Sherlock Holmes

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Your Pov.

I was walking to school like any other day. School isn't bad as everyone thinks, but the thing I don't like about it is that I get bullied. Ironic right? Well when your close friends with the smartest boy in the school you tend to become a target. He was the smartest person and well I was the second smartest making me the smartest girl. No one has ever liked me and I was shocked when I became friends with Sherlock Holmes.

I was meeting him before school to study a little bit before school actually started.

I was down the road when I seen the group of girls that hate me and bully me so much.

"Hey look it's the idiot." One of them grabbed me.

"You better wash your hands now. You'll get germs" One of them said causing the rest to start laughing.

"You look ugly. Lets give you a makeover to make you look prettier." Another said and then punched me in the face.

Another punched me in the stomach making me double over in pain and he then kneed me in the face. A crack was heard. My nose started to bleed.

"There. Now you look prettier." They laughed.

I refused not to cry.

"C'mon lets leave the whore." They said walking off in the other direction.

I ran into school and into the toilets I cleaned my nose and splashed water on my face.

My nose was broken. But it looked pretty normal so i'd go to the hospital after school; I cant have a day off it would wreck my high score of how many days I've been at school without a day off!

Sherlock would definitely notice.

I sighed and walked to where I was meeting Sherlock

"Hey Sherlock."

"Hello." He said.

He looked at me and he noticed my nose.

"What happened to your nose?" He said.

Oh no.

"Oh that? I was.....reading and I dropped the book. It was really heavy. It bruised my nose."

"Don't lie to me. Someone attacked you. Your getting bullied. By whom?"

I sighed.

"What? No. that's not it!" I tried to hide it. He stared at me.

"Fine. Its the popular girls. They have bullied me since I started here."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I didn't want you to think i'm weak and I can't stand up to some bullies. I thought if I was to tell you then I would lose you as a friend and I can't do that because you are the first person in my life to show that someone actually cares about me other then my family and even then they don't care that much." I started to cry once again.

"Y/n, you wouldn't have lost me as a friend. Although I believe sentiment is a chemical defect found on the losing side. You are the only exception. Plus you are far from weak. You are one of the strongest person I've ever met."

"Thank-you Sherly." i said hugging him

"Although I have sentiment towards you don't call me Sherly. My name is Sherlock."


He groaned.

"Come on. Lets get you to the nurse."

Sherlock's pov.

I hate how that group of girls are treating Y/n.

I texted my brother. Mycroft as it seems he has loads of sentiment towards Y/n too.

(S- Sherlock. M- Mycroft.)

S- Hello brother.

M- What do you want Sherlock.

S- I need you help.

M- My help? Why?

S- As I have recently been informed Y/n has been bullied. And the bullies beat her up today and as I know you have sentiment towards Y/n I need help getting revenge.

M- Fine. What do you have in mind?

S- Meet me by the maths block. In 10 we will talk there.

M- Fine.

(End of messages)

I met with my brother and we created a plan to get revenge.

~Time skip~

It was after school and I seen Y/n.

"Y/n!" I yelled getting her attention.

"Hello Sherly." I rolled my eyes.

"Can you meet me at the park at 6pm? To study?"

"Yeah sure. I have nothing to do."

"Okay i'll see you later." I said getting into my mothers car.

Later that night we seen the three girls at the park.

Me, Mycroft and Eurus

We silently walked over to the girls and used chloroform on them.

We took them to an abandoned place and tied them to a chair. We asked Eurus to talk to them as she is home schooled and no one knows who she is but everyone knows me and Mycroft. They woke up not long after.

"Well. Well. Well. What do we have here? It has come to my attention that you have been bullying a girl. Which has done absolutely nothing to you. You know who i'm on about?" she asked.

"You mean Y/n? She deserves it."

"NO ONE DESERVES TO BE BULLIED." That made the girls jump.

"If I hear that you have bullied her again I will do more then kidnap you. Do i make myself clear?"

They stayed silent.


"Yes." They said scared.

"Good." We untied them and watched them run away.

"Thanks brother and sister for helping me."

"Your welcome Sherlock. We know how you feel towards Y/n."

I looked at the time.

"I'll catch you guys later I have to meet her at the park."

I ran towards the park and I seen Y/n sitting on the hill where we always sit at in the park.

"Hello." she jumped she looked at me. I seen her nose in some bandage thing while the bruises peaked out from under the dressing.

"Sherly you scared me" She said as I sat next to her.

"I'm sorry. I have good news?"

"Yes" She looked at me

"You wont be bullied again."

"What? Why?"

"That's for me to now and you to never find out."

"Thank you Sherlock." She said resting her head on my shoulder

"Your welcome Y/n" I said resting my head against her head watching the sunset.


My first Sherlock one shot!

This is a request for broadway_0and0_books

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