John Watson

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This is a request for GlamRockCrash
This is my first ever smut. 🎉
I hope you enjoy it!

You had known John Hamish Waston for just longer than four years. About six months into knowing each other, he asked you to be his girlfriend, and two years after that, he asked you to be his wife. It had been two years since then. John was hopelessly in love with you. And you him. You never thought you could love someone as much as you did, John.
When you met each other, you had your little crime expeditions with Sherlock—travelling the UK in hopes of some crimes. But the best of cases was in London. You were a favourite of the Holmes brothers. Especially Mycroft. You saved his life by jumping before a bullet meant for him. So he owed you his life. You became his best friend; he was yours even if you were annoying and him despicable. So much so that you made him your man of honour when you did get married to John. Mycroft's parents gushed over you when you lay in the hospital bed, promising you anything you ever wanted for saving "their precious little boy." Of course, Mycroft didn't know how to feel; no one would ever try to save his life, yet you did it anyway. So Mycroft gave you the wedding of your dreams. Honeymoon too. Your wedding was small, and you did not want anything large or too extravagant. You both just wanted the important people in your life. So that's what you did.
A lovely ceremony in Mycroft's garden (you loved his garden, sometimes taking your free time and Mycroft's company to tend to the flowers, even if Mycroft tells you he hires gardeners for a reason). You had the few important family members come, and all your friends, Greg, Molly, and Philip (he was no longer a prick after the Sherlock faked his death incident and had become your good friend). John had a few of his office friends come and, of course, the Holmes family. The ceremony was magnificent. Flowers were everywhere, and even a few cute-looking birds attended. Your favourite was the butterfly surrounding you all. One landed on your bouquet, and you gushed in happiness. The honeymoon was something else, a lovely week in the heart of Paris. However, you didn't do much sightseeing.


John sighed. It was a long day. Unfortunately for him, he had meetings right up until 7 pm. His patients had appointments for the most ridiculous of things. You could cure stuff at home without needing a doctor or other professional. True, it's better to be safe than sorry, but for a typical cold, where the doctors will tell you the same thing and send you on your day, all willy-nilly. I suppose it's his job to help the people, and it's not like they knew any better. But honestly, it's bad enough as people use herbal medicine to cure a dire health issue. Overall, he just missed you. Work had just been torture the past few days. He barely spent time with you. He was trying to catch up with sleep or any leftover paperwork and additional work his manager wanted. So the long hours and exhaustion kept him from you. And he hated it. But today, it just was another level of sucky.

You were at home waiting for John to finish his last meeting so he could come home. You were on edge all day. He was craving the touch of your husband. John was innocent. He never took the chance to explore anything sexual. He did confess to you one drunken night that he had a doctor's kink. It had been a little reason for his reason to pursue his career. Of course, he didn't remember telling you. But it was burned into your mind. You wanted to make his dream a reality. And that's precisely what you were going to do.
You got charged into your most sexy lingerie and a simple outfit, a revealing top with a skirt, topped with stilettos and over-the-knee stockings, completing the look with dark red lipstick.
Then you left for his office, knowing by the time you got there, he'd be collecting his things to go.

