Greg Lestrade.

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This is another request for The_Lonely_Blue I hope you like it!!

Your eyes opened slowly as a smile etched it way on your face. You sleepily reach over the covers to cuddle your boyfriend of three years, only to be met with the cold blanket you sighed and grabbed your phone, pulling out the charger and checking your notifications. One message caught your eye.

From: My Handsome Detective.

Hey beautiful, I had to leave for work early. Another case come up! It's a hug one. Director said with this I'm looking for a raise! Can you believe it?! Anyway, I miss you beautiful.

You sighed. He forgot. Your third anniversary and he forgot. You blinked tears away as you got up from the bed and quickly made it. Whilst putting the decorative cushions into the bed your phone rang.

You looked at your caller ID and seen it was John.

"Hey John!" You said answering the call.
"Hey! Happy Anniversary to you and Greg!"
"Oh. Thanks John." You said a bit glum.
"Are you okay?" He asked concerned.
"Yeah. It's nothing. Just he forgot our anniversary."
"Oh no. I'm so sorry Y/n."
"Don't worry about it."
"Hey, how's about we go out somewhere. Like the good old times."
"You sure? I don't want you doing it out of pity that my boyfriend don't even remember an important date."
"Of course not. It's your special day and you need company. I'll be over in an hour." John said and hung up.
You got dressed and put on some light makeup.
You had a quick breakfast and coffee before you heard the front door knock. You opened it and smiled at John whilst stepping out the door.
"Hi John!" You said hugging him before locking the door behind you.
"Hi Y/n. How you doing."
"Yeah I'm alright. Just upset he forgot. I mean it's been three years!"
"I know I know. Cmon let's go shopping."
"Shopping? But you hate shopping?"
"What can I say. I want you to have a fun day and I know you like shopping."
"Oh John I can't ask you to do that." You said.
"Well you aren't asking. I'm offering." John smiled.
"Cmon. Let's turn that frown, upside down!"
You laughed at his optimism.
"Okay. Let's go!"
You and John walked side by side towards the shopping centre.
You went through nearly every single store much to Johns demise.
When walking out of one store, shopping bags in hand you noticed a lovely green velvet dress, the arms were made of a green lace with golden stars all across the velvet, on a mannequin in another store.
"Oh John isn't it lovely!" You gushed.
"Hmm? Oh yeah." He agreed half heartedly.
"C'mon! I want to try it on!"
John groaned.
"Things I do for you!" He said.
"C'mon!!" You said dragging him into the store. You found the dress and grabbed it in your size and went to the dressing room. You tried it on and fell in love with how it loved on you.
You stepped out the dressing room to show John.
"John? What do you think?" Johns eyes widened.
"Wow Y/n! You look amazing!"
"I think I'm going to get it!"
"Yes! You should!"
"Okay!" You went back into the changing room and got changed in your previous clothes. You walked out and seen a lovely set of sparky green heals to match. You grabbed your size and walked to the checkout.
"Do you want to come with me and Mary would want to go for drinks later?"
"I'd love too! It's been a while since we've done something "
"Great! I'll go home and get ready. I'll text you!" You said to him.
John as the gentleman he is walked you home and carried your shopping.
"Thanks John. I had a lot of fun."
"You very welcome! I'll see you later!"
You hugged John and said your goodbyes.
You walked into your house and started getting ready.
You ran yourself a bath with loads of bubbles. You relaxed for a while before getting out and getting changed in your new dress and shoes. You done your makeup once again and done a nice red lipstick.
You looked in the mirror and sighed. Stuck in the frame of the mirror was a photo of you and Greg hugging each other laughing. Does he care? Does he still love you? You shook your head to get rid of the thoughts running rampant in your mind.
Your phone went of and you seen a lease of John saying that Sherlock will pick you up in 20 minutes.
You smiled. You were glad John was your best friend and you were glad you were his. Apart from Sherlock of Course.
The twenty minutes passed quickly. You waited outside for Sherlock.
You seen him approach your house.
"Hi Sherlock." You said hugging him gently.
"Hello Y/n. Happy anniversary to you and George."
You smiled at what he called Greg.
"Thank you. But I don't think he remembers."
"Oh. That's not like him is it?"
"No. It's okay though."
"No it's not okay. Geff should remember. You've been together three years."
"I know. It's okay Sherlock. Honestly."
Sherlock didn't respond but led you down the road.
"You look beautiful though." Sherlock said.
You smiled up at Sherlock.
"Thank you."
You followed Sherlock to a small pub nearby.
You turned the corner and went to look at Sherlock to see that he was nowhere to be seen.
"Sherlock?" You called.
You walked further inside to a dark room. The doors suddenly closed behind you and locked.
You turned around and tried rattling the door.
"Hello?" You called knocking the door.
A light turned on behind you. Slowly and cautiously you turned back to see where the light was coming from. In the spotlight you seen a familiar figure.
"Greg?" You called stepping towards him.
"Hello my love." He said and smiled.
"What's going on? We're locked in here?" You asked him.
"It's okay my love. I have something I want to tell you." He said grabbing your hands gently.
"First of, you look absolutely beautiful. You are an absolute goddess." You smiled and blushed at his words.
"My love, the past three years have been the most amazing years of my life. I love waking up to you, I love watching you dance around the kitchen in my T-shirt when you think I'm not around. I love your smile. The list goes on. I couldn't ever see my life without you. You make me into a better person. You show me what true love really is. And I love you so damn much. I'm so lucky to have you in my life." He said. You blinked tears from out your eyes. He dropped to one knee and pulled out a ring.
"What I'm saying is, you make me complete. So will you do me the honour of being my wife and marrying me?"
"Yes! Yes! Of course I'll marry you." He slid the ring onto your finger and pulled you in a hug.
"I love you so much Greg." You said kissing him slowly.
"I love you more."
All the lights around you both turned on and you seen you were surrounded by all your friends. They all ran towards you both and hugged you simultaneously.
"You guys knew?" You asked.
"Of course. We had to distract you somehow." John said.
"I really thought you forgot our anniversary." You said to Greg.
"I would never forget the most important day of my life." He said pressing his forehead to yours. "I could never forget you either. I'm sorry if you thought i didn't care."
"No, don't apologise. I love you." You whispered to him.
"I love you more."

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