Mycroft Holmes.

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He wasn't normal. Well, as society thinks anyway. But he wasn't someone who could do simple things easily. He'd loose himself in thought easily, or focus so much on something that he doesn't know what time it is.

The one thing he most definitely couldn't do, was ask you on a date.

How could he? You were the most beautiful woman in the world. He claimed that he had no emotions. That everyone was a goldfish in his eyes. Deep down, he knew that his fears and emotions would be easy for her to discover and understand. The walls he built around his heart would crumble with just a smile on her face.

But his insecurities got In the way, like they had been since he was nothing big a child. He was bullied in school. All cause he was chubby. He never had many friends, nor a girlfriend for that matter. Anyone he did like and asked to prom or to be his valentine, they'd laugh in his face, they'd make fun out of him for even having the thought of him even coming to talk to them. They'd call him a freak, they'd call him fat, say that he was the most unimportant person in the whole world and sadly enough, they'd tell him to die, to kill himself, that everyone including his family was better off without him.

So Mycroft changed. He threw himself into his studies. He never made friends. He never seen anyone as attractive or good looking. He became smart, using his IQ to his advantage, using his deduction skills against his opponents. He focused on him and his future. It worked out for him in the end. He became one of the most important person in the British Government. Though, in the end. He was shy but stern. He never let anyone bother him or his family. He never let anyone walk over him again. Anxiety run rampant throughout his body. Any time he wasn't doing business or helping Sherlock in some way, he was anxious. He couldn't silence his mind. If something happened, like someone got his order wrong, or if something was wrong he couldn't speak up for himself. If on the odd occasion when his boss was ripping him a new one, cause he didn't have the courage to do so. Even if Mycroft hadn't done anything wrong.

Then he met you. The most stubborn, fiery, sassy woman he'd ever met. You were shouting at his boss, red in the face, clearly very angry. His boss looked humiliated. You were shouting at him for the treatment of Sherlock. Apparently, boss man was very rude and insensitive to Sherlock and you didn't take it one bit. Before Sherlock could even ounce a deduction the man's way, you belittled the man so much, that Mycroft swore he seen a tear. Sherlock seen his brother watching the scene unfold, once you had calmed down he was quick to introduce you to Mycroft. As soon as Mycroft saw your smile, he fell in love. As much as his brain told him not too. His heart cried for you.

But he was afraid. How could he let you in? How could he keep his distance? You were out of his league.

Every time he seen you next, you'd compliment him, whether it's a new tie, or a different colour suit, you would
Always have something to say. You also greeted him always with a smile. He also discovered that you were a big hugger, and he'd long for your touch every time you'd meet. He'd blush at your comments, at your sweet smile at your hugs. He'd need a moment to collect his thoughts, push the longing to have you away.

You would frequent his office, joining him for lunch or if he had some free time. So much so, that Mycroft would always be sure to order from your favourite restaurants, or favourite bakery's, just so he could see your smile when you'd enter his office.

He fell for you hard and you fell for him.

He finally managed to ask you out, to his surprise and fear, you said yes. Your words and beautiful smile silenced his anxiety, his fears and his insecurities. You made him feel like the most important and amazing person in the world. You showed him his importance, and you stuck up for him if someone was rude or horrible to Mycroft.

As the years went on his love for you increased, he was scared to ask you to move in with him incase you said no. Just in case you'd say no, and humiliate him. Of course you said yes. You were really really happy once he asked. You were excited for the new step in the relationship with him. You were both hopelessly in love and you didn't care about anyone's thoughts or feelings about your relationship. You met his parents not long after you officially moved in. He was nervous and prayed that his parents didn't bring up the shamefulness of his childhood. But as most parents do, they brought out the baby photos, you and his Mother gushed on how Mycroft was such a cute baby. He was embarrassed of course, but loved how you so easily got on with his family.

You got him a promise ring for your anniversary, promising to be with him and love him forever, needless to say, he cried. You brought him into your arms and told him everything you loved about him. True, it might've made him cry a bit harder, but once the tears subsided and you looked at him, so helplessly in love, he knew you were the one who he wanted to spend eternity with and he would do anything in his power to do that, and so would you.

You were both enamoured with each other. But both of you wouldn't have it any other way. You were perfect, and that's all that matters.

So previously asked if i should add smut into this book, or create a new book entirely, I didn't get many answers, so I thought I'd re ask here. Seems as people are more likely to read this then a general published note. It's just he whole thing of I feel like it might be too random to add now, like 104 chapters in. What do you guys think?
So do you want smut in this book or a new book?

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