Mycroft Holmes.

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Mycrofts pov.

"Sir, You have a meeting." My secretary said.
"Okay." I said. I sighed.
I followed my secretary into an office.
"Hello Mr. Holmes." My boss asked.
"Hello sir."
"There is good news for me but bad news for you."
"Which is?"
"Well people feel that you need to soften up just a little. So, I am putting an recently orphaned girl in your care. Your secretary will give you a list of things she needs and whatever."
I was shocked.
"I'll pass thanks."
"It's an order Mycroft and if you don't I'll fire you and make sure you don't you wont get hired anywhere and I'll make your life a living hell."
"Fine. When do I meet her?"
"Bring her in Sandra." He said. She left the room and came in a few minutes later with a girl holding a black fluffy teddy bear. She hid behind the woman. She looked about 5 years old
"Be warned Mycroft her family used to abuse her. They beat her, starved her and so much more. But she should warm up to you. I'll leave you and her alone."
They all left the room. The girl just stood there.
She was scared you can tell.
"Hello." I said.
"Hello mister." she said
"I'm Mycroft Holmes. Whats your name?"
"I-Its Y/n Y/l/n. mister."
"Y/n. Your going to come and live with me. Okay?"
"Yes mister."
"Stop calling me 'mister' call me Mycroft. I'm not going to hurt you sweetheart. I'm gonna keep you safe from all the bad guys."
She looked up happily.
"Yeah. So you're going to have to trust me okay?"
"Come on lets go home?"
She smiled and ran up to me.
She grabbed my hand and we walked out the office. People giving us weird looks. She hid a little behind my legs.
"Why are people looking at us?"
"I don't know."
"Is it because my mommy and daddy used to hurt me?"
"No. They are not used to me being kind."
"Why aren't you kind?"
"I'll tell you when your older."

-time skip. 9 months later-

I was in my office in my home. Doing work in my pyjamas. When my door burst open.
"MYCROFT" Y/n screamed
I moved away from my desk and Y/n ran into my arms.
"Whats wrong?" i asked.
"I had a bad dream."
"It won't harm you. It's just something your mind makes up."
"But it was scary!"
"C'mon lets get you back to bed."
Once we got to her room she lied in bed.
"Can you sleep with me? I'm still scared."
I got into her bed and she cuddled up to me
"No one is going to harm you. I promised remember?"
"And you kept it?"
"I'll always keep it sweetheart."
"I love you Daddy."
"I love you too sweetheart."
Her soft snores filled the room. I kissed the top of her head and fell asleep myself.
I didn't think I would have any sentiment towards anyone.
I love Y/n as if she was my own daughter.
The only person worth my sentiment.

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