Sherlock Holmes (part 2)

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Your pov:


Your majesty" A high CEO of some company I failed to remember said as be bowed and left, to tall to other important companies.

Glasses of champagne and whiskey classes clinked as people enjoyed their evening.

"A drink your majesty?" A waiter asked offering me a glass of wine.

"Yes, thank you." I took the glass and took a sip.

I looked around at everyone in the venue, the giggles of women, the deep laughter of men, the chatter of small groups of people, the kissing, the hugging, and men showing off their girlfriends, fiancee or wives to other couples. Something that I want, but can't have.

I, the highest, most important person in the world; The Queen of England. I could bring down the most wealthiest country in the world, by not even batting an eye, was lonely and dreamed of meeting the one. 

I watched as a man come Into the venue, look around him and catch my eye. We locked eye contact for a few minutes before I was distracted by another waiter offering to refill my glass. I looked at my security guard, Alex. I gestured him to come to me.

I whispered in his ear; " Alex, there is something awfully suspicious in the crowd, make sure your guard is up, let the others know. Thank you Alex."

I was now in a conversation with yet another CEO company I cant remember the name off.


The couple I was talking to fell to the ground, bullet holes embedded in their head. My hands flew to my face, I looked up to see a silhouette of someone holding a sniper rifle aimed at my heart.


People rushed passed me blocking the snipers aim,

"Your majesty! Quickly this way!"

My arm was grabbed my Alex, quickly getting me to safety.

~ End of flashback ~

It was now 6:02 in the morning, I didn't get much sleep, nightmares fogged my mind.

I sat on my balcony and watched the sunrise. Once the sun had risen, I ate some fruit.
I got my chamber maid to draw be a bath.
Once I relaxed and cleaned myself. I changed into a emerald green long dress, with gold heels and accessories. My long black hair fixed in a braid. My crown resting on top of my head.

I walked out my room.

"George, get my car ready"

"Yes My Lady."

I walked down the stairs, slowly and elegantly. Maids and butlers, stopping to bow to me, saying 'Good morning your highness.' Where I bow my head slowly in return.

"Your Majesty, your car is ready. Where are you off too?"

"221B Baker street."

"To see Sherlock Holmes ma'am?"


~Time skip~

Alex got out the car, walking around the car opening my side door, offering me a hand to help me out the car.

He closed the car door behind me.

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