You walked through the halls, heels clicking confidently as you walked. You arrived at his office, knocking on the door lightly but enough for him to hear.
"Come in."
You opened the door, smiling widely as you saw he had his back toward the door.
"Well, well. Don't you look sexy?"
John froze slightly and then turned towards the door. He gulped as his gaze set on you.
"Wow, I should be the one saying that. What're you doing here?"
You licked your lips and grinned. You stepped into his office, closing the door behind you.
"I'm bored, and I wanted to see you, doctor."
"You heard me." You pushed him gently into his chair and straddled him.
"You told me before that you had a thing for being referred to as 'doctor', so I thought we'd test it out. Is that okay?"
"Yeah... Yeah. When did I tell you this?"
You started kissing his neck, lipstick staining his skin.
"You were drunk. You also told me how you want to impregnate me and have a few kids."
"I did?"
"Mmhm. Which I don't mind. I want a few kids with you too."
"Mmhm. Why don't you show me how much you want some kids? Come on, doctor. Examine me." you said, pressing your lips to his. He grasped your hips, pulling you closer to him.
Your tongues explored each other's mouths, battling for dominance. You pulled away, kissing down his face to his neck while unbuckling his belt. You dropped his trousers, sinking to your knees. You looked up at him and smirked. You pulled his boxers down, his cock springing upright. You placed kisses on his V-line and around his cock. John groaned. You started kissing his dick towards the tip, proceeding to lick any precum away.
"Stop teasing," John said.
"Tell me what you want from me, doctor."
"Suck my cock. Put them pretty lips around me."
"Yes, Doctor."
You slowly took in his cock, inch by inch, until you couldn't get any more. You massaged the rest of his cock that you couldn't fit in your mouth; John snaked his hand in your hair, gripping it tightly, making you moan. He then thrust his cock down your throat, making you gag. Tears ran down your face.
"Yeah, take in my cock, you slut." he said, practically fucking your face.
"You love your doctor's cock don't you, princess?"
You hummed, sending vibrations around his cock.
"Good girl." he moaned.
You sucked his cock as best as you could with the light thrusts.
"I'm going to cum." he stopped thrusting, allowing you to suck him properly.
Seconds later, warm strings of cum shot down your throat and filled your mouth. Cum and saliva trickled down your mouth, joining in with the tears dripping from your chin.
He pulled his cock out of your mouth slowly, trying not to spill any more of his seed, not wanting to waste a drop. His cock, was still hard, his pubic hair and the skin around it stained red from your lipstick.
"Good girl," he said, watching you swallow the last of his cum. He wiped the side of your mouth with his thumb, collecting whatever escaped, and pushed his thumb into your mouth.
"Well, isn't this the perfect sight? Looking at me like that, lusting for my cock. You're a dirty girl, ain't you?" you knelt there, thumb still in your mouth, starting up at John. His cock inches away from your face.
You must've been some sight; your hair was a mess, mascara and tears running down your face, and red lipstick smudged around your mouth.
John helped you stand.
"Did I do good, sir?"
"God, yes, you did. How about I reward you? Would you like that?"
"Yes, what?"
"Yes, Doctor."
He watched as you slowly took your clothes off. One by one, each article of clothing was discarded onto the floor.
You were left in your favourite lacy underwear that barely covered a thing.
John groaned at the sight.
"You dirty little minx."
"Do you like it, Doctor? I wore it all for you."
He pulled you into a kiss. Once again, fighting for dominance.
He unclipped your bra, throwing it somewhere in the office. He started kissing down your neck, finding your sweet spot quickly. He put his hand beneath your underwear, rubbing his two fingers between your folds. He moaned into your shoulder as he felt your wetness.
He pulled down your underwear, hoisting you onto his desk, pushing whatever was on there onto the floor. He promptly knelt, spending your legs wide, exposing your pussy to him.
"God, you're so beautiful. I could look at you all day."
He blew a breath of air towards your pussy. Sending shivers up your body, moaning at the feeling.
"Let me get a taste of you, baby."
He licked up your clit, moaning at the taste. You panted slightly, trying not to moan loudly.
"Mmm, you taste delicious. Can I have more of you?"
"Yes." You moaned, and not even a second later; he buried his face between your thighs. He was lapping up your wetness.
"Doctor..." you said, moaning.
"What do you want, princess?"
"Use your fingers."
"Oh? You dirty girl. Do you want my fingers in you? Beg for it, princess."
"Please, Doctor. Use your fingers. Make me cum all over them. I'll be a good girl."
"Hmm. Anything for you, Princess."
He slowly pushed a finger into your dripping hole. You moaned at the feeling.
"You like that, huh?"
You moaned at his words. His finger was thrusting slowly in and out of you.
"Please, what?"
"Add another finger, please, Doctor."
He hummed over your clit, adding another finger thrusting into you, moving his fingers around to find the special little spot in you. Once he found it, your body turned into a quaking mess; your legs shook from pleasure and each little thrust. His tongue works wonders on your clit. You felt a build-up in your belly. You tightened around his fingers.
"Doctor, I'm-" you moaned, unable to form a sentence.
"I know, princess. Cum for me."
Your vision went blurry, your breath hitched, and your body trembled. You came hard around his fingers.
"Good girl," he said, pulling his fingers out of you, licking up all your cum, before licking you clean.
You panted hard, gripping the table to try and stabilise yourself.
"Are you okay, Princess?"
"Yes, Doctor."
"Good. Now bend over the table."
"Yes, doctor."
You did as he requested with his help, or else you'd have fallen on the floor. You laid on your front, spreading your legs so he could have a good look at you.
He groaned.
"You're so gorgeous," he said, caressing your ass.
"Are you ready, Princess?"
"Yes, Doctor."
Slowly he guided his cock into you. You both moan at the feeling.
Slowly, he kept thrusting in you so you'd get used to his size.
"Harder. Please," you said.
You didn't have to ask another time. He thrust harder into you. Each thrust jolted your body, your breasts rubbing against his desk.
You moaned with each thrust. He pulled you gently backwards by your hair. Your back pressed against his chest.
He moaned looking at your breasts.
"God, I love how these pretty things bounce with each thrust."
His cock rubbing against your special spot made it harder for you to moan silently. As much as you loved this, you wanted to be vocal. His hand reached down, rubbing your clit.
He was lost in each thrust, staring as your breasts bounced.
He didn't even hear his door knock until it opened, and you squeaked in horror.
"Hi, Doctor Watson, I was just wondering what all the noise is." a nurse asked before leaving in horror. At the disturbance, you both froze.
"Oh shit," you said, covering your face in embarrassment.
"Well, I guess I have to make some grand apology to her and get Mycroft to bribe her silence and an NDA." he said before continuing his thrusts.
"Doctor. Can I cum?"
"No. Your check-up isn't done. Hold it until I say."
You whimpered but nodded.
He continued to rub your clit. You moaned in discomfort and pleasure.
"Please, doctor."
"No. Hold it. I'm nearly there."
With each thrust and rub of your clit you found it harder and harder to hold in your orgasm.
"Please." you whimpered.
"Nearly there, princess."
He thrust faster into you. His release was building up.
"Cum. Now."
With a moan, you both came simultaneously, his semen filling every inch of you.
You were both exhausted, but he made no move to get out of you.
You groaned.
"In a second, princess. I'm making sure it all stays in you."
"Was I a good patient?"
"Oh, you were the best. I'd like to see you for a weekly check-up."
You giggled.
"That can be arranged."
He finally pulled out of you.
He kissed your belly.
"I can't wait for you to get big. You'll look amazing, just like you do now with my I'm dripping down your legs."
"I love you, doctor."
"I love you too, Princess."
"How about we go home and have round 2?" you said, grinning.
"Oh, you read my mind."

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