John Watson

442 14 0

Your pov.

I was walking to 221B baker street to see my brother.

I knocked on the large black door. Mrs Hudson answered with a bright smile. 

"Hello dear! Come in!"

"Thanks Mrs Hudson."

I walked up the stairs and into the flat.

"Hello brother."

"Hello sister."

"How are you today Sherly?"

"I'm fine. And don't call me Sherly. My names Sherlock."

"I know but I always call you that."

I walked over to my brother and hugged him. As I was hugging him the door opened.

"Hello Sherlock. Who's this?" An unknown person said.

I released my brother from my grasp and turned to see the person.

"Oh John your here. This is Y/N Holmes. My sister she is like Mycroft but she is in control of the police, fire stations and hospitals. The emergency call people."

"Hello." I said and offered my hand for him to shake

"Hello." He replied grasping my hand, shaking hands.

"Any way the main reason I'm here is that there has been another murder, and I thought you would like it."

"I'll go. But my accomplice has to come to."

"Fine. The car is outside. Come on. We are going to grab a coffee on the way."

"If you don't mind me asking who's the eldest out of you to?"

"I am." I said. Sherlock huffed in annoyance.


"Any way come on."

"What do you do Dr Watson?"

"I was in the Afghanistan war as an army doctor and now i work as a doctor in St. Barts"

"Oh how nice. What do you guys want from the cafe? C'mon make it quick."

"Black coffee with two sugars."

"Can I have a tea. With two sugars and some milk please?"

"Coming up."

I quickly got out car and into the cafe. I ordered the drinks. And  I made my way back to the car. I gave the boys their drink.

We arrived at the crime scene about 15 minutes later.

Sherlock rushed to the body leaving me and John behind.

"Hey Y/N?"


"Do you want to grab a coffee sometime?" John said shyly.

"Of course."

"Do you want my number so we can arrange a date?"

"I'll get your number. It's easy to find."

"Oh right. The British government."

"Yeah. Dear old Mycroft."

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