John Watson.

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Y/n pov

I smile as the clouds slowly disappear in the sky, letting the sun have all the glory. I look at the red traffic light. Wishing that it would change already. I had places to be. I needed to see my brother dearest. I haven't seen him in years. Its about time I see him. 

When the lights turned green, I drove all the way to Baker street. I parked on the side of the road and looked at the small cafe. I got out the car and looked down at my leg. Well, my fake leg. I lost it in an unexpected explosion. Thankfully, I had the knowledge to build one, kind of like a robot leg. I am basically a female version of Tony Stark, a word famous person who loves a party. I just don't have something in my chest and I don't have one night stands. I haven't seen my family since before my accident so they didn't know. I seen the paparazzi coming around the corner so I quickly locked my car door and knocked the door to 221B, while also straightening the door knocker. An old woman opened the door, I looked to see the paparazzi getting closer.

"Are you here to see Sherlock?" She said sweetly.

"Yes, please let me in." I said quickly. She moved out the way to let me in.

"Hey, I know you!"

"You do?"

"Yes! your the famous Y/n! the millionaire!"

"Yes, i am."

"Oh! You want Sherlock!"

I smiled.

"Follow me!" she walked up the stairs. 

Once at the top of the stairs she opened the door and walked in.

"Sherlock, John, you have a visitor!"

They both looked up at me.

I looked at Sherlock.

Sherlock stared back in awe.

"Hello, brother dear. Miss me?"


He shot up from his seat, took some steps towards me and brought me in a hug 

"I missed you so much. We thought you died. Our parents and Mycroft. I can't believe your here. what happened?" he said pulling away from me.

"Introduce me to your boyfriend first Sherlock"

"I am not gay! Why does everyone think we are a couple?"

"That's John Watson. My flatmate and close friend. And that's Mrs Hudson; the landlady."

"And i'm not your housekeeper!" she added.

I felt some pain in the top of my leg.

I pulled a face. 

"Whats wrong?" Sherlock asked.

"I need to sit down, and I'll explain everything."

Sherlock helped me onto the couch.

"Thank you Sherlock."

"What happened to you?"

"It's a long story. Are you sure you want to know?"


He sat on his usual seat and Mrs Hudson sat next to me. 

"It all started five years ago... I didn't long become a multi-millionaire, People always called me the 'Female live version of tony Stark' I worked for the British and American government; i was their best agent. I always had successful missions, I helped build things to send into space! I worked with the Mafia. Everyone that was so rich because of the government. We had to go through some country, some one filled with terrorists, obviously we didn't know. we were ambushed. There was a massive explosion. My car was sent flying. I was unconscious, I didn't wake up until 2 weeks after the accident. I lost my leg." I paused, I looked at Sherlock. His eyes held sadness and sympathy. Whilst John and Mrs Hudson had a shock ridden face.

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