Mycroft Holmes.

538 13 6

Talks of mental health issues, self harm and suicidal thoughts/ mentions.
I suffer from mental health problems and issues with self harm. But I promise whoever else is going through this, that it's not the end. I promise you. If you ever need to talk I'm available anytime.
This is another request for The_Lonely_Blue I hope you like it!
Requests are open!
You knew how it started. But you didn't know when it started. You had a general idea. But then again times move quick.
You were on all sorts of medication. You tried all sorts of meditation and yoga. Heck and you even tried therapy. Though it helped a lot, you still struggled with your mental health. You even went through a hard time when you did become suicidal and started to self harm to numb the pain. It did help mentally. But not physically.
Mycroft was your number one supporter. He'd let you rant about anything and everything. He was your rock. He took you to each therapy appointment and take you for a sweet treat afterwards. Especially when he seen that you had been crying.
You loved Mycroft. He helped you through so much and showed you what love really was. Which was shocking cause everyone said he was heartless and called everyone goldfish. But he loved you dearly.

Mycroft thought himself lucky. He had the most amazing and beautiful woman in the whole world. He never thought that he would ever meet someone as special as you. When he found out about your mental health he'd do absolutely everything to help you. Heck, he even ruined his diet so you could have some cake after one intense therapy session.

"My love?" You called walking into the living room.
"You have a letter in a golden envelope." You said handing the letter to Mycroft. You kissed him on the cheek and sat on the arm of the chair he was sitting on and wrapped your arm around the back of his neck. He grasped your hand that was resting on his shoulder and gave it a fond kiss. You closed your eyes and rested your head on his. Trying not to get overwhelmed by unknown reasons.
He opened the envelope and read it silently.
He put the letter down and pulled you into his lap. He could sense you were getting overwhelmed and gave you cuddles which helped you a lot.
"Are you okay dear?" He asked softly.
"Yeah. Everything just feels out of place." You sighed.
He squeezed you a little and placed kisses along your arm.
"Hey. Everything will be okay. Do you need anything?"
"Can you just talk to me about something?" You asked shyly.
"Of course I can dear. I've been invited to a ball by the Queen."
"Oh?" You asked intrigued.
"Would you like to come with me?" He asked gently. "If you get overwhelmed we can leave as soon as."
"But I don't want to ruin your night. Maybe I'll just stay home." You said solemnly.
"My dear. You could never ruin any night of mine. If you come we can leave anytime I promise you. The Queen won't mind either. After all we are good friends. She will understand."
"Are you sure?" You asked pulling away from his embrace looking into his eyes.
"Of course. You my dear mean the most to me. So wherever you go. I go."
"I love you Mykie."
"I love you too my dear."
"Does this mean we're going dress shopping?" You asked.
"Yes my dear. But don't worry, we won't be long."
"Okay." You said caressing his cheek.
You pressed a kiss to his lips and he returned the favour.
"When's the ball?" You asked.
"Saturday." He replied.
"Ooh. Well we better go clothes shopping then." You said dreadfully.
"Don't worry my dear. We shall go to the quiet stores. I'll be there with you." Mycroft said noticing your worry.
You smiled.
"Thank you."
"Don't thank my for anything. You deserve everything."
It was the day of the ball. You were nervous. You took your medication as usual in hopes that you'll feel it's effects. You slowly got in your dark purple ball gown. The dress fell beautifully off the shoulders. The sleeves were a light shade of purple mesh. The bodice and top of the skirt as purple rose like petals scattered around. The heart shaped top has details of gold. Your hair was in a nice and tight style with hair strands accenting your face. You added gold earrings to match the gold on the bodice. You wore purple heals to match the dress. The heals were small so if you did need to make a drastic escape, you wouldn't fall over and embarrass yourself.
You say in front of the mirror and sighed. You needed to get it together. You need to deal with this for the evening so Mycroft doesn't look bad.
A knock on your door dragged you from your onslaught of thoughts.
"Darling? Can I come in?" Mycroft called.
You stood away from the mirror.
"Yes. Come in!" You called.
Mycroft slowly opened the door as walked in. He stopped quickly and his jaw dropped when his beautiful eyes fell on you.
"What? Do I look bad?" You asked worriedly.
"What? No! You look... Devine. Gorgeous. Like a princess." He said.
"Really?" You asked dubiously.
"Of course. My beautiful Princess." He said approaching you.
He placed his hands on your waist and in turn you rested your hands of the back of his head.
"You look incredibly handsome." You said. He wore a plain black suit. But wore a purple bow tie to match your dress. His cuff links and tie clip where also gold to match you.
Mycroft smiled.
"Are you sure you want to come?" He asked.
You nodded.
"Yes. I'll be right by your side."
"Did you take your medication?"
You nodded once again.
"I'm proud of you my dear." He said.
"Are we ready to go?"
"I'm ready if you are my dear."
"Let's go then!" You and Mycroft pulled apart.
Once by the front door Mycroft turned and bowed in front of you offering his hand to you.
"My Lady."
You giggled and curtsied.
"My Lord."
