John Watson.

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Your pov.

I was sitting I the living room in 221B baker street. Waiting for my boyfriend.
He was on a case with Sherlock Holmes.

The heating wasn't working properly in the flat the only clothes I had was thin clothes. My thick clothes was in my apartment. I walked into the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea. While the kettle was boiling I walked into John's room and 'borrowed' a jumper of his. It was really comfortable and warm and it smelt like him. Once the kettle boiled I finished making the cup of tea.

I walked into the living room and placed my tea on the little table next to John's chair and I sat in his chair. I grabbed my favourite book that was on the table and started to read from where I left of. After a while of reading I was getting really sleepy. So I fell asleep while reading. The book was gently resting on my chest.

A few hours later I was still asleep when John and Sherlock walked through the door.

John's pov

Me and Sherlock was in a taxi on the way back to 221B baker street. I can't wait to see Y/N. I miss her so much. Once we arrived at our apartment. Sherlock got out the taxi making me pay for the taxi.

"I'll pay then!" I shouted. As usual Sherlock didn't answer just walk into 221B.

I payed for the taxi and walked up the stairs and I walked into the living room to see Y/N asleep in my chair with a book on her chest. The thing that caught my eye was that she was wearing one of my jumpers.

I quickly took my phone out and took a picture.

"Y/N. Darling?"  She slowly opened her beautiful eyes and smiled once once seen me. . She then jumped into my arms nearly making me fall.

"I missed you John."

"I missed you to love. C'mon lets get you to bed." I then picked her up bridal style and carried her to my room.

"You look good in my jumpers."

"Yeah? Well you ain't getting this one back its to comfy."

"Okay" I said laughing.

I placed her in bed and placed the duvet over her.


"Yes Y/N?"

"Stay with me please?"

"Okay love, give me a minute." I took my shoes and coat and grabbed some pjs and went to the bathroom to get changed. Then I walked back into my room, and got into bed and as soon as I got comfortable Y/N snuggled into my chest. I wrapped my arm around her and kissed her head.

"I love you Y/N."

"I love you to John."

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