n? Like her majesty Queen Y/n of England (A/n yes I know its queen Elizabeth the second but pretend she isn't for the sake of this imagine. Long live the queen!!)

"Shit! Anderson!" Anderson walked into my office.

"Get everyone out the waiting room apart from the staff take them into another room!"


"Her majesty Queen Y/n is arriving in less than 10 minutes!" Everyone's face paled.

Anderson quickly scrambled out the room dragging Donovan with him.

I quickly made my office more neat with the help of John.

"Sherlock be on your best behaviour or I swear to god I'll kill you" I said once my office was more presentable.

"Now that's not nice inspector." A voice said behind me. I looked towards the door. Scrambling to my feet once I seen who was at my office door.

Me and John quickly bowed. Sherlock just standing there.

"Sherlock! Be polite and bow! For goodness sake it's the queen!"

I grabbed his shirt collar and made him bow.

An angelic laugh echoed through the office.

Your POV:

"You guys are so funny! You can rise if you'd like. Don't want to be responsible for any back problems do I?"

All three men rose. Sherlock huffed and fixed his suit jacket.

"You must be Sherlock Holmes! Younger brother of Mycroft Holmes! The worlds only consulting detective! I'm a big fan of you! And John Watson, love your blog, again big fan. And inspector Lestrade the man I'm here to see."

All men went red.

"Its an honor to be in your presence your highness."

"Its only us, you can call me Y/n. But only when we are alone. I like you three." They went a darker shade of red.

"Now to business. I need the only consulting detective, with his blogger friend and a good inspector. Someone is trying to kill me. And I want to find out why."

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