Sherlock Holmes

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Your pov.

Sherlock was sitting in his chair, in his usual position. I was cleaning the flat and moving bits of furniture around. It was really silent so I connected my phone to a Bluetooth speaker and started playing some music. Once I finished I looked at the time. It was only midday. I decided to get a Christmas tree and loads of decorations.

"John! Would you like to come shopping with me?"

"Yeah let me get ready."

"Okay. Sherly. Do you want to come want to come with us?"

"No thank you I'm on a case. We also need milk if your going to the store."

"Okay. Bye Sherly I'll see you later." I kissed his cheek and grabbed my coat and bag.

"Goodbye darling." Sherlock replied.

"C'mon John lets go." We caught a taxi to the store. We got a medium sized Christmas tree and loads of decorations for it and the rest of the flat. I also got a few things like milk, bread, tea. Just basic food.

Once we got back I noticed Sherlock wasn't here. But there was a note.

Hello Y/N and John.

I've gone out for another case i won't be home until later.
See you later.

I smiled.

This means this will be a surprise for Sherlock. John helped me put the tree up, decorate it and the room. It felt a lot like Christmas!

I heard foot steps coming towards the flat

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I heard foot steps coming towards the flat. I knew it was Sherlock, when he opened the door he stood there shocked. I laughed.

"Surprise Sherlock."

"You done this?"

"With the help of John.

I walked over to Sherlock and wrapped my arms around him. I felt him copy my actions and buried his face into my neck. I smiled. I pulled away. I looked him in the eyes.

"Merry Christmas Sherlock." I kissed him.

"I love you Y/N."

"I love you to Sherly."

"Aww guys I'm still here you know?!"

"Merry Christmas John!" I said.

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