"May i grace myself with your presence and take you to the ball?" He asked. Hand out still awaiting yours.
"You may." You placed your hand in Mycrofts and he kissed your knuckles gently.
"Shall we?"
"We shall." You giggled.
You both left the house and got into the fancy car awaiting you. Mycroft of course being the gentleman he is helped you into the car first and he then followed suit.
On the way to Windsor Castle where the ball was being held, your hands shook with anxiety so you started playing with your fingers to ease the anxiousness. Mycroft of course noticed this and placed his hand on yours. You looked at Mycroft.
"Hey, it's going to be okay. I promise."
"We won't stay long."
"No no. We can stay a while. I don't want you to ruin your reputation for me."
"Darling. My reputation means nothing to me. Where as you mean to world." He said bringing your hand to kiss your hand once again.
The car pulled to a stop.
"We are here. Are you ready?" He asked.
"Yeah. I love you Mycroft."
"I love you more darling." He exited the car and opened your door helping you out.
He offered his arm to you and you took it.
You took a deep breath and kept chanting your inner mantra. It's going to be okay. I'm okay. It's all okay. I have Mycroft so it makes things okay.
You and Mycroft walked into the ball room full of loads of people. Many beautiful ladies with the most extravagant dress and men in all kinds of coloured suits.
"Hey. You okay?" Mycroft asked you.
"Hmm? Oh yeah. I'm fine."
"Come on. Let me introduce you to a few people."
"Okay." You followed Mycroft.
As the night went on your anxiety increased and increased. You weren't there long but you couldn't bare it no more. But Mycroft looked happy. He was enjoying himself and you didn't want to ruin that.
"Hey Mycroft?" You whispered in his ear.
"Yes Darling?"
"I'm going to the loo."
"Would you like me to come with? I'll wait outside?" He whispered back.
"No no. Just stay here. I'll be back shortly." You said and reached up and kissed his cheek.
"Okay." You let go of Mycroft and walked towards the toilets. You locked yourself in a stall and rested your head on the door and fought the tears in your eyes. Your hands shook as you reached your hair. You pulled the pin out of your hair style and let your beautiful curles fall down your back.
You had to go. You couldn't take the anxiety and panic. You didn't want to tell Mycroft.
You left the toilet and took a long way around to the exit avoiding the ball all together.
"Miss! Shall I let Mr Holmes know to meet you out here?" A guard asked you.
"Oh! No thank you." You replied wiping your tears away.
"Are you okay Miss?" He asked.
"Yeah. Yeah. If Mycroft asks where I am. Can you just tell him I'm walking home? And I'm sorry?" You asked the guard.
"Yes of course. Anything for you and Mr Holmes. He and his Brother saved my life. So anything to ease his worry."
"Thank you." You said walking away. You started to walk the long way home.
After about ten minutes Mycroft grown concerned of your whereabouts. He checked the ladies toilets that where available for the guests. He checked the hallways that were still in limits for the guests. He then asked a guard.
"Did you see my guest leave? She was in a purple dress."
"The one that was crying? Yes sir. She asked me to tell you that she's okay and she's walking home."
Mycrofts face grew more concerned.
"Oh dear. Thank you." He said running out to the car. He ordered his driver to drive the usual way home hoping to see you. He rang your phone but there was no answer.
"Damn it!"
"Drive around the other streets. See if you can see her!" He ordered the driver.
Mycroft scaled the streets in hope to find you.
When there was no sign of you he decided to go home and call his brother and the whole of Scotland Yard.
When he got home he rushed into the house. He stopped shortly to the sound of crying. His worry vanished as he heard the cries.
"Darling?" He called walking into the bedroom.
You where in a heap on the floor. Your dress around you spread elegantly as you cried.
"Oh darling!" He said pulling you into a hug.
"I'm so glad your safe."
You cried harder at his words.
He gently rocked you as you cried and played with your hair gently. Your cries slowed down but you were hyperventilating.
"Deep breaths okay?" He placed your hand on his chest to feel his heart beat.
"Breath the same time as me." He said. He slowly breathed in and you copied his actions. He held his breath for a few seconds watching you do the same. He slowly breathed out through his nose and you still copied him. This happened a few times until you were breathing normally.
"I'm so so sorry Mycroft. I went to the toilet and it all got too much and I just didn't want to tell you cause you were enjoying yourself so I thought hey he can still enjoy him self while I weren't here so I left. I'm so sorry." You rambled and tears fell down your face.
Mycroft gently brushed the tears away and kissed your forehead.
"It's okay. I understand. I'm not mad. I was just worried something happened to you. Your safe now. Nothing will ever harm you while I'm around."
"Thank you Mykie."
"Your welcome. How's about we get into something comfy. Order some takeout and snacks and we watch some movies or a tv show you like?"
"I'd like that."
You and Mycroft ordered some takeout and got into comfy clothes and brought down the most fluffiest blanket you owned and cuddled on the sofa.
"This is way better then any ball." Mycroft said. "I have you in my arms and that's the best thing ever. I love you so much." He said.
"I love you too Mykie. Thank you."
"Don't thank me. You deserve all my love."
You smiled and cuddled into Mycroft a little more. Best night ever.